Saturday, June 16, 2012
Graphic Execution and Head Shot of Accused Assad Loyalist by Free Syrian Army (Quria,Syria)
June 13th, 2012) Graphic warning. Accused of collaborating with the Assad regime, this Syrian civilian was executed at close range by the Free Syrian Army, blowing off the top of his head. New video and one of the better head shots i have seen on the internet to date. Not for shock value, simply documenting the crimes against civilians by both the Assad regime and the Free Syrian Army.
The UN has also as of late recognized Syria as in a full state of Civil War. Click link for more details.
By: the demon
baby born with Quran in his hand
And you thought jesus in a burnt tortilla was stupid.....atleast these ppl seem to know what they are talking about..derp
Included interview with the priest
Baby Abdul Wahab Iyanda Irawo’s birth a few weeks ago drew media attention as the baby was reportedly born clutching a miniature Quran. Two clerics, who witnessed the incident, speak with OLALEKAN OLABULO in separate interviews. Excerpts:
He was not born in our church, we only prayed for his mother —Pastor-in-charge
Senior Apostle Ojo Giwa of the Eternal Order of the Morning Star and Saint Michael Fountain of Life Church, Ejigbo parish, Lagos State, is the first respondent:
For how long have you been a pas tor?
I was born here. I was born in the Holy Order about 60 years ago.
Recently, a baby was reportedly born in your parish clutching a miniature Quran in his hand. How true is this?
It is true. There is nothing to hide; there is no falsehood in it.We thank God that the person who delivered the baby was here before. The pregnancy of the baby was over nine months. It was getting to 11 months,they became afraid of the situation, that was why they brought her here. Thank God she was able to deliver the baby.
Did you personally see the Quran after the baby was born?
Yes, I saw it.
Was there any temptation, either from you or anybody to destroy the Quran before Muslims came?
No, there was nothing like that, we all serve the same God.
You said for almost 60 years you have been in this church, has there been anything like this in the past?
There have been a lot of it. There is one of our fathers who caught a Bible written in French. His name is Pa Adewunmi. He was trying to catch fish, but he caught a Bible here in Lagos. Another miracle happened in London in 1972, it is in their archives. We don’t publicise them.
How many days did the mother of the new baby spend in your church?
Well, when she came here, we prayed for her and she returned home but when she got home, she called that she was about to deliver. So, we sent our mother-in-Israel to their house.
So, she did not give birth to the baby in your church?
No, it was in their house.
Did you see the Quran or the mother-in-Isreal told you?
I saw it myself. Immediately they saw it, they called me and I went there.
What kind of Quran is it? How many chapters or verses were in it when it was opened?
When we were through with what concerned us, I mean after the woman gave birth to the baby, the Muslim people came and took over. The father of the baby is a Muslim.
The woman who delivered the baby saw the Quran but threw it away wondering what it was — Alh Omotosho
Alhaji Asimimiyu Omotosho, the Chief Imam of Rahmatul Islamiya Central Mosque, Ijeshatedo, Lagos, is the second respondent:
There were reports that you were the Islamic scholar who was first contacted when Abdul Wahab Iyanda was born with a Quran in his hands?
Yes, it is true.
How did it happen?
One of the senior wives of the mother of the baby (Iya Mariam) identified it and called the grandmother, who in turn contacted us. The woman, who delivered the baby saw it and wondered what kind of paper it was. They then threw it away.
How did the Quran look like when you saw it?
It was a small Quran covered in a polythene- like material. The mid- wife had earlier collected it from the baby and thrown it away.
How was the Quran opened?
When we saw it, many of us, including Alhaji Ajala, the coordinator of Al Hijaj, took the Quran to the Chief Imam of Lagos, Alhaji Garba, where the Quran was opened.
Since when have you been a Muslim scholar?
For the past 69 or 70 years.
Have you found a Quran like that before?
Yes, in Mecca.
Is there any difference between the Quran that the boy was holding and the one in Mecca?
The one that the boy was holding had a very thick polythene material covering it, it was very difficult to open, unlike the one in Mecca that you can open easily.
How did you eventually open the Quran? Did you use a knife or a blade?
They used bare hands to open it, but before they did that, they had sent somebody to go and bring a razor blade; before the person could bring it, the Quran had been opened.
There were reports that the Quran has only six chapters?
No, it is almost a complete Quran. Apart from Fathia, it starts from Suratu Bakora and ends with Suratu Afud, which is almost the last chapter in the Quran.
Where exactly did you see the baby and the Quran?
At the grandmother’s house in Ijeshatedo, Lagos.
Was the baby born in a church?
No, he was born at home, but a Christian woman helped the mother while in labour.
Read more:
21+:a TERRORIST or a (Free Syrian Army member) is throwing an innocent civilian and accusing him of being with the Syrian government.
-the camera man is saying: thats what gonna happens to anyone who supports al-Assad (syrian government) and is telling the guy(his partner) to hurry up before someone shows up.
-the victim was heard saying ( i dont support no one)
-we can listen to the victim's wife crying and telling the killer(terrorist) to leave her husband alone
Aftermath Following an Artillery Attack by Assad Forces (Daraa,Syria)
June 15th, 2012) Bloody aftermath following an attack when a shell landed among civilians in Daraa Syria. Images are Graphic in nature, viewer discretion. Not for shock value, simply documenting the crimes against civilians in the Syrian conflict, by both the Assad regime and the FSA.
The UN has also officially declared Syria is in a full state of civil war. Click news link for details.
UFO - New First pictures from the Baltic Sea Mystery, June 15, 2012
by Hibernate2012 STOCKHOLM, Sweden, June 15, 2012For days now has been speculated what the divers at the bottom of the Baltic Sea since been found exactly. We are talking about the mysterious object, which last summer was found there.
Now the first pictures have arrived. According to the divers there will be a huge sandstone formations. This should act as if cast in cement.
Also there will be patterns that are reminiscent of campfire sites. One of the divers said he had never seen anything like it.
UFO - New First pictures from the Baltic Sea Mystery, June 15, 2012
by EriGIA007 Nouveaux premières images du Mystère de la mer Baltique, le 15 juin 2012COMMUNIQUÉ DE NOUVELLES
Les chasseurs de trésor, OCEAN X TEAM, découvert quelque chose de unique lorsqu'ils plongea vers le mystérieux objet en forme de CERCLE-dans la mer Baltique Les chasseurs de trésors de confirmer qu'ils ont trouvé quelque chose d'anormal dans les fonds marins
STOCKHOLM, Suède, Juin 15, 2012
L'équipe de l'océan X a plongé vers l'objet en forme de cercle dans la mer Baltique et a rencontré quelque chose qu'ils n'ont jamais connu auparavant. D'abord ils ont pensé qu'il était juste de pierre ou d'une falaise rocheuse, mais après de nouvelles observations de l'objet est apparu plus comme un champignon énorme, la hausse 3-4 meters/10-13 pieds du fond marin, avec des côtés arrondis et les bords robustes. L'objet a un trou en forme d'oeuf débouchant dans l'par le haut, en tant qu'ouverture. En plus de l'objet ils ont également trouvé d'étranges formations cercle de pierres, presque ressembler à de petites cheminées. Les pierres étaient couverts de quelque chose ressemblant à de la suie. «Lors de ma carrière de 20 ans de plongée, y compris des plongées 6000, je n'ai jamais rien vu de tel. Normalement pierres ne brûlent pas. Je ne peux pas expliquer ce que nous avons vu, et je suis allé là-bas pour répondre aux questions, mais je suis venu avec encore plus de questions ", explique Stefan Hogeborn, l'un des plongeurs à l'océan X Team. Le chemin de l'objet lui-même peut être décrite comme une piste ou un sentier en descente qui est aplatie sur le fond marin avec l'objet à la fin de celui-ci. "Nous avons d'abord pensé que c'était seulement la pierre, mais c'est autre chose. Et puisque aucune activité volcanique n'a jamais été signalé dans la mer Baltique, le devient encore trouver étranger. Comme laïcs, nous ne pouvons que spéculer comment cela se fait par la nature, mais c'est la chose la plus étrange que j'ai jamais vécue comme un plongeur professionnel ", poursuit Peter Lindberg, l'un de l'équipe fondatrice océan X. À l'heure actuelle, les scientifiques se penchent sur des échantillons de l'objet en forme de cercle, et des experts en sonar d'imagerie sont le traitement des données à partir du navire dans l'espoir de jeter plus de lumière sur le mystérieux objet.
15/6/2012, PRESS RELEASE
Treasure hunters confirm they have found something abnormal in the seabed
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, June 15, 2012
The Ocean X Team dove down to the circle-shaped object in the Baltic Sea and met something they never experienced before. First they thought it was just stone or a rock cliff, but after further observations the object appeared more as a huge mushroom, rising 3-4 meters/10-13 feet from the seabed, with rounded sides and rugged edges. The object had an egg shaped hole leading into it from the top, as an opening. On top of the object they also found strange stone circle formations, almost looking like small fireplaces. The stones were covered in something resembling soot.
"During my 20-year diving career, including 6000 dives, I have never seen anything like this. Normally stones don't burn. I can't explain what we saw, and I went down there to answer questions, but I came up with even more questions ", says Stefan Hogeborn, one of the divers at Ocean X Team.
The path to the object itself can be described as a runway or a downhill path that is flattened at the seabed with the object at the end of it.
"First we thought this was only stone, but this is something else. And since no volcanic activity has ever been reported in the Baltic Sea the find becomes even stranger. As laymen we can only speculate how this is made by nature, but this is the strangest thing I have ever experienced as a professional diver", continues Peter Lindberg, one of the founder Ocean X Team.
Right now, scientists are examining samples from the circle-shaped object, and experts in sonar imaging are processing data from the ship to hopefully shed more light over the mysterious object.
UFO Sightings Fleet of UFOs Over L.A. Galactic Federation Of Light June 15 2012
by thirdphaseofmoon
Amazing Footage of a Fleet of UFOs Over L.A. Galactic Federation Of Light Caught by Robert Bingham "The Summoner" If you have captured anything Amazing regarding UFOs please contact Thirphaseofmoon Via Skype or Facebook! To watch the entire Robert Bingham Video Visit his Youtube Channel Click Here!
Syrian Army killed 20 Terrorists - after the Terrorists stole an armored vehicle
The Terrorists Farouk Battalion hijacked an armored vehicle.
Then the
Terrorists gathered around the armored vehicle with the photographer
Khaled al-Bakr. After this they get the right response and nearly 20
Terrorists had been killed with the photographer Khaled al-Baker.
Statements of the Terrorists after their confession. The Terrorist or
photographer fell down.
The photographer is now dead and the recording is on hold
NEW GIFT - Mujahidin having fun during testing experimental weapon
By: sahaafi_mujahid
the video wasn't made by me..thanks to mujahid haji tahar miran
rocket fail this time :_)!
remote controlled ak-47 work!
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