Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sheilaaliens - Local Tucson Woman Hunts for UFOs - KVOA4 News - 2010

Yes. This is me! Sheila. AKA Sheilaaliens AKA (now) Sheilaalien
omfg. embarrassing @_@ hehe
the webcams they had stiffies over:

UFO, 2 glowing orbs over Missouri, HD, October 8 2011

"My wife witnessed 2 glowing orbs in the sky while she was driving down our street on SE Sherrett St. She has an incredible video that she shot from her iPhone, through her windshield. The lights spun around each other and then descended to the ground where they then went behind some trees and out of view. She is very reluctant to share this experience, so I am writing this for her. The video is 34 seconds long, and it is incredible."