Monday, October 1, 2012

F@#K You Patrick Clawson

by PoliticalTroubleMker

On September 24th, 2012, Patrick Clawson, the Director of Research for the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, during a 1hr30min official press statement by the organization, advocated that the United States should provoke Iran into firing a first shot. This, in order to initiate a 'Just War' as justification for a U.S. led war with Iran.

The policy proposal is outrageous at its core. What Dr. Clawson recommends is the kind of conduct that led to the execution by hanging of Germany's war criminals after World War II. For at Nuremberg, it was made clear that 'wars of aggression' are the worst war crimes a nation can commit. And here is exactly what Dr. Clawson recommends the United States do in pursuit of some insane kind of U.S.-Israeli joint foreign policy.

This 10 minute video, "F@#K You Patrick Clawson" is my response to the institute and the policy it, through his words, proposes. In addition, at the below URL is a blog post that better explains why I think his ideas are f@#cking insane. There is also a list of sources used for this video. Please feel free to read that entry here:

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