Saturday, October 13, 2012

Iran and NPT

by PressTVGlobalNews

Iran's nuclear energy program is about 60 years old, but in the last decade, it's become a hot topic in global media. For the last ten years the US, Britain and Israel among others, have faced with Iran over its nuclear energy program. These nations accuse Tehran of having a clandestine nuclear weapons program, and demand Iran closes down its facilities until their fears are assuaged.

Iran denies this citing numerous IAEA reports that have found no evidence to support western claims. The war of words over Iran's nuclear program has resulted in sanctions being imposed on Iran -- sanctions that have hit the Iranian nation hard, reducing their standard of living drastically. And on the pretext of its nuclear program Iran is threatened with war on a regular basis, with the US saying no option is off the table. When Iran first launched its nuclear program, long before the Islamic revolution, it signed the Non-Proliferation-Treaty.

Being a NPT member means you have certain limitations, but you are also entitled to nuclear assistance and technology. But since the revolution Iran has only been limited by the NPT. Nuclear powers refuse to facilitate Iran's nuclear sites and instead insist on them being shut down. So far the mistrust toward Iran has been based on hunches and suspicion. Consequently political analysts in Iran are debating whether it's worth Iran being NPT membership.

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