Monday, April 18, 2011


Unidentified objects "MINING OUR SUN??? I don't know but I have captured 5 or 6 UFO's doing something!!! Don't let the beauty of the photos capture you!!!!
Specific dates logged into Helioviewer captured the series of photos and real-time footage of the violent storms and swarms of flying UFO.s that take place on the surface and in the atmosphere of our SUN. It's like a war taking place up there. After 3 months of looking closely one can only know that there is something "GOING ON OUR SUN"!
Is it a gate way to another galaxy or dimension as some believe or is it under attack by some foreign alien nation mining for the SUNS radiation their only source of energy? You cannot stop creating scenarios because it is so real after looking at it. NASA does not help by cutting days of footage and then black or white outs!!! Hey this is to however does NASA's cut and paste. "YOU SUCK"
It really just empowers me to know that it is not my imagination. Just like when you see my videos. It is there it is real and no one is giving us information!
Enjoy the video and take the time to just look for yourself. I am a NOVICE. If I am seeing this, OTHERS MUST. I would like some answers.
Please follow the links below to see for yourself. Have a flash drive ready!!

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