Friday, August 31, 2012

Syria - FSA Fighters down another MiG 23 Jet near Idlib (30/8/12)

1) Footage of the Pilots parachuting down and a burning wreckage.
2) Footage of one of the two pilots dead after ejecting from the plane.
3) Footage of the wreckage burning up close.
4) Footage of the wreckage no longer burning in the hands of the FSA.

 - Syria - FSA Fighters down another MiG 23 Jet near Idlib (30/8/12)

Syria - EXTREME GRAPHIC - Dead FSA rebels 30/08

Gruesome footage from dead FSA rebels after Syrian Air Forces airstrike. - Syria - EXTREME GRAPHIC - Dead FSA rebels 30/08

Syria - SAA footage on TV-News 29/08 2 Vids

yrian Arab Army house to house cleaning - Syria - SAA footage on TV-News 29/08 2 Vids

Syria - Syrian rebel group shows dead SAF pilot 30/08

Syrian Martyrs Brigade said in a statement that the plane was
brought down near the town of al-Thayabiya,
group shows dead Syrian Air Forces pilot

Shot down and pilot ejection video: - Syria - Syrian rebel group shows dead SAF pilot 30/08

RAW - Combat Footage from Martyrs Battalion of the South - 29/08

Raw footage from a fighter from the Martyrs Battalion of the South. Street/Alley fighting from the neighborhood Alasali, Damascus. 29/08. - RAW - Combat Footage from Martyrs Battalion of the South - 29/08

Free Syrian Army Fighting in Homs - 30/08 - Free Syrian Army Fighting in Homs - 30/08

18+ Assad MIG 23 Wreckage Burns on Ground after Coming Down in Clashes i...

'Morsi slams Assad at NAM summit at US bidding'

by RussiaToday

The Syrian delegation has walked out on a session of the Non-Aligned movement in Tehran. They were angered at a speech by Egyptian leader Mohammed Morsi, who called President Assad's regime oppressive.

Syria's foreign minister said the comments amounted to inciting further violence in the country. RT spoke to journalist and broadcaster Neil Clark, who believes Morsi's statement was unbalanced at best.

UFO Sightings Incredible Daytime Sighting Flying Saucer or Drone? Watch ...

Thursday, August 30, 2012

18+ Syria Freedom Fighters Stop Dictator Assad Rocket Battalion Attacks ...

18+ Syria Freedom Fighters Stop Assad Armed Shabiha Terror Gang That Was...

Iran's Six Major Defense Achievements

by PressTVGlobalNews

On 21 August 2012 Iran unveiled six new major defense achievements on the national defense industry day in the presences of the President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Defense minister general brigadier Ahmad Vahidi and minister of Communication and Information Technology Reza Taghipour were also present at the ceremony.

Each officials lauding the successes and stressing that Iran is a peace-loving nation and has the capability and the preparedness to fend for itself in the event of a strike by its sworn enemies.

In recent years Iran has obtained self-sufficiency in producing essential military equipments and systems. Iran's defense industry has been able to produce 1436 different products to be used by the air force, navy and the ground forces.

This edition of the show takes a look at Iran's defense industry achievements and why they have become so important and strategic.

Watch this video on our Website:

Kepler Space Telescope Discovers Tatooine-Like Twin Star/Twin Planet System

by slatester


Star Wars fans rejoice, a Tatooine-like planet has been discovered.

NASA's Kepler space telescope has discovered a binary—or a planet revolving around a pair of stars —nearly 5,000 light years away. Tatooine, the iconic home planet of Luke and Anakin Skywalker in the Star Wars series, is also binary revolving around two stars, Tatoo I and Tattoo II.
This real life binary however also involves two planets, Kepler-47b, which completes its orbit around the two stars in 49 days, and an outer planet Kepler-47c, which finishes its orbit in 303 days. The latter planet is in the habitable zone, meaning it could have liquid water, but remains gaseous and not suitable for life (unless you count C-3P0).

Now, all we need is a video reaction from a blessed-out Star Wars fan ..."double binary ... all the way!"

UFO Sightings UFOs Over Football Stadium HD VIDEO! August 29 2012 Watch ...

by thirdphaseofmoon

UFO Sightings UFOs Over Football Stadium HD VIDEO! August 29 2012 Watch Now! New Footage Just into Thirdphaseofmoon! If you have captured anything Amazing regarding UFOs contact Thirdphaseofmoon Via Skype!


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

8 Langkah Melihat Kembaran Gaib Sendiri

Cerpen Horor - Masih ingat artikel Mau lihat hantu anak-anak? Ini caranya. Postingan sekarang masih berhubungan dengan cara melihat makhluk astral. Tapi, makhluk ini adalah kembaran kita sendiri. Setiap orang tentu memiliki kembaran gaib yang tidak bisa dilihat dengan mata telanjang. Butuh mata batin untuk melihatnya. Delapan langkah ini adalah cara yang dinilai bisa membuat kita melihat kembaran gaib kita. Berani? Oke, langsung saja.

  1. Cabut 7 helai rambut kepala. 
  2. Ambil 7 potongan kuku tangan atau kaki. 
  3. Jika sudah, letakkan dua benda dari tubuh Anda pada sehelai kain putih (apa saja, yang penting warna terbanyak putih). 
  4. Gulung potongan kuku bersama kain putih tersebut. 
  5. Siapkan satu buah Jeruk Purut, dan peras sampai habis. 
  6. Teteskan di kain putih yang sudah di gulung itu.
  7. Letakkan kain yang berisi rambut dan kuku itu di taman atau halaman rumah, atau di mana pun asal dekat pagar. Sebisanya, jangan sampai orang lain tahu. Tidak perlu ditanam, cukup diletakkan di dekat tumbuhan. Sembunyikan di antaranya.
  8. Tunggu hingga 7 hari. Kembaran gaib kita itu akan hadir tepat selesainya 7 malam dan belum sampai ke malam kedelapan. Dia akan hadir di mana saja dan takkan menggangu. Kemunculannya hanya sepintas saja, sekitar 7 menit. Kembaran itu akan menirukan apa yang pernah kita lakukan atau yang sedang kita kerjakan. Tapi, dia tidak bisa dilihat orang lain, hanya kita saja. [CJ]
Sumber: Browiez


*Saudara pengunjung setia situs saya ini, mungkin penasaran juga ingin melihat wujud makhluk halus seperti Jin, Tuyul, Genderuwo dan lain sebagainya, Saudara bisa coba dengan ramuan alami dari tumbuh-tumbuhan yang berguna membuka extra sensorik mata halus anda agar bisa menangkap makhluk dari alam lain, Nah silahkan dicoba.
Cara pertama:
siapkan kapur (kapur sirih) dan kunyit. kemudian kunyit dicuci bersih,diparut, dan diolah dengan kapur sirih sampai merata (kaya bikin adonan). Setelah selesai, oleskan adonan tadi dari ujung alis kiri sampai ujung alis kanan, dan merata sampai kelopak mata atas. Oleskan setiap malam Jumat Kliwon sebelum tidur, esok harinya bersihkan dengan air biasa. Perlu 40x Jumat Kliwon utk melihat dengan jelas si makhluk gaib.

Cara Kedua:
Bagi yang sudah benar-benar bertekad, coba gunakan cara ini. Carilah sebuah rumput namanya Rumput Sulanjana dan adas pulasari (adas bisa beli di toko jamu jawa atau tempat beli kembang untuk nyekar ), cara mengolah dan pakainya sama dengan cara pertama. klau cara ini 1x oles langsung jadi!!, Kalau berani silahkan coba praktekkan.

Cara Ketiga (bagi yang muslim) :
Baca Ya Baathin 9x putaran tasbih yang jumlahnya 99 buah berarti 900x di malam hari di kamar yang gelap dan sunyi. Pejamkan mata dan pandang terus pangkal hidung sampai ada berkas cahaya berwarna-warnii,biasanya pada putaran ke-8 sudah terlihat cipratan cahaya, setelah putaran ke 9 terlihat jelas lingkaran cahaya putih bersinar, baca terus Yaa Baathinu perlahan-lahan sampai cahaya tadi hilang dengan sendirinya. Cara ini diamalkan selama 1 minggu.

Tambahan dari saya nih.
**Waktu saya pernah di ijazahkan oleh guru saya tentang bagaimana melihat Gaib, nah kalau anda ingin mencoba dan bermental kuat bacalah surat Al-Jin sebanyak 40x dimalam hari ya! Jangan siang dia pasti gak mau muncul. Biasanya belum sampai 40x tanda-tanda kedatangan dia sudah kita rasakan, dari bulu kuduk merinding, gemetaran seluruh tubuh kita, Nah anda jangan takut teruskan baca surat Al-Jin tersebut sampai hitungan yang ditetapkan, Biasanya kita akan melihat sebuah cahaya putih didepan kita dan samar-samar, Nah kalau kemunculan Jin tersebut sudah ada Ucapkan SALAM kepadanya dan minta dia menampakan wujud sesuai kemampuan anda. Anda berani mencobanya saya persilahkan.
Atas kehendakNya Anda dapat menyelami alam gaib yang tidak semua orang bisa melihatnya,Berbuatlah kebaikan dengan lisan maupun perbuatan anda. 

4 cara makhluk astral halus gaib Hantu Makhluk Astral Menakut-Nakuti Manusia

Kupas Tuntas - Kehidupan manusia di dunia ini memang tidak akan pernah luput dari kehidupan dunia lain. Betapa tidak keberadaan makhluk-makhluk halus di sekeliling merupakan hal yang nyata. Berbagai macam fenomena yang terjadi di lingkungan menjadi tanda bahwa keberadaan makhluk halus itu memang ada. Namun yang menjadi masalah bagaimana cara makhluk-makhluk halus menakut-nakuti manusia di sekitar kita? Berikut adalah 4 Cara Makhluk Halus / Gaib / Hantu / Makhluk Astral Menakut-Nakuti Manusia:
1.Rabaan dan sentuhan
Adanya suatu sentuhan atau rabaan merupakan salah satu tanda adanya makhluk halus. Keberadaan makhluk halus dapat juga ditandai dengan terjadinya rabaan atau sentuhan. ketika kita berada sendirian di sebuah ruangan tiba-tiba merasakan pundak atau tengkuk ada yang meraba atau menyentuh. Bahkan bukti lain adanya makhlus halus yakni hembusan angin yang terasa ditubuh. Hal ini merupakan pertanda adanya makhluk halus di ruangan yang sedang menunjukkan penampakan dirinya.
2. Visual
Sebenarnya banyak cara yang dapat dilakukan agar dapat melihat penampakan makhluk halus secara visual. Penampakan secara visual dapat terjadi baik secara jelas kasat mata atau samar-samar. Salah satu contoh jika melihat penampakan secara nyata misal penampakan yang berupa wujud anak-anak anak-anak, wanita dewasa, orangtua bahkan dalam wujud-wujud lain. Lain halnya dengan penampakan yang terjadi secara samar-samar yakni jika makhluk halus tersebut menunjukkan keberadaannya dalam wujud sekelebat bayangan atau gerakan sesosok tubuh tertentu. Penampakan secara samar-samar makhluk halus juga sering melibatkan benda-benda tertentu. Benda-benda lain yang tiba-tiba bisa berpindah tempat tanpa ada memindahkannya benda tersebut.
3. Aroma
Bukan hanya manusia yang memakai aroma seperti parfum ternyata makhluk halus juga sering menggunakan aroma. Hal ini ditujukan agar dapat menunjukkan keberadaannya seperti wangi harum bunga. Jika tiba-tiba dalam sebuah ruangan tercium bau wangi yang sangat menyengat. Padahal tidak satu pun menaruh bunga di ruang tersebut.
4. Suara Aneh
Tanda lain tentang adanya keberadaan makhluk halus yakni adanya suara yang tidak lazim.  misalnya ketika di tengah malam tiba-tiba terdengar suara gemericik air dari arah kamar mandi yang menandakan adanya seseorang yang sedang mandi. Bahkan bunyi gaduh suara gelas serta piring dari arah dapur. Meskipun hanya sekilas namun akan terdengar sangat jelas jika benar adanya penampakan.
Sumber :

Masih Dunia Lain Eps Hotel Sutra Willis Pandeglang Banten Aug 26.8. 2012

Best UFO Sightings of August 2012 Best UFO's Watch Now!

by thirdphaseofmoon

Best UFO Sightings of August 2012 Best UFO's! If you have captured anything Amazing regarding UFOs contact Thirdphaseofmoon Via Skype! Join us on Facebook!

IDF aerial video: Israel airstrike hits Hamas compound in Gaza

by RussiaToday

Israeli warplanes struck two compounds run by Hamas in northern Gaza Strip early Tuesday, wounding two Palestinians. The Israeli army said in a statement published on Tuesday said that they targeted a weapon storage site and manufacturing facility, in response to earlier rocket fire by Gaza militants towards southern Israel. The Israeli Defence Force later released aerial footage of one of the compounds being hit.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Syria - GRAPHIC - FSA rebel gets SAA sniper arm shot - Syria - GRAPHIC - FSA rebel gets SAA sniper arm shot

Syria Freedom Fighters Capture Assad BMP in Arbeen Damascus 8-27-12

18+ Syria 26-8-2012- FSA Terrorists Cleaned in Idlib Area.

by thesyrianfighter3

The fight against Terrorism Continues in Syria supported by the US and Saudi Arabia

18+ Syria 26-8-2012- FSA Terrorists Cleaned in Idlib Area.

by thesyrianfighter3

The fight against Terrorism Continues in Syria supported by the US and Saudi Arabia

SYRIA - Helicopter Shot Down Over Damascus - FSA Claim Responsibility

by TruthTube451

Footage is coming out of a helicopter allegedly being shot down and crashing in Damamscus, Syrian state tv are reporting

Curiosity UFO

UFO near Curiosity Mars NASA DELETE VIDEO

by innuendoguy

this video been alive only 10 minutes and then be deleted. what they want hide from us? Life on mars?

Monday, August 27, 2012

Syria - Excellent FSA Marksman counter-snipes Assad snipers in Aleppo (26/8/12) - Syria - Excellent FSA Marksman counter-snipes Assad snipers in Aleppo (26/8/12)

Damascus countryside Darayya cleared from armed men

by PressTVGlobalNews

The Syrian Arab army continued clearing neighborhoods in Damascus and its countryside from armed men.

Following several days of clashes, the army restored security to Darayya neighborhood after killing armed men. Many of those killed were found in a cemetery in the neighborhood.

Up to the Minute UFO Sighting | August 25, 2012 | Mexico.

Mystery Light Beams Appear in Chichen Itza Mexico, August 21, 2012.mp4

AMAZING!!! 2 SUNS appeared over the United Kingdom on July 21, 2012

Breaking News UFO Sightings Witnessed by Hundreds Over Myrtle Beach Augu...

by thirdphaseofmoon

More Amazing Footage shot by Joe Kiernan North Myrtle Beach,S.C. dusk around 8pm of what looks to be a Mothership hiding in the clouds! Also notice the small Object Disappear as it Zooms Underneath the Unusual Lights! If you have captured anything Amazing regarding UFOs contact Thirdphaseofmoon Via Skype! To watch more of Joe Kiernans Videos Click Link!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Combat Footage from Ezz Bin Abdulsalam Battalion - Syria

Combat footage shows 'battalion' arriving via van and truck to fight the Syrian Army. Street fighting, Libyan styled vehicles, unaccurate shooting and a close call LOL at 4:02 ! - Combat Footage from Ezz Bin Abdulsalam Battalion - Syria

Free Syrian Army Clash with 'Assad Militia' on the streets of Damascus

ACCORDING TO THE NETWORK members of the FSA clashed with an 'Assad Militia' in Damascus. Nice footage of street/alley fighting. Also...I keep getting messages so i here it goes...I dont care who wins, i dont support the FSA or Assad and im only bringing you videos other users have not found. - Free Syrian Army Clash with 'Assad Militia' on the streets of Damascus

Syria - FSA snipes regime shabiha

(Aug-24-2012) FSA snipes regime shabiha in Zamalka, Damascus. - Syria - FSA snipes regime shabiha

Sunni muslims behead Shia muslims in Pakistan (Graphic)

The al Qaeda-linked Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ) group published a gruesome video on jihadist internet forums that shows the beheading of two Shia Muslims near Quetta, Pakistan, according to the website SITE Intelligence Group, which obtained the video. - Sunni muslims behead Shia muslims in Pakistan (Graphic)

SAA soldiers run for their life 24/08 - Syria - SAA soldiers run for their life 24/08

Syria - SAA soldiers show dead FSA fighters 13/08

Mobile phone video from SAA soldier showing dead FSA fighters - Syria - SAA soldiers show dead FSA fighters 13/08

MiG 23 'Shot Down' by Free Syrian Army - Idlib Maarat - 25/08

The downing of a Syrian Army MiG 23 by the Free Syrian Army in Idlib, Maarat. Plane slams into the ground after apparently being shot down, no smoke or gunfire can be seen/heard but the plane is boned on impact. Pilot could have ejected at an earlier point hence the plane drfiting to the ground ? Opinion in comments. Bad edit. - MiG 23 'Shot Down' by Free Syrian Army - Idlib Maarat - 25/08

Free Syrian Army Sniper Wounds Shabiha Gunman - 25/08

Free Syrian Army sniper wounds idiotic Shabiha gunman whose legs didnt seem to want to work. First couple shots miss before he takes one to the chest/stomach and runs to cover. Like the other sniper video, this guy was too cool to run...treat the sniper round like the start of a race and gtfo ! - Free Syrian Army Sniper Wounds Shabiha Gunman - 25/08

Warplane raid up close syrian

[8/23/12] A  L-39 jet strafing run over the city of Aleppo, Syria. first video using it's guns. 2nd dropping a bomb. - Warplane raid up close

FSA Front Lines : Blood and Guts of War

Do not miss this episode of Free Syrian Army Front Lines : Blood and Guts of War. We enter as fighting is in progress. A FSA soldier courageously exposes his self to enemy fire in attempt to save a wounded comrade. This is the blood and guts of war. - FSA Front Lines : Blood and Guts of War

lebanese militants hit by a missile

a fight broke out in tripoli lebanon, between the two town of jabal mehsen (pro alassad) and bab al-tibeneh (anti alassad).
the militants in this video are from bab al-tibeneh and got hit by a rocket either from jabal mehsen town or the lebanese army whos trying to shoot back and defend himself. - lebanese militants hit by a missile

Free Syrian Army Blow Up a Syrian Army Tank! MUST WATCH! 24/8/2012

Friday, August 24, 2012

Raw Video: Mars Rover, Jettison to Touchdown

by AssociatedPress

NASA has recently release video of the NASA Curiosity rover landing from the jettison of the head shield to the touchdown. (Aug. 23)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Have UFOs Been Found on Mars by the Curiosity Rover? - John D. Villarrea...

by ConservativeNewMedia

Since the Mars Curiosity Rover has landed in Gale Crater on Mars this month and has been sending back images and videos, there have been some people examining these images and videos and asking if UFO's have possibly been spotted on Mars?

What do you think? Do you think UFO's have been spotted on the Red Planet by the Mars Curiosity Rover?

John D. Villarreal, The Super Genius, discusses this after examining and analyzing some of these photos and videos for himself.

UFO Sighting | Reutlingen, Germany | August 18, 2012

Misteri kuntilank dan kerbau Jalan Tambunan - Ranau ( X-files )

sepertinya keluntilank itu mahu memakan atau minum darah seger kerbau tidak berdosa itu,malang nasib kerbau itu,wajah dan rambut kuntilanak ini sunggun menyeramkan! rambutnya yang kusut dan mukanya yang buruk sekali.

UFO Tel Aviv, Israel August 21st 2012, AMAZING RAINBOW COLOURS!! (HD)

NASA Rover Curiosity Makes First Mars Trip

The NASA rover Curiosity made its first test drive Wednesday on ancient soil of Mars. The rover moved forward about 15 feet, rotated to a right angle and reversed a short distance. The drive was successful. (Aug. 22)

Russian, China oppose military intervention in Syria

by PressTVGlobalNews

The difference between the West and the East on how to solve the unrest in Syria is putting the brakes on the peace process in the country. Russia and China, along with many other countries are opposed to a military intervention in Syria, while the West wants to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad.

On 30th of June in Geneva, an international conference on Syria agreed on creation of an interim coalition government made up by the current government and the opposition. The implementation of the so-called Geneva Communique requires efforts from both sides. But the Western position has been slowing down this whole process.

Neither Russia, nor China agree that the change of the President will stop the violence in Syria. The Syrian government says it's ready to do what the Syrian people want. But first all fighting sides must cease fire.

Foreign fighters have been seen along the armed groups in Syria. These fighters are often armed with the latest weapons and armor. Some groups, who say they are affiliated with Al Qaeda, have also been reported to be operating in Syria.

Peace and reconciliation in Syria is the common goal in the East and the West. But the two sides have a different idea on how to reach it. So far the international community has failed to break the negotiations deadlock. But their efforts must be stepped up to make a difference for Syrians living in times of violence and unrest.

UFO Sightings New UFO Footage North Hollywood! Incredible UFO Sighting W...

UFO Japan August 2012 (HD)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Syria Aleppo - FSA Front Line

Syira - Raw video of the Free Syria - Syria Aleppo - FSA Front Line

Syria - Idlib Suicide truck bomb

Looks like it got inside a largely tented encampment. Horrible nihilistic way to make war but this one looked effective. Horrible distorted sound throughout so turn the sound down!

Hate messages get deleted - Syria - Idlib Suicide truck bomb

Free Syrian Army' VBIED Car Bomb Against Syrian Army - 'Martyrdom' Operation

Video showing Free Syrian Army VBIED attack against Syrian Army. According to the FSA supporters this attack killed 80+ enemy..(mmmm really ?)...skip to 3:58 for detonation. - 'Free Syrian Army' VBIED Car Bomb Against Syrian Army - 'Martyrdom' Operation

Free Syrian Army VBIED Attack on Syrian Army Foot Patrol

Video showing large car bomb detonating on Syrian Army foot patrol. Looks like some civilians close by too. This is from a 'brigade' within the umbrella of the FSA. - Free Syrian Army VBIED Attack on Syrian Army Foot Patrol

Mars Rover deployment video and Mars impact

First HD video of Mars rover Curiosity being deployed.

Heat shield release to landing. - Mars Rover deployment video and Mars impact

Good vid of RPG ambush that destroys and blows up a Syrian armored vehicle - Good vid of RPG ambush that destroys and blows up a Syrian armored vehicle

Syria snipe on soldier at checkpoint

This one clearly very real. - Syria snipe on soldier at checkpoint

New generation of Fateh miisile and other warfares unveiled on Military ...

by Lenziran

New warfares including new generation of Fateh 110 missles were unveiled and exhibited in presence of Mahmood Ahmadinejad on Military Industry day . Watch video of Ahmadinejad speech []

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

18+ Syria - Mika Yamamoto Murdered by Assad Militia Snipers in Aleppo - ...

by Souria2011archives

18+ Adults Only - Warning - Not for Shock - Contains Graphic Images - Documentary Evidence of Crimes Against Humanity Committed by Syria Dictator Bashar Assad As he orders his Snipers to shoot and kill at random unarmed civilians in the streets of Aleppo City
This is Mika Yamamoto - Award Winning Reporter, who was shot and killed by Assad Loyalist Snipers snipers in the streets of Aleppo

18+ Mika Yamamoto Body Escorted By Syria Freedom Fighters to Turkey 8-20...

by Souria2011archives

18+ Adults Only - Warning - Not for Shock - Contains Graphic Images - Documentary Evidence of Crimes Against Humanity Committed by Syria Dictator Bashar Assad As he orders his Snipers to shoot and kill at random unarmed civilians in the streets of Aleppo City
This is Mika Yamamoto - Award Winning Reporter from Japan, who was shot and killed by Assad Loyalist Snipers snipers in the streets of Aleppo
Mika's body is escorted by members of the Free Syria Army, who will transport her remains to Turkey for transport back home to Japan. The fighter speaking says that another journalist along with a Turkish camera man was captured by the Assad army and that the Free Syria Army welcomes everyone to come into the country to witness what is going on but the FSA cannot guarantee the safety of any reporters coming to Aleppo as it is dangerous because of the Assad Forces indiscriminate attacks on everyone.
تائب الاسد تقتل الصحفية اليابانية MIKA YAMAMOTO.flv 18 ك
BEIRUT -- A Japanese woman journalist died of wounds sustained in Aleppo, a Syrian activist group said in a statement on Aug. 20.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said she had been injured in the Suleimaniya district of Aleppo, which it said had been the scene of heavy clashes.

It also said that a Lebanese journalist, a Turkish journalist and an Arab journalist, whose nationality it did not identify, had disappeared in Aleppo.

Japan's foreign ministry said the woman killed was confirmed to be Mika Yamamoto of Japan Press, a Japan-based international news agency.

YouTube showed video that activists said was the Japanese journalist's body at a makeshift hospital.

UFO Sightings UFOs Over Las Vegas Breaking News Multiple UFOs Over Vegas...

by thirdphaseofmoon

Incredible UFO footage shot by Steven Johnson of Las Vegas Nevada! Mass UFO Sighting! If you have captured anything Amazing regarding UFOs contact Thirdphaseofmoon Via Skype

Monday, August 20, 2012

Liverpool ufo july 2011

Breaking News UFO Sightings Helicopters Surround UFO Shocking Footage Wa...

by thirdphaseofmoon

Breaking News UFO Sightings Helicopters Surround and Observe UFO in Broad Daylight, Shocking Footage Watch Now! Aug 19 , 2012 Enhanced footage and Closeups of What Appears to be A Saucer Like Object Hovering in Mid Air! Captured off the slopes of the Mauna Kea on the Big Island of Hawaii. If you have captured anything Amazing regarding UFOs contact Thirdphaseofmoon Via Skype - Want WW3? It's UP TO YOU!

David Icke explains that what's going on in the Middle East has been planned long ago. The plan has been realized in increments outside of our awareness because we were too busy following events and entertainment that kept us distracted by design.
We've been set up against each other by artificial divisions (divide and rule, again!) to prevent us from uniting against the true enemy. Many especially among LLers are so hateful towards certain groups that it will take a drastic change of heart for them to realize the ones they love to hate are not their true enemy.
Icke is a bit hard to listen to with his mild case of stuttering but he's worth a listen cuz what he says is true and THERE IS NO MORE TIME TO WASTE with fighting against each other.
All of us who aren't the 1% are in the same boat and we need to unite to fight the elite. - Want WW3? It's UP TO YOU!

Syria - Damascus Battle SAA footage GRAPHIC

Syrian Republican Guard, Damascus Battle footage with SAA soldiers showing some FSA dead rebels - Syria - Damascus Battle SAA footage GRAPHIC

UFO Sightings Flying Saucer Type UFO or Military Flying Drones? PLEASE W...

by thirdphaseofmoon

UFO Sighting Incredible Close Up Footage of what looks to be a Metallic Classic UFO or could it be unmanned Drones? Please Help If YOU have any IDEA of what this OBject Could Be! If you have captured anything Amazing regarding UFOs contact Thirdphaseofmoon Via Skype

Best Of UFO Sightings Of August 2012, Amazing Video Drones or UFOs You D...

by thirdphaseofmoon

Best Of UFO Sightings Of August 2012, Incredible Footage Drone UFOs You Decide? Insight on New Footage Just into Thirdphaseofmoon and Possible reasons for Mass Sightings From Around The World. If you have captured anything Amazing regarding UFOs contact Thirdphaseofmoon Via Skype!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Syria - FSA in Deir El Zour capture modern T72 tank with ERA armor (18/8/12) - Syria - FSA in Deir El Zour capture modern T72 tank with ERA armor (18/8/12)

Syria - FSA in Deir El Zour destroy 6 Modern SAA Tanks and 1 Shilka on the 18/8/12

As you can clearly see, the tank has explosive reactive armor plates.
Only one tank is seen burning, however in my other video uploaded a few minutes ago, you can see them capturing one. The reason the title says 6 tanks and 1 Shilka is the claim of the guy in front of the camera. - Syria - FSA in Deir El Zour destroy 6 Modern SAA Tanks and 1 Shilka on the 18/8/12

No no-fly zone: 'Military intervention in Syria will lead to catastrophe'

by RussiaToday

Read on

Russia says the creation of a no-fly zone over Syria under a humanitarian pretext would be illegal. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was responding to a recent US statement claiming it could successfully implement the measure in the conflict-torn country. Let's get the details from RT's Egor Piskunov outside the Foreign Ministry building in Moscow.

SAA sniper fire in Douma (17/8/12) - Syria - MUST SEE - Civilian carrying another dead civilian under SAA sniper fire in Douma (17/8/12)

Dramatic Video of SAA Battalion

Video of SAA Battalion with dramatic audio - Dramatic Video of SAA Battalion


Syrian army pins down a FSA team, and finishes them off All on tape - ONE OF THE BEST VIDEOS FROM SYRIA

SAA in full control of Al Chamass neighborhood in Homs

SAA fighters freely paroling the Al Chamass area in Homs. - SAA in full control of Al Chamass neighborhood in Homs

Syria - FSA Sniper firing at army outpost 17/08 - Syria - FSA Sniper firing at army outpost 17/08

Syria - FSA "combat reporter" strikes again 18/08 - Syria - FSA "combat reporter" strikes again 18/08

[GRAPHIC] Islamic State of Iraq: Gunmen in Disguise Attacking Several Checkpoints - [GRAPHIC] Islamic State of Iraq: Gunmen in Disguise Attacking Several Checkpoints

US failed at regime change in Syria: Webster Tarpley


Syrian security forces have retaken control over more areas in the country's northern city of Aleppo, as neighborhoods are being cleared of insurgents.

A Syrian Army official in Aleppo said on Thursday that after two days of a major operation in the city's Sayf al-Dawla neighborhood, Army troops managed to inflict heavy losses on the insurgents fighting the Syrian government, and forced many of the anti-government elements to surrender.

The official added that there were foreign nationals among the insurgents.

Security forces also engaged the insurgents in Aleppo's other neighborhoods, including al-Sukkari and al-Hellok.

Press TV has conducted an interview with Dr. Webster Griffin Tarpley, an author and historian from Washington, to further discuss the issue.

Homemade bombs beat high-tech? Afghan war failure looms

by RussiaToday

Aside from roadside explosives and Taliban and Al-Qaeda fighters, NATO forces in Afghanistan are increasingly under attack by a new foe - friendly Afghan forces. Two more US troops were shot yesterday in an 'insider' shooting episode - bringing the total to a dozen soldiers in just over a week. And, as RT's Gayane Chichakyan reports - this is a problem that multibillion dollar defense projects just can't solve.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Graphic video 21+: the Free syrian army showing some dead alassad supporters

warning: 21+ ONLY and NOT SUITABLE FOR People with WEAK HEARTS.
the free syrian army kidnapped some of al assad supporters ( current regime supporter ) ,killed them in a brutal way and buried their bodies under the ground.
The free syrian army didnt show how they killed al assad supporters because turkey issued them a warning that showing their execution videos will make them look like terrorists. - Graphic video 21+: the Free syrian army showing some dead alassad supporters

Syria - FSA fighter sniped by SAA 11/08

The FSA guy runs for his life but... - Syria - FSA fighter sniped by SAA 11/08

Syria - Aftermath of FSA getting shot up on roof

Showing the dead FSA who thought antennas and water tanks could stop 7.62. Also, good footage of the SAA in Aleppo. - Syria - Aftermath of FSA getting shot up on roof

NASA Curiosity Update - 17th August 2012

NASA Curiosity Update - 17th August 2012 - NASA Curiosity Update - 17th August 2012

Syrian Sniper Scores

Sights and sounds of war. - Syrian Sniper Scores

UFOs - Surface of the Moon ( HD )

Unknown Creature Discovered In Africa 2012 HD alien or Goblin, maybe a new species of pigmy or something more sinister

by StephenHannardADGUK

Locals came across this strange creature while they were escorting a shooting party in Namibia. Witness's state that the creature was spotted apparently foraging for food, one of the shooting party wounded it with his rifle and it escaped into the thick brush. The locals tracked it to a nearby lair or nest where they found three more creatures of similar size. The wounded creature attacked one of the shooting party and it was shot dead, the others escaped into the brush. The body of the creature was taken back to the local camp, police later removed its corpse and a full forensics investigation is under way. A video is pending on this so I will post if and when I receive it. So what is this guys, an Alien, Goblin, maybe a new species of pigmy or something more sinister, as always you decide.

New "IRREFUTABLE" - Lake Erie UFO Light Orb Footage - August 2012 (HD)

by FrozenHill

FAA & Cleveland Airports report Lake Erie UFO's Not In Normal Flight Paths, Not Showing Up On Radar and Nothing They Are Doing!!!

MSNBC contacted the FAA and all local Cleveland Airports who said These objects are not in normal flight paths, that none of these objects were anyhting they were doing and these objects were not showing up on any of the airports radar as well!

New "IRREFUTABLE" - Lake Erie UFO Light Orb Footage - August 2012 (HD) 08/09/2012

Friday, August 17, 2012

NASA Secrets - On the surface of Mars discovered the skull of people or Aliens! August 16, 2012

by NASA Secrets - On the surface of Mars discovered the skull of people or Aliens and spheres perfect shape! August 16, 2012
These images you can see a panoramic shot, which sent the rover Curiosity August 16, 2012. Address to see:
Do you believe your eyes? Do you believe NASA? What is it - you decide! Thanks for watching!
For more exclusive information on UFOs, visit:

Thursday, August 16, 2012

FSA crimes against Minorities/innocent people in Syria

For all those who support the FSA, you are supporting
fanatical Jihadist thugs who are hell bent on death, destruction, and misery.
Their fate will be the same as their brethren in
Iraq. - FSA crimes against Minorities/innocent people in Syria

Truly the best UFO sighting of year 2012!

 UFO like object caught on tape! Almost looks like a flying saucer! - Truly the best UFO sighting of year 2012!

Syria - Destroyed SAA tank + charred crew 14/08 - Syria - Destroyed SAA tank + charred crew 14/08

Syria - OMG - Free Syrian Army seizes an arms depot with multiple SA-18 IGLA Anti-Air missiles and 4 AAA's (15/8/12)

Watch the whole clip to see what weapons were sieged and in what quantity. This happened in the city of Al-Dumayr near Damascus on the 15th of August 2012.

This could be significant because an SA-18 IGLA can easily shoot down a soviet-era attack helicopter or even jets. - Syria - OMG - Free Syrian Army seizes an arms depot with multiple SA-18 IGLA Anti-Air missiles and 4 AAA's (15/8/12)

100 Assad soldiers got killed 30 Vids - 100 Assad soldiers got killed 30 Vids

FSA members captured by Lebanese tribe in Lebanon

Two FSA intelligence members were captured by a Lebanese tribe in order to pressure the FSA to release the captured Lebanese pilgrims captured in July - FSA members captured by Lebanese tribe in Lebanon

SAA and FSA rooftop battle in Damascus - a great video

wow that was a great video - SAA and FSA rooftop battle in Damascus

FSA fighter killed in front of camera - Headshot **Warning: Graphic** - FSA fighter killed in front of camera - Headshot **Warning: Graphic**

Syrian war

Syria - Assad Army Officer Hides Gadaffi Style In Sewer Batabo 14-8-12

by SpaceIraneesKiller

Syria - Assad Army Officer Hides Gadaffi Style In Sewer Batabo 14-8-12

18+ Adults Only - Warning - Not for Shock - for Historical Documentation Purposes Only -Syria - Assad Army Officer Hides "Gadaffi Style" in Sewer Pipe 8-14-12 Shape of Things to Come as Assad Army crumbles and gets pushed out of the countryside of Syria -- Assad only controls 30% of the nation at this time

Syria - Assad Army Debacle at Bab Al Hawa 8-15-12

Ghost video - Entity Visits Child in Hospital

US targets Syria to strengthen Israel: Lawrence Davidson

by PressTVGlobalNews

A senior Iranian cleric says the rulers of certain regional countries who are promoting terrorism and unrest in Syria are US and Israeli "stooges".

"Playing the role of stooges for Israel and the US in the Syrian case is a sign of some regional rulers' ignorance," said Grand Ayatollah Naser Makarem Shirazi, referring to persisting efforts by arrogant powers to exert increased pressure on the Syrian government.

He added that the Western pressure against Syria has come because the country "is on the frontline of the [anti-Israel] resistance [movement] and is considered an obstacle for arrogant powers."

He emphasized that the crisis created in Syria is an Israeli effort seeking to replace the Damascus government with a puppet regime.

Press TV has conducted an interview with Lawrence Davidson, professor at West Chester University, to further discuss the issue.

UFO Sightings Mothership UFO Hovers Over Town! Close UP Enhancement and ...

by thirdphaseofmoon

UFO Sightings Mothership UFO Hovers Over Town! Close UP Enhancement and Daytime Location! UFOs or Something Else? You Decide! If you have captured anything Amazing Regarding UFOs Contact Thirpdhaseomfoon Via Skype!

Creative Chaos: 'Outlaws, smugglers US proxies in looting of Syria'

by RussiaToday

The world's biggest global body outside the UN - Organization of Islamic Cooperation - is suspending Syria's membership. Iran's the only member of the bloc to have openly spoken out 'against' sidelining Damascus. But several member countries, like Qatar and Saudi Arabia are pushing to mobilize support for Syrian rebels. Syria's opposition steps up calls for a Libya-style intervention, with reports that fighters who toppled Gaddafi are among rebel ranks. For more on this, RT talks to Dr. Ibrahim Alloush from the Zaytoonah University in Amman.

UFO Sightings Strange and Extremely Weird Weather Phenomenon or UFO! Aug...

by thirdphaseofmoon

UFO Sightings Strange and Extremely Unusual Bright Phenomenon or UFO! Aug 14 2012 Incredible photos captured by Richard Vandargriff. Richard explained to Thirdphaseofmoon that this light formation danced in the sky for about 20 to 30 seconds then took off! He manged to capture Three Photos of this unusual Event! If you have captured anything amazing regarding UFOs please contact Thirdphaseofmoon Via Skype!

Massive UFO Sighting What is Watching US? New Incredible UFO Footage! Au...

by thirdphaseofmoon

Massive UFO Sighting What is Watching US? New Incredible UFO Footage! Aug 14 2012. If you have captured anything amazing regarding UFOS contact Thirdphaseofmoon via skype!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Video of UN HQ blast aftermath in Damascus (RT Exclusive)

y RussiaToday

Three were wounded when a bomb exploded on Wednesday 10 meters away from the Damas Rose hotel in Damascus, Syria, where UN monitors are headquartered. None of those reported injured were believed to be UN staff - READ MORE:

Syria - SFB double IED attack vs SAA tank 14/08

FSA Sham Falcons Brigade in Ariha, Idlib hit an Army tank with 2 IED's - Syria - SFB double IED attack vs SAA tank 14/08

Syria - SFB double IED attack vs SAA tank 14/08 AFTERMATH

FSA Sham Falcons Brigade in Ariha, Idlib hit an Army tank with 2 IED's, AFTERMATH: burning tank rolling down hill - Syria - SFB double IED attack vs SAA tank 14/08 AFTERMATH

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

RAW VIDEO: Extracting The Remains Of A Fisherman From A 2000 LB Crocodile In Sarawak, Malaysia ★Graphic Warning★

A man fishing is caught, swallowed and eaten alive by a giant 2000 pound man-eating saltwater crocodile in a river in Sarawak, Malaysia. The huge crocodile is captured, killed and cut open to pull the man out.

(I found a disturbing still image captured while he was being attacked which is below the article *Click for large size*)

Early in the morning a group of fishermen were using casting nets to catch fresh fish to sell the days market place when a giant 20 foot saltwater crocodile appeared out of no where and snatched one of the younger fisherman as witnesses saw the massive croc swallow the teenager's entire body and then disappear underneath the murky water.

Everyone was yelling and screaming as other groups of fishermen rush over to help
with larger nets. It wasn't the first time they've encountered these enormous saltwater crocs.

Amazingly, they were able to capture the beast and drag it to shore where they quickly flipped it over and cut open it's stomach to attempt to rescue their fellow fisherman. A
disturbing video was taken once they caught the crocodile and shows the man being removed from the crocodile's stomach.

The young man's entire body was removed from the crocodile but it was too late. Even if the wounds were not fatal, the teen surely drowned while inside the monster's stomach.

There have been a large increase in the number of crocodile related human deaths and attacks recently due in part to the hot weather, a decrease in food for the crocodiles and
lower water levels. The river is a main resource for the villagers where they frequently bath and use it to make their living.

Last July, the authorities launched a mass killing operation with the police, the army and local authorities to hunt down the man-eating crocodiles to reduce the reptile's population in the area. The target goal was 60 crocodiles over 9 feet in length.

While the villagers fear the crocodiles some believe that killing them will only make these worse,
increasing the number of crocodiles attacks on their people. - RAW VIDEO: Extracting The Remains Of A Fisherman From A 2000 LB Crocodile In Sarawak, Malaysia ★Graphic Warning★

fSA release video of alleged shot down mig pilot - FSA release video of alleged shot down mig pilot

UFO Sighting | Tabriz, Iran | 08/11/2012

UFO | OVNI | НЛО | Tabriz, Iran | August 11, 2012 | 11.08.2012 | 08/11/2012 | © xxxdonutzxxx - all rights reserved

UFO invasion very very real a fleet of over 50 UFOs. 12.08.2012

UFO invasion very very real a fleet of over 50 UFOs. 12.08.2012

APOLLO 13 - The Untold Story

by UFOTVstudios

This is the true and untold story of a disastrous accident that occurred during the space flight mission of Apollo 13 on there way to the Moon and the heroic rescue efforts to bring the astronauts safely home.

For more Space Movies, go to NASAFLIX here on Youtube!

Sacred Chant Recorded Inside the Great Pyramid (LANGUAGE OF LIGHT EXPOSE...

by danielofdoriaa

Sacred Chant recorded Inside the Great Pyramid

This is a harmonic language of the CREATOR, that is covered up by the mainstream terrorfied Self Proclaimed Elite.. it is a science that will FREE HUMANITY ON ALL LEVELS AND IN ALL ASPECTS. This language and AwarenesS can be taught, leant and applied in LIFE.. BE STRONG, BE POWERFUL, BE INFINITE, BE L((((O))))VE

Cymatics is the study of the effects of sound vibrations on physical matter. When I was introduced to the pioneering work of Dr. Hans Jenny in 1977, it provided the visual evidence that proved the physical power of sound and music. This study has always been a featured part of my lectures and workshops. Now, with 'sound made visible,' it was possible to demonstrate astonishing effects on solids, liquids and gases.

John Stuart Reid and Erik Larson improved upon Dr Jenny's tonoscope with their new CymaScope (TM) When we met at a Cymatics Therapy Conference, John offered to see what images the recording I made in 1981 while I chanted Inside the Great Pyramid would produce.

As you will see, and hear, the results were simply amazing. Note: I filmed the events on my hand-held digital video camera. The sound quality was not nearly as good as the CD, so we overdubbed as much of the pure CD sound as possible in post-production.

I highly recommend visiting John and Erik's website as well as for the actual DVDs and books by Dr. Hans Jenny.

To experience the majestic power of the King's Chamber acoustics and subtle energy fields, the highest quality sound is available on my CD, INITIATION. A special bonus is the 'silent meditation' that truly holds powerful quantum field energy. This CD is available from

Archiveing and Covering all our True Supressed History.. Enjoy!!
See my Playlists and page for soo much more information in depth!!!

'West stirs Syria unrest to target Russia'

by PressTVGlobalNews

"Syria the First Line of Resistance", This is the title of a conference held in Tehran. The aim of the conference is to increase public awareness about what is going on in Syria, the scene of fighting between government forces and the opposition groups supported by the West, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey.

Russian and China have so far vetoed three western-backed resolutions against Syria.
The Syrian Ambassador to Iran warned against any foreign intervention in Syria, saying:

Syrian Ambassador to Iran says Syria will not sit quiet

by PressTVGlobalNews

"Syria the First Line of Resistance", This is the title of a conference held in Tehran. The aim of the conference is to increase public awareness about what is going on in Syria, the scene of fighting between government forces and the opposition groups supported by the West, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey.

Russian and China have so far vetoed three western-backed resolutions against Syria.
The Syrian Ambassador to Iran warned against any foreign intervention in Syria, saying:

Monday, August 13, 2012

Syria - Homs fighting back (13/8/2012) - Syria - Homs fighting back (13/8/2012)

Syrian atrocity: Bodies of postal workers thrown from roof (GRAPHIC VIDEO)

A horrific amateur video , apparently showing FSA atrocity against public service workers in Syria. The footage displays a crowd of people callously throwing the bodies of slain postal workers from a post office rooftop.
The video shows several dozen people having surrounded the staircase of the building, some of them chanting “Allahu Akbar!” They watch corpses being thrown out and rolled down the steps - Syrian atrocity: Bodies of postal workers thrown from roof (GRAPHIC VIDEO)

Mig-23 shot down by syrian rebels

Alot of things seem to be falling from the skies at syria these days. - Mig-23 shot down by syrian rebels

Spider Found Living In Woman's Ear

In what can only be described as a nightmare-come-true, a spider crawled inside a woman's ear canal and lived there for five days before doctors extracted it. The woman, referred to only as Ms. Lee, arrived at China's Changsha Central Hospital of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery on Aug. 8, RedNet News notes. She complained of an itchy ear and was hoping doctors could treat her...".* Ana Kasparian, Cenk Uygur, and Ben Mankiewicz discuss on The Young Turks.

UFO Sightings Breaking News Third Sighting Confirmation! Best UFO Sighti...

by thirdphaseofmoon

Breaking News Just into Thirdphaseofmoon via Skype! John Bondalion just shared more footage via Skype from August 6 2012 of an Amazing Metallic UFO Flying Saucer or Drone Caught on HD! We are downloading the footage an will have HD quality tomorrow! Subscribe For more updates! If you have captured anything amazing regarding UFOs contact Thirdphaseofmoon Via

penampakan pocong di Jatisari.3gp

katanya c di ambil tidak sengaja!memang ini nampak benar! lihat saja wajah pocong itu sungguh menyeramkan,  di ambil di jatisari.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

UFO ORB , Nova Scotia. August 2012 (HD)

by danielofdoriaa

UFO Nova Scotia. Seemed to be burning then went black, changed direction then headed off. Was below cloud level the whole time - made no noise and had no lights.10th, august 2012..