Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sunday Night Football UFO Mystery Solved (NEW FOOTAGE) - November 10, 2011

'New Orleans UFO Mystery Revealed (EXCLUSIVE VIDEO)'

"We can now close the book on the UFOs videotaped over New Orleans and broadcast on NBC Oct. 23, when many of us were trying to enjoy the Colt-Saints football game.

It can now be told definitively: Willis is a time lapse photographer. And because he taped the sequence at super-slow speeds, the objects just seem to be lightning-fast spacecraft. Yet, the objects in question were commercial airplanes.

"If you watch Sunday Night Football on a regular basis, you will recognize my time lapse videos throughout our telecasts," Willis told HuffPost exclusively.

"I move and manipulate my Nikon Still DSLR camera with a computer controlled pan head and dolly. This technique makes my time lapse video motion seem more like 'real time' motion when, in fact, they are a series of still images played back very quickly."

Using his special rig that combines a camera, computer and dolly, every Friday night, Willis (seen below standing near his camera setup in New Orleans) goes out and shoots videos of different scenes in the host football city he finds himself in."

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