you have to watch this Object who change his shape all this happend under the ISS
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Firefighters took a boat out onto the water and pulled Nemo ashore.
Firefighters Rescue Dog From River In Southfield
A tired and chilled pit bull mix was pulled from the Rouge River on Wednesday afternoon by Southfield firefighters.
Rescuers said the dog, affectingly named Nemo, could be heard barking as she clung to a log several feet from the embankment.
She was taken to Michigan Veterinarian Specialists in Southfield, where doctors said sh More..e was rescued just in time.
“Nemo is hooked up to an IV pump. So, we’re getting some fluids there, and we also have a heating and warming blanket. The fluids are actually warmed as well to make sure that we try to get the temperature up,” said veterinarian Dr. Loretta Lee.
Lee said the dog suffered from hypothermia, broken nails and cuts to her legs.
Police said Nemo was wearing a collar but didn’t have a tag or microchip
A tired and chilled pit bull mix was pulled from the Rouge River on Wednesday afternoon by Southfield firefighters.
Rescuers said the dog, affectingly named Nemo, could be heard barking as she clung to a log several feet from the embankment.
She was taken to Michigan Veterinarian Specialists in Southfield, where doctors said sh More..e was rescued just in time.
“Nemo is hooked up to an IV pump. So, we’re getting some fluids there, and we also have a heating and warming blanket. The fluids are actually warmed as well to make sure that we try to get the temperature up,” said veterinarian Dr. Loretta Lee.
Lee said the dog suffered from hypothermia, broken nails and cuts to her legs.
Police said Nemo was wearing a collar but didn’t have a tag or microchip
You are in a Killers (poorly armed 'snipers') den. High above Misurata
This footage was filmed by the Libyan Ghaddafi supporters.
Src: You are in a Killers (poorly armed snipers) den. High above Misurata. The Killers cook meals and live while performing the evil of shooting all that moves under them. Misurata Libya. Footage is from March or April 2011. The snipers were eliminated by the rebels. Some others (not in video) captured with blood money, claim to have bee More..n ordered to shoot all that moved.
Note: Only visible - 1 RPG-7, 1 PKM Machine gun, and AKM's. Not a single SVD or other long range scoped rifles. The word sniper is too often used to describe these types of people. These guys are set up to control movement, ie over-watch avenues of approach. In urban areas they are used to cover streets and open areas, turning them into kill zones with overlapping fire from other strong points. Anyone on the street is engaged from multiple directions.
Src: You are in a Killers (poorly armed snipers) den. High above Misurata. The Killers cook meals and live while performing the evil of shooting all that moves under them. Misurata Libya. Footage is from March or April 2011. The snipers were eliminated by the rebels. Some others (not in video) captured with blood money, claim to have bee More..n ordered to shoot all that moved.
Note: Only visible - 1 RPG-7, 1 PKM Machine gun, and AKM's. Not a single SVD or other long range scoped rifles. The word sniper is too often used to describe these types of people. These guys are set up to control movement, ie over-watch avenues of approach. In urban areas they are used to cover streets and open areas, turning them into kill zones with overlapping fire from other strong points. Anyone on the street is engaged from multiple directions.
Misurata - Clean up - field of quarantine and sterilization
src" Misurata after the liberation of the gangs Alqirdavi formation of a committee of doctors and specialists in the field of quarantine and sterilization.
UFOs Over Charles De Gaulle Airport? 2011
A huge backlog of planes at Charles De Gaulle Airport sparked ET rumours, as the airport was inundated with calls of UFO sightings, including a triangle UFO, as you can see it was just planes. If anyone has anymore info or footage on this, then please post. Thanks.
Afghan Mujahideen mount mortar harassment operation on FOB Bostick
Afghan Mujahideen mount a harassment mission on the us occupation outpost FOB Bostick, with mortars and machine guns.
Hantu hitam yang tertangkap kamera...melayang melesat melewati para pekerja proyek,yang anehnya semua perkerja tidak menyadari hantu itu,apa mungkin dia(hantu) hanya tertangkap kemera ponsel sahaja? atau itu memang rekayasa sahaja? itu tidak pasti,yang pasti itu bukan manusia.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Firefight-4-26-11-Kunar Province
2nd Plt, A Co 2-27, 25th Infantry Division
7 mins of action. brand new video from a firefight that occured yesterday. deuce action and some artillery being dropped at the end.
7 mins of action. brand new video from a firefight that occured yesterday. deuce action and some artillery being dropped at the end.
Gazelle Outsmarts Cheetah
A cheetah chases off a lion in order to steal it's freshly killed gazelle only to discover this kill is a lot fresher than it knows.
kata'ib Hezbollah in Iraq(Hezbollah brigades) Sniper attack vs American soldier in Baghdad
kata'ib Hezbollah in Iraq(Hezbollah brigades) Sniper attack vs American soldier in Baghdad
Alien Or UFO Lands In China And Makes Big News!
UFO lands in residential area in China?
Michael Cohen
Making big news in China at the moment is a possible extraterrestrial event that took place in the city of Yichang in Hubei Province. A UFO was filmed by a surveillance camera in a residential area as it descended and hovered at around two meters from the ground for around twenty seconds. The object, a glowing white orb, appeared to be around a meter in diameter. Light from the UFO reflected against building walls before it shot off into the night sky (see photo above for a still from the footage). The event occurred on 13 march at around 11:30 pm.
On hearing the news of the UFO, startled residents residents ran towards the security cubicle to view the UFO on film. One resident said he thought it was a "fireball". Other more sceptical residents concluded it was just an insect or an object being dangled in front of the lens of the camera.
However at least one resident claims to have seen the object; "I was feeding my children" recounted a local mother "and all the sudden there was this incredibly bright light, my children instinctively covered their eyes". A video of the UFO has not yet been released to the public.
Michael Cohen
Making big news in China at the moment is a possible extraterrestrial event that took place in the city of Yichang in Hubei Province. A UFO was filmed by a surveillance camera in a residential area as it descended and hovered at around two meters from the ground for around twenty seconds. The object, a glowing white orb, appeared to be around a meter in diameter. Light from the UFO reflected against building walls before it shot off into the night sky (see photo above for a still from the footage). The event occurred on 13 march at around 11:30 pm.
On hearing the news of the UFO, startled residents residents ran towards the security cubicle to view the UFO on film. One resident said he thought it was a "fireball". Other more sceptical residents concluded it was just an insect or an object being dangled in front of the lens of the camera.
However at least one resident claims to have seen the object; "I was feeding my children" recounted a local mother "and all the sudden there was this incredibly bright light, my children instinctively covered their eyes". A video of the UFO has not yet been released to the public.
UFO - Ancient Aliens - Alien Tech (Full Movie)
UFO documentary - Ancient Aliens - Alien Tech. If ancient aliens visited Earth in the remote past, no doubt they had an advanced technology. This movie is investigating to unlock the secrets of this advanced technology.
ZOOMED IN Footage! Mass UFO Sightings - Euclid OHIO - Mind Blowing Close Up!
Zoomed In Footage Mass UFO Sightings - Euclid OHIO - Mind Blowing Close Up!
MSNBC - EUCLID, Ohio -- For the sixth consecutive night, Eugene Erlikh said a bizarre series of lights flickered outside his apartment building window. [i]"It gets bright, bright, bright," said Erlikh, 20. "Different colors and then it gets dim and as soon as it gets dim, it starts moving from there, this way."
Erlikh said the unexplained light show has appeared in the skies over Lake Erie for six nights and his friend, Nick Hausen, was also a witness. [i]"At first, I figured it was just a star but the way it would move, it would move so fast, I've never seen anything like it."
MSNBC - EUCLID, Ohio -- For the sixth consecutive night, Eugene Erlikh said a bizarre series of lights flickered outside his apartment building window. [i]"It gets bright, bright, bright," said Erlikh, 20. "Different colors and then it gets dim and as soon as it gets dim, it starts moving from there, this way."
Erlikh said the unexplained light show has appeared in the skies over Lake Erie for six nights and his friend, Nick Hausen, was also a witness. [i]"At first, I figured it was just a star but the way it would move, it would move so fast, I've never seen anything like it."
Brooklyn New York Street Execution Caught On Video
A cold-blooded murder on a New York street was caught in graphic detail on a video from a nearby surveillance camera.
Trevonne Winn, 24, was gunned down as he stood outside his uncle's fast food restaurant in Brooklyn.
CCTV footage shows Mr Winn speaking into his mobile phone outside the Crown Fried Chicken shop when a black-clad man walks calmly over, pulls a pistol and shoots him twice.
Trevonne Winn, 24, was gunned down as he stood outside his uncle's fast food restaurant in Brooklyn.
CCTV footage shows Mr Winn speaking into his mobile phone outside the Crown Fried Chicken shop when a black-clad man walks calmly over, pulls a pistol and shoots him twice.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Habis Dana, Pencarian Alien Terhenti
Pencarian mahluk luar angkasa oleh Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Institute dihentikan karena kehabisan dana.
Dalam surat mereka kepada para pendonor, CEO SETI Institute Tom Pierson mengatakan bahwa teleskop radio Allen Telescope Array akan hibernasi karena kehabisan dana operasional.
"Artinya, peralatan-peralatan itu tidak akan bisa digunakan untuk observasi normal dan akan dipelihara oleh staf kami yang jumlahnya pun telah dikurangi," kata Pierson, seperti dikutip dari situs Guardian.
SETI Institute adalah lembaga ilmiah yang sangat populer karena muncul dalam sebuah novel fiksi ilmiah karya Carl Sagan berjudul Contact, yang belakangan difilmkan dan dibintangi oleh Jodie Foster pada 1997.
Diawali oleh astronom bernama Frank Drake sejak 1960, SETI telah beroperasi sejak lima dekade lalu. Mereka memindai sinyal radio dari luar angkasa, yang bisa memberikan indikasi bahwa manusia bukan satu-satunya mahluk yang hidup di alam semesta raya ini.
Awalnya Drake mengarahkan telekskop radio Green Bank radio yang terletak di West Virginia ke arah bintang Tau Ceti untuk mencari sinyal radio yang tak biasa, yang mungkin dikirim oleh mahluk cerdas lain selain manusia.
Belakangan, SETI Institute mendirikan instalasi yang lebih lengkap di Hat Creek, 300 mil Timur Laut San Francisco, California. Observatorium ini juga dioperasikan oleh laboratorium Radio Astronomy University of California, Berkeley.
Teleskop teranyar yang dimiliki SETI adalah Allen Telescope Array, yang harganya senilai US$50 juta atau sekitar Rp 431 miliar, yang sebagian di antaranya didanai oleh salah satu pendiri Microsoft, Paul Allen.
Jajaran antena Allen Telescope ini terdiri dari 42 antena cakram, yang masing-masing berdiameter 6 meter. Padahal, rencananya, SETI akan menambah lagi jajaran antena itu, hingga nantinya akan berjumlah 350 antena radio yang akan beroperasi siang dan malam.
Selama ini, SETI sendiri tak hanya memanfaatkan teleskop-teleskop miliknya sendiri, namun juga memanfaatkan teleskop-teleskop lain di seluruh dunia yang tengah tidak digunakan.
Menurut astronom senior SETI Seth Shostak, mereka membutuhkan antara US$ 2 juta - US$ 3 juta (sekitar Rp 17 miliar - RpP 25 miliar) per tahun untuk mengoperasikan penelitian ilmiah mereka agar tetap berlangsung.
Mereka berharap untuk bisa mendapatkan sokongan dana sekitar US$ 5 juta untuk membiayai kegiatan mereka selama dua tahun untuk mendengarkan sinyal radio yang mungkin datang dari eksoplanet-eksoplanet serupa Bumi, yang baru-baru ini ditemukan oleh teleskop satelit Kepler milik NASA.
Kepler yang beroperasi sejak 2009, saat ini memang telah mengidentifikasi lebih dari 1.000 kandidat planet, yang rencananya akan digunakan oleh SETI Institute untuk menyempitkan obyek pencarian mereka.
"Sayangnya, bujet pemerintahan saat ini memang sulit, dan solusi baru memang musti ditemukan," ujar Shostak. Kemungkinan lain, adalah berharap adanya donasi dari pribadi-pribadi seperti halnya yang telah dilakukan oleh Paul Allen, Arthur C Clarke, dan Bill Hewlett serta David Packard.
"Jika Richard Branson atau siapapun ingin membantu kami, mereka bisa menghubungi kami," katanya. sumber
Dalam surat mereka kepada para pendonor, CEO SETI Institute Tom Pierson mengatakan bahwa teleskop radio Allen Telescope Array akan hibernasi karena kehabisan dana operasional.
"Artinya, peralatan-peralatan itu tidak akan bisa digunakan untuk observasi normal dan akan dipelihara oleh staf kami yang jumlahnya pun telah dikurangi," kata Pierson, seperti dikutip dari situs Guardian.
SETI Institute adalah lembaga ilmiah yang sangat populer karena muncul dalam sebuah novel fiksi ilmiah karya Carl Sagan berjudul Contact, yang belakangan difilmkan dan dibintangi oleh Jodie Foster pada 1997.
Diawali oleh astronom bernama Frank Drake sejak 1960, SETI telah beroperasi sejak lima dekade lalu. Mereka memindai sinyal radio dari luar angkasa, yang bisa memberikan indikasi bahwa manusia bukan satu-satunya mahluk yang hidup di alam semesta raya ini.
Awalnya Drake mengarahkan telekskop radio Green Bank radio yang terletak di West Virginia ke arah bintang Tau Ceti untuk mencari sinyal radio yang tak biasa, yang mungkin dikirim oleh mahluk cerdas lain selain manusia.
Belakangan, SETI Institute mendirikan instalasi yang lebih lengkap di Hat Creek, 300 mil Timur Laut San Francisco, California. Observatorium ini juga dioperasikan oleh laboratorium Radio Astronomy University of California, Berkeley.
Teleskop teranyar yang dimiliki SETI adalah Allen Telescope Array, yang harganya senilai US$50 juta atau sekitar Rp 431 miliar, yang sebagian di antaranya didanai oleh salah satu pendiri Microsoft, Paul Allen.
Jajaran antena Allen Telescope ini terdiri dari 42 antena cakram, yang masing-masing berdiameter 6 meter. Padahal, rencananya, SETI akan menambah lagi jajaran antena itu, hingga nantinya akan berjumlah 350 antena radio yang akan beroperasi siang dan malam.
Selama ini, SETI sendiri tak hanya memanfaatkan teleskop-teleskop miliknya sendiri, namun juga memanfaatkan teleskop-teleskop lain di seluruh dunia yang tengah tidak digunakan.
Menurut astronom senior SETI Seth Shostak, mereka membutuhkan antara US$ 2 juta - US$ 3 juta (sekitar Rp 17 miliar - RpP 25 miliar) per tahun untuk mengoperasikan penelitian ilmiah mereka agar tetap berlangsung.
Mereka berharap untuk bisa mendapatkan sokongan dana sekitar US$ 5 juta untuk membiayai kegiatan mereka selama dua tahun untuk mendengarkan sinyal radio yang mungkin datang dari eksoplanet-eksoplanet serupa Bumi, yang baru-baru ini ditemukan oleh teleskop satelit Kepler milik NASA.
Kepler yang beroperasi sejak 2009, saat ini memang telah mengidentifikasi lebih dari 1.000 kandidat planet, yang rencananya akan digunakan oleh SETI Institute untuk menyempitkan obyek pencarian mereka.
"Sayangnya, bujet pemerintahan saat ini memang sulit, dan solusi baru memang musti ditemukan," ujar Shostak. Kemungkinan lain, adalah berharap adanya donasi dari pribadi-pribadi seperti halnya yang telah dilakukan oleh Paul Allen, Arthur C Clarke, dan Bill Hewlett serta David Packard.
"Jika Richard Branson atau siapapun ingin membantu kami, mereka bisa menghubungi kami," katanya. sumber
Siapa sebenarnya dajjal

Asal-Usul Keluarganya:
Dajjal adalah seorang manusia dari keturunan Yahudi. Dia bukan Jin atau apajua makhluk lain selain ia sebagai manusia yg ditangguhkan ajalnya "MinalMunzharin" seperti halnya Nabi Isa as yg di angkat oleh Allah swt ke ataslangit dan ditangguhkan kematiannya sehingga beliau nantinya turun semula keatas muka bumi ini lalu beliau akan mati dan di kuburkan di Madinah AlMunawwarah. Sama juga halnya dgn Iblis yg di tangguhkan kematiannya sehinggakiamat nanti.
Dajjal; ayahnya seorang yg tinggi dan gemuk. Hidungnya seperti Paruh burung.Sedangkan Ibunya pula seorang perempuan gemuk dan banyak dagingnya. MenurutImam Al Barzanji ada pendapat mengatakan bahawa asal keturunan bapanya ialahseorang Dukun Yahudi yg di kenali dgn "syaqq" manakala ibunya adalah daribangsa Jin. Ia hidup di zaman Nabi Sulaiman as dan mempunyai hubungan denganmakhluk halus. Lalu oleh Nabi Sulaiman ia akhirnya ditangkap dan dimasukkanke dalam penjara. Walau bagaimanapun kelahiran dan kehidupan masa keciltidak diketahui dgn jelas.
Sifat Badannya:
Hadis Huzaifah r.a katanya: Rasulullah s.a.w. telah bersabda: Dajjal ialah orang yang buta matanyasebelah kiri, lebat (panjang) rambutnya serta dia mempunyai Syurga danNeraka. Nerakanya itu merupakan Syurga dan Syurganya pula ialah Neraka(Hadis Sahih Muslim)
Ada beberapa ciri perawakan Dajjal yg disebutkan dalam Hadis Rasulullahsaw, diantaranya:
Seorang yg kelihatannya masih muda;Berbadan Besar dan agak kemerah-merahan;Rambutnya kerinting dan tebal. Kelihatan dari belakang seolah-olah dahankayu yg rimbun.
Dan tandanya yg paling ketara sekali ada dua:Pertama: Buta mata kirinya dan kelihatan seperti buah kismis yg kecut,manakala mata kanannya tertonjol keluar kehijau-hijauan berkelip-keliplaksana bintang. Jadi kedua-dua matanya adalah cacat.Kedua: Tertulis didahinya tulisan "Kafir (Kaf-Fa-Ra)". Tulisan ini dapatdibaca oleh setiap org Islam, sama ada ia pandai membaca atau tidak.Mengikut hadis riwayat At-Thabrani, kedua-dua tanda ini menjelma dalam diriDajjal setelah ia mengaku sebagai Tuhan. Adapun sebelum itu, kedua-dua tandayg terakhir ini belum ada pada dirinya.
Tempat Tinggalnya Sekarang:
Menurut riwayat yg sahih yg disebutkan dlm kitab "Shahih Muslim", bahawaDajjal itu sudah wujud sejak beberapa lama. Ia dirantai di sebuah pulau danditunggu oleh seekor binatang yg bernama "Al-Jassasah". Terdapat hadis mengenainya.. (tetapi terlalu panjang utk ditulis.. andaboleh membaca terus dari buku). Daripada Hadis ini jelaslah bagi kita bahawaDajjal itu telah ada dan ia menunggu masa yg diizinkan oleh Allah swt utkkeluar menjelajah permukaan bumi ini dan tempat "transitnya" itu ialah disebelah Timur bukan di Barat.
Berapa lama ia akan hidup setelah kemunculannya:
Dajjal akan hidup setelah ia memulakan cabarannya kepada umat ini, selamaempat puluh hari sahaja. Namun begitu, hari pertamanya adalah sama dgnsetahun dan hari kedua sama dengan sebulan dan ketiga sama dengan satuminggu dan hari-hari baki lagi sama seperti hari-hari biasa. Jadikeseluruhan masa Dajjal membuat fitnah dan kerosakan itu ialah 14 bulan dan14 hari. Dalam Hadis riwayat Muslim ada disebutkan:
Kami bertanya: "Wahai Rasulullah! Berapa lamakah ia akan tinggal di mukabumi ini? Nabi saw, menjawab: Ia akan tinggal selama empat puluh hari. Hariyg pertama seperti setahun dan hari berikutnya seperti sebulan dan hariketiga seperti seminggu. Kemudian hari yg masih tinggal lagi (iaitu 37hari) adalah sama seperti hari kamu yg biasa.Lalu kami bertanya lagi: Wahai Rasulullah saw! Di hari yg panjang sepertisetahun itu, apakah cukup bagi kami hanya sembahyang sehari sahaja (iaitu 5waktu sahaja). Nabi saw menjawab: Tidak cukup. Kamu mesti mengira hari itudgn menentukan kadar yg bersesuaian bagi setiap sembahyang.."
Maksud Sabdaan Rasulullah saw, ini ialah supaya kita mengira jam yg berlalu pada hari itu. Bukan mengikut perjalanan matahari seperti biasanya kitalakukan. Misalnya sudah berlalu tujuh jam selepas sembahyang Subuh pada hariitu maka masuklah waktu sembahyang Zohor, maka hendaklah kita sembahyangZohor, dan apabila ia telah berlalu selepas sembahyang Zohor itu tiga jamsetengah misalnya, maka masuklah waktu Asar, maka wajib kita sembahyang AsarBegitulah seterusnya waktu Sembahyang Maghrib, Isyak dan Subuh seterusnyahingga habis hari yg panjang itu sama panjangnya dgn masa satu tahun danbilangan sembahyang pun pada sehari itu sebanyak bilangan sembahyang setahunyg kita lakukan. Begitu juga pada hari Kedua dan ketiga.
Fitnah Dajjal:
Dajjal telah diberi peluang oleh Allah swt utk menguji umat ini. Oleh keranaitu, Allah memberikan kepadanya beberapa kemampuan yg luar biasa. Di antarakemampuan Dajjal ialah:
1. Segala kesenangan hidup akan ada bersama dengannya. Benda-benda beku akanmematuhinya.Sebelum kedatangan Dajjal, dunia Islam akan diuji dahulu oleh Allah dgnkemarau panjang selama 3 tahun berturut-turut. Pada tahun pertama hujan akankurang sepertiga dari biasa dan pada tahun kedua akan kurang 2/3 dari biasadan tahun ketiga hujan tidak akan turun langsung. Umat akan dilandakebuluran dan kekeringan. Di saat itu Dajjal akan muncul membawa ujian. Makadaerah mana yg percaya Dajjal itu Tuhan, ia akan berkata pada awan: Hujanlahkamu di daerah ini! Lalu hujan pun turunlah dan bumi menjadi subur. Begitujuga ekonomi, perdagangan akan menjadi makmur dan stabil pada org ygbersekutu dgn Dajjal. Manakala penduduk yg tidak mahu bersukutu dgn Dajjal..mereka akan tetap berada dlm kebuluran dan kesusahan.
Dan ada diriwayatkanpenyokong Dajjal akan memiliki segunung roti (makanan) sedangkan org ygtidak percaya dengannya berada dalam kelaparan dan kebuluran.
Dalam hal ini, para sahabat Rasullullah s.a.w. bertanya:"Jadi apa yg dimakan oleh org Islam yg beriman pada hari itu wahaiRasulullah?"Nabi menjawab:"Mereka akan merasa kenyang dengan bertahlil, bertakbir, bertasbih danbertaubat. Jadi zikir-zikir itu yang akan menggantikan makanan." H.R IbnuMajah
2. Ada bersamanya seumpamanya Syurga dan Neraka:
Di antara ujian Dajjal ialah kelihatan bersama dengannya seumpama syurga danneraka dan juga sungai air dan sungai api. Dajjal akan menggunakankedua-duanya ini untuk menguji iman org Islam kerana hakikat yg benar adalahsebalik dari apa yg kelihatan. Apa yg dikatakan Syurga itu sebenarnya Nerakadan apa yg dikatakannya Neraka itu adalah Syurga.
3. Kepantasan perjalanan dan Negeri-Negeri yang tidak dapat dimasukinya:
Kepantasan yg dimaksudkan ini tidak ada pada kenderaan org dahulu. Kalauhari ini maka bolehlah kita mengatakan kepantasan itu seperti kepantasanjet-jet tempur yg digunakan oleh tentera udara atau lebih pantas lagidaripada kenderaan tersebut sehinggakan beribu-ribu kilometer dapat ditempuhdalam satu jam"… Kami bertanya: Wahai Rasulullah! Bagaimana kepantasan perjalanannya diatas muka bumi ini?Nabi menjawab:"Kepantasan perjalanannya adalah seperti kepantasan "Al Ghaist" (hujan atauawan) yang dipukul oleh angin yang kencang." H.R Muslim
Namun demikian, Dajjal tetap tidak dapat memasuki dua Bandar suci umat Islamiaitu Makkah Al Mukarramah dan Madinah Al Munawwarah.
4. Bantuan Syaitan-Syaitan untuk memperkukuhkan kedudukannya:
Syaitan juga akan bertungkus-lumus membantu Dajjal. Bagi syaitan, inilahmasa yg terbaik utk menyesatkan lebih ramai lagi anak cucu Adam a.s.sumber
Penampakan Kuntilanak di Bawah Jembatan Nganjuk

(detiksurabaya/Samsul Hadi)
Pengabadian penampakan kuntilanak berhasil dilakukan oleh Pego Guntoro, warga di sekitar lokasi jembatan Senin (25/4/2011) petang. Saat itu dia bermaksud memotret jembatan Karangsemi yang sedang ambruk, namun hasil jepretan terpampang penampakan tersebut.
"Saat itu juga dia ketakutan dan mem-bluetooth fotonya ke HP saya. Yang di HP dia sendiri malah dihapus," terang Ratno, warga Desa Demangan Kecamatan Tanjung Anom, yang menjadi teman seprofesi Pego, saat ditemui wartawan di rumahnya, Rabu (27/4/2011).
Pantauan menunjukkan, penampakan kuntilanak bisa dilihat dengan jelas. Sesosok hantu tampak berdiri di bantaran sungai di bawah jembatan, mengenakan pakaian serba putih, rambut terurai panjang dan tak terdapat tangan yang terlihat.
"Kalau diperhatikan sepertinya kuntilanak. Ini ngambilnya (foto) kan juga sore. Mungkin pas ada hantu lewat atau bagaimana, pas dijepret tepat saat masuk frame," ujar Ratno.
Kabar penampakan hantu juga cepat menyebar ke sejumlah masyarakat di Desa Karangsemi dan Demangan. Melalui fasilitas bluetooth dan infra red mereka juga berusaha saling tukar foto, karena mengaku penasaran dengan kabar tersebut.
Terkait penampakan kuntilanak yang terekam kamera handphone tersebut, warga di sekitar lokasi menyebut jembatan Karangsemi memang dikenal angker. Agus, salah satu warga bahkan mengaku pernah melihat penampakan hantu yang sama dengan matanya secara langsung.
"Sudah setahunan kalau gak salah. Saat itu saya selesai makan di warung sebelah jembatan, sudah jam sembilanan malam. Saat melintas di atas jembatan saya lihat sosok hantu duduk-duduk di bagian besi pembatas. Saya sempat melirik, cukup cantik wajahnya," ungkap Agus dengan mimik wajah serius.
Keangkeran lain di jembatan Karangsemi juga diungkapkan Supardi, warga lainnya. Salah satu indikasinya adanya seringnya jembatan penghubung 2 desa tersebut rusak, meski perbaikan selalu dilakukan. "Ini tahun ini sudah dua kali ambruk. Padahal selalu diperbaiki, dibangun bagus nanti juga ambruk lagi," pungkasnya.sumber
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Rotating Cylinder UFO Spotted In Sweden Göteborg 24/4/2011
witness statement
This sighting is an amazing UFO sighting i had a few days ago while waiting for my girlfriend to return from Jönköping. The craft appeared behind the mountains close to the highway that connects Sävedalen with Göteborg at first it sound like an chopper then it made no noise at all then it stood hovering close to out apartment for about 7 minutes, it appeared just a few minut before my girlfriend arrived that night. During that whole weekend i did not see anything strange in the skies until that night.
I have never seen something like this before.. This craft is just mind blowing it looks like a cylinder or pipe that is rotating but when i used night vision it looks like something else that is expanding and growing. I actually saw this change shape while flying towards me pretty neat to witness!
What is this ?
To me there is no freaking way this is an airplane or helicopter, is it of ET origin ? Ill let you be the judge
This sighting is an amazing UFO sighting i had a few days ago while waiting for my girlfriend to return from Jönköping. The craft appeared behind the mountains close to the highway that connects Sävedalen with Göteborg at first it sound like an chopper then it made no noise at all then it stood hovering close to out apartment for about 7 minutes, it appeared just a few minut before my girlfriend arrived that night. During that whole weekend i did not see anything strange in the skies until that night.
I have never seen something like this before.. This craft is just mind blowing it looks like a cylinder or pipe that is rotating but when i used night vision it looks like something else that is expanding and growing. I actually saw this change shape while flying towards me pretty neat to witness!
What is this ?
To me there is no freaking way this is an airplane or helicopter, is it of ET origin ? Ill let you be the judge
Best NASA UFO Footage
NASA ufo footage and various other ufo captures merged into one video.
The Government cant hide this from us anymore. We have a right to know of these important things!
The Government cant hide this from us anymore. We have a right to know of these important things!
Firefight in Afghanistan between 4/F/ 2-502 and Taliban
3 x GBU dropped at once on Taliban position during a firefight at a COP in Zhari, Kandahar Afghanistan. 4/F/2-502
UFO Orb Over UK 2011
Great footage of possible Orb UFO or Lightship. Filmed over United Kingdom 2011 SOURCE: MrWutangkilla1
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
AMAZING - (NASA) proof -Aliens UFO's
this is amazing evidence from NASA where they have came across unbelievable flying objects? that they have not seen before take a look for yourself it is actually unbelievable to think that they are alien sightings from Nasa because it's definitely not fake as Nasa has captured these.
UFOs UFO & Alien Life According to the Quran
Some science fiction writers have portrayed outer space creatures with monstrous-looking features in their stories, but so far such creatures have remained in the realm of science fiction.
However, the Quran does allude to life in outer space, thus: "And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the living creatures He has scattered through them." (42.29) And: "The seven heavens and the earth, and beings therein, declare his glory." (17:44)
These verses indicate that there is life in some form or other planets in the galaxies. Until scientific means become more sophisticated to make this discovery, this Quranic statement will remain an unfulfilled prophecy.
However, the Quran does allude to life in outer space, thus: "And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the living creatures He has scattered through them." (42.29) And: "The seven heavens and the earth, and beings therein, declare his glory." (17:44)
These verses indicate that there is life in some form or other planets in the galaxies. Until scientific means become more sophisticated to make this discovery, this Quranic statement will remain an unfulfilled prophecy.
Monday, April 25, 2011
apa benar di kentut? obama
aku berpendapat itu hanya dibuat buat dari kemputer sahaja,masa kentutnya begitu kuat,itu ketua negara,masa ketua negara tidak ada diseplin
Dead alien found in UFO hotspot in Russia - The Real Story.
Don't let those superstucious retards fool you... here is the real story...
The guys confessed what they have done on the news...
And you can see the alien in a box around 2:37...
It is made out of chicken and some dhough, just like I suspected...
because thats how it looked like
I can say its a fake now...BUT theres always that possibility that their government paid them alot of money to say its fake so ppl wont belive its real...shit if i found an alien and the government paid my like thousands or even millions..shit i would take it to..........cuz come on the government always lies to all...everyone knows that unless ur an idiot
The guys confessed what they have done on the news...
And you can see the alien in a box around 2:37...
It is made out of chicken and some dhough, just like I suspected...
because thats how it looked like
I can say its a fake now...BUT theres always that possibility that their government paid them alot of money to say its fake so ppl wont belive its real...shit if i found an alien and the government paid my like thousands or even millions..shit i would take it to..........cuz come on the government always lies to all...everyone knows that unless ur an idiot
UFO Wormhole Japan April 2011
THERE IS SOMETHING GOING ON,I find this odd. Note UFOs are generally spotted around nuclear facilities, and the whole Fukushima thing is going on in japan, i think this is not rocket launche,this is ufo.
sumpah pocong (dituduh dukun santet 7 warga melakukan sumpah pocong)
jika ternyata diantara merika berbohong mesti kerkena akibat.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
UFO IN THE MORNING 23 april 2011
Alien abduction and UFO filmed secretly
Was a Possible UFO and Alien Abduction Secretly Filmed?
by Michael Cohen
Posted: 01:38 December 24, 2009
This astonishing UFO video (above) was sent to us by a reader. It allegedly shows a UFO that has landed on Earth as well as a series of very clear images of what appear to be aliens of the 'Grey' variety. The aliens appear to be walking to and from the flying saucer, seemingly on some sort of research mission. Some appear to be wearing some form of space suits or clothing and others appear to be naked. The video might also show the dimmed interior of a UFO and an actual abduction, making the footage, arguably, a world first.
The location of this UFO event is unknown but it is believed by the reader to have taken place at some sort of secret installation in North America. One can hear screams of what might be terrified human beings, possibly abducted by the aliens, and made to board the UFO for some sort of experimentation. What might be alien speech can also be heard as well as the sounds of possible UFO instrumentation.
Was this footage taken in secret at some sort of joint Government and alien installation and smuggled out by an employee? Of more serious concern for researchers, perhaps, is the identity of the humans, apparently screaming in fear. It has long been alleged that by some UFO researchers that humans are indeed abducted and even farmed to be used by aliens for scientific purposes.
It seems that whoever filmed this has not come forward, possibly due to concerns for their safety.
Could this video be real and therefore solid proof of extraterrestrial visitation?
All News Web is appealing to readers who might know more about this astonishing UFO footage. Some readers might find the images and sounds in this video disturbing.
by Michael Cohen
Posted: 01:38 December 24, 2009
This astonishing UFO video (above) was sent to us by a reader. It allegedly shows a UFO that has landed on Earth as well as a series of very clear images of what appear to be aliens of the 'Grey' variety. The aliens appear to be walking to and from the flying saucer, seemingly on some sort of research mission. Some appear to be wearing some form of space suits or clothing and others appear to be naked. The video might also show the dimmed interior of a UFO and an actual abduction, making the footage, arguably, a world first.
The location of this UFO event is unknown but it is believed by the reader to have taken place at some sort of secret installation in North America. One can hear screams of what might be terrified human beings, possibly abducted by the aliens, and made to board the UFO for some sort of experimentation. What might be alien speech can also be heard as well as the sounds of possible UFO instrumentation.
Was this footage taken in secret at some sort of joint Government and alien installation and smuggled out by an employee? Of more serious concern for researchers, perhaps, is the identity of the humans, apparently screaming in fear. It has long been alleged that by some UFO researchers that humans are indeed abducted and even farmed to be used by aliens for scientific purposes.
It seems that whoever filmed this has not come forward, possibly due to concerns for their safety.
Could this video be real and therefore solid proof of extraterrestrial visitation?
All News Web is appealing to readers who might know more about this astonishing UFO footage. Some readers might find the images and sounds in this video disturbing.
UFO filmed near power station in Kazakhstan
Proof at last? Daytime UFO filmed near power station in Kazakhstan
Michael Cohen
An extra-ordinary piece of footage has come to light(see video below) that seems to show what appears to be a small UFO or an unmanned UFO probe circling what looks like a power station. The unstable UFO hovers in the vicinity of the station before zooming off at breakneck speed.
Not much is known about the video, which might have been secretly taken by a government employee, other than the fact that it was probably taken in the Central Asian Republic of Kazakhstan.
Kazakhstan has a past replete with UFO sightings and rich UFO history. A number of UFOs are said to have crashed in Kazakhstan's territory and recently that nation's government toyed with the idea of creating the world's first alien embassy and UFO landing base. The head of Khazakstan's space agency, Talgat Musabayev, is a staunch believer in alien visitation to Planet Earth.
The UFO seen in this video is consistent with leaked information from ex-government employees claiming a race from Andromeda Galaxy is sending probes to monitor humanity and levels of conflict on Earth.
Michael Cohen
An extra-ordinary piece of footage has come to light(see video below) that seems to show what appears to be a small UFO or an unmanned UFO probe circling what looks like a power station. The unstable UFO hovers in the vicinity of the station before zooming off at breakneck speed.
Not much is known about the video, which might have been secretly taken by a government employee, other than the fact that it was probably taken in the Central Asian Republic of Kazakhstan.
Kazakhstan has a past replete with UFO sightings and rich UFO history. A number of UFOs are said to have crashed in Kazakhstan's territory and recently that nation's government toyed with the idea of creating the world's first alien embassy and UFO landing base. The head of Khazakstan's space agency, Talgat Musabayev, is a staunch believer in alien visitation to Planet Earth.
The UFO seen in this video is consistent with leaked information from ex-government employees claiming a race from Andromeda Galaxy is sending probes to monitor humanity and levels of conflict on Earth.
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