Sunday, March 18, 2012

RED ALERT! The thing is REALLY CLOSE! March 17, 2012

UFO Sightings Strange & Unexplained Congo mokele-mbembe Dinosaur Caught On Video! World Exclusive!

Amazing Footage from the Congo of what could be a baby mokele-mbembe Dinosaur! Footage shot by Abayomi, as one well familiar with the Congo's fauna, he was positive that the animal could not have been a crocodile. Sub scribe to Thirdphaseofmoon for more amazing UFO and Paranormal video from around the World!

Ancient Aliens Season 4 Episode 6 - The Mystery Of Puma Punku

Do More Planets Mean More Earths?

The Kepler program has detected hundreds of previously unknown planets.

UFO Strange sighting over Gouy-Lez-Piéton, March 16, 2012, 8:15 p.m

2012 IS STRANGE Part 15 MARCH 5-15

2012 IS STRANGE Part 15 : footages from March 5 to March 15, 2012
My serie include strange phenomenons of all kind and awesome natural events or beautiful phenomena

Worldwide Media News Coverage Update -SUNSFLARE "Unidentified Object SUN!"

Thank you! I have been overwhelmed and excited by the worldwide media coverage and the peronsal response by C. Alex Young, from NASA Goddard's Space Flight Center and the that my video titled "Breaking - Unidentified Object SUN! March 11, 2012" has recieved.