Tuesday, October 2, 2012

'US lost Afghan war before it begun'

by PressTVGlobalNews

A political analyst says the United States has failed its mission in Afghanistan, requiring an immediate withdrawal from the country before the 2014 deadline.

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen says the so-called green-on-blue attacks in Afghanistan have "undermined trust and confidence" between Afghan forces and US-led coalition troops.

The number of insider attacks or the green-on-blue attacks, in which Afghan security forces turn their weapons against foreign forces occupying their country, has increased in 2012.

The NATO secretary general said the mistrust is the reason behind taking certain preventive measures, such as increased personnel vetting and counterintelligence.

The increasing number of military casualties in Afghanistan has caused widespread anger in the United States and other NATO member states, undermining public support for the Afghan war.

Press TV has conducted an interview with Phyllis Bennis, Institute for Policy Studies, from Washington, to further discuss the issue.

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