Thursday, August 9, 2012

The last preparations of the army for 2012 (Many tank) "AMAZING"!!

Alien Sighting 24 8/8/12 : Full Body Footage + Mind Contol ?

by ThePolishedKnob

This happened at about 8:30 tonight, me and my mate pommy were in the kitchen and looking outside and saw some slight movment, pommy got the cam and we went outside but from about 0.42-1.02 I remember nothing, do I call this mind control or missing time ? since we have been looking outside for the past 2 hours and seen nothing

UFO Sightings South Carolina UFO Hunters Needed! 2012 Mass Sighting

UFO Sightings Calling All UFO Hunters From Around The World! Nows Your Chance To Make History, Joe Kiernan needs your help to film UFOs with professional Video equipment we may unlock this mystery! he is inviting the public Find Joe Kiernan link below!!

UFO Analyzed and Enhanced Footage of The Best Flying Saucer Caught in HD WATCH NOW!

UFO Analyzed and Enhanced Footage of The Best Flying Saucer Caught in HD WATCH NOW! In The Video Still you can see the Object is Behind the trees,calculation for the size of UFO is about 20-30 feet in Size! John Bondalion Footage Granted to Thirdphaseofmoon. If You have Captured anything amazing regarding UFOs contact Thirdphaseofmoon Via Skype!

Syria - Fighters for freedom or Sharia? Watch and think about it...

By: Markan72

I don't know much about Assad and his system but i get sure more and more that these guys can't be good for the future of Syria and the world....they call for jihad,not for a free Syria.... - Syria - Fighters for freedom or Sharia? Watch and think about it...