Friday, September 2, 2011


Thanks to the drought, which is causing lakes to dry up in Texas, authorities in Nacogdoches have uncovered what may be a part of the space shuttle Columbia in Lake Nacogdoches.

"The lower water level has exposed a larger than normal area on the northern side of the lake," said NPD Sgt. Greg Sowell. "A large round object became visible, and it is very possible that it is part of Columbia."

Officials with the Nacogdoches police took pictures of the object, described as being 4-feet in diameter and full of mud, and sent them off to NASA.

Columbia broke-up on re-entry over North Texas in February 2003, killing seven astronauts and leaving a trail of debris from North Texas to Louisiana.

"We want to remind everyone that the rules are the same as they were back in 2003. If this object is indeed a part of the shuttle, it is government property, and it is a criminal offense to tamper with it," Sowell said.

Nacogdoches authorities are awaiting instructions from NASA on recovery of the item.

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