JAKARTA- Jebolnya pintu air Buaran, Tarum Kanal Barat, Jakarta Timur tanggal 31 Agustus 2011 menyisakan kisah tersendiri bagi warga sekitar. Boleh percaya boleh tidak, tanggul di jalan Kalimalang itu dianggap memilik kisah misteri dari warga sekitar.
Menurut penuturan sejumlah warga, kisah penampakan buaya putih dan siluman lembu, sudah menjadi bahan pembicaraan sejak turun temurun.
“Iya di tanggul sini sering ada penampakan buaya putih dan siluman lembu sejenis sapi,” kata Bambang kepada okezone di lokasi, Kamis (1/9/2011).
Menurutnya, kisah tersebut dia dengar dari warga lainnya sejak dahulu. Namun dirinya mengaku belum pernah melihatnya secara langsung.
“Biasanya penampakan buaya putih tersebut bisa berubah menjadi kain yang terbang dan bahkan bisa berubah bentuk menjadi dua ikan yang berenang berdampingan,” timpal Ibu Inah yang anaknya pernah menjadi korban di tanggul tersebut.
Menurut wanita yang sudah tinggal puluhan tahun didekat tanggul tersebut mengatakan, daerah di sana juga masih terkesan seram dengan banyaknya pohon besar.
“Dulu tempat ini seperti hutan,” pungkasnya.
Kendati demikian, sebagian warga juga tidak percaya dengan kisah-kisah tersebut. Menurut sorang warga yang tak mau disebutkan namanya itu, kejadian jebolnya tanggul bisa dijelaskan secara ilmiah. “Jangan dikait-kaitkanlah dengan hal seperti itu,” katanya.
NATO says it has no immediate plans to end its operations in Libya, despite the rebels now controlling most of the country. The Alliance is continuing to bomb the town of Sirt - the main pro-Gaddafi stronghold, which rebels have given until Saturday to surrender. Meanwhile, Tripoli remains under rebel control, but Stephen Brown of FrontPage magazine believes the fighting will go on even if colonel Gaddafi is captured.
NATO says it's close to success in Libya as the Gaddafi regime has fallen. The alliance vowed to continue its presence in the region to secure the UN mandate. Meanwhile no one still knows the whereabouts of the fugutive Colonel and fighting between rebels and government loyalists continues near Gaddafi's home town. The Libyan Transitional government is demanding the extradition of the Colonel's family, after they fled to neighboring Algeria. This come as the rebels claim to have killed the leader's youngest son, although that's not been independently confirmed.
Dont agree with the total assessment but I agree with some aspects of what is being said. This is not a revolution in the traditional sense since a revolution requires the people themselves to gain power not power through anothers help aka Nato..
The UN has already prepared a document that will ensure its presence in Libya. The plan proposes 200 military observers to begin with a multi-national force and 190 UN police, says Matthew Lee, human rights activist and journalist for InnerCityPress.com, who broke the story.
Alex talks with Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Shaffer about Pakistan, Libya and the upcoming tenth anniversary of the September 11, 2001, attacks. Shaffer came to prominence during the Able Danger controversy, the DIA data-mining program that allegedly uncovered cells linked to the 9/11 attacks. Shaffer published his memoirs in Operation Dark Heart, a book bought up by the Pentagon and censored in its second printing.
The Israeli press machine is in full slander mode, telling the same lies they told before about the people of Gaza and everyone else that they wish to exterminate and that is exactly what they intend. They’re saying that the Khadaffi loyalists were tying children on to their tanks as a defense. That’s bullshit, just as it has been everywhere else. It is the Israelis who use others as shields because they have no conscience. Furthermore, ZATO will bomb those tanks no matter who is strapped to them, including their own mothers.
I’ve got a burning question; what is all this uproar about ZATO turning the country of Libya over to Al Qaeda? Have we forgotten that top level CIA operatives have admitted that Al Qaeda doesn’t exist, except as a boogeyman to frighten those with the mind of a child? So where does this Al Qaeda come from? Has Israel and The Crown Colonies suited up everyone they could find in an Al Qaeda costume, complete with a operation’s handbook, banners and flags; “We be Al Qaeda”? The alternative press is filled with references to Al Qaeda now. Is there an Al Qaeda or not? Were they forced to invent it? Can I see a picture of Al Qaeda fighters from the combat zones?
Now we are seeing what was expected all along from the murder of Libya by international bankers. The tribal factions are on the verge of turning on each other for their share of the swag. They are uniformly opposed to the civilian Chalabi clones having tea and cakes in some distant Arab resort, far from the conflict, where they are engaged in carving up the country, according to the international banker and corporate template. Everybody wants to be in charge and that means big betrayals are on the horizon and that means more blood soaked sands, courtesy of Murder Incorporated.
Someone wrote me yesterday to tell me that Khadaffi isn’t even a dictator. Here is what he had to say,
“The same ones that produced the holocaust lie have used the same technique to connect the words "Ghaddafi" and "brutal dictator" to be inseparable.
Actually Gaddafi is not even a dictator - he turned power over to the people in 1977 using local committees as described in his Green Book, which blew my mind when I read it. Everyone who has dug deeper into the man seems to be incredulous at the disparity between the popular opinion and actual reality.
He is a great man loved by 90% of Libyans. There was a rally for him in Tripoli on July 1 that China estimated at 1.7 million (95% of the city population) with a flag 6 km long, both world records; and no coverage at all. It boggles the mind.”
If this is true then it is just another indication of how little I know but it does make everything else I said about him at Petri Dish more spot on than I was sure about at the time. It’s just how it felt to me.
Here is something that all of us should read and absorb. These are the foul killers of life and harmony on this planet. All members of the human family should hold these terrible beasts in scorn and contempt. The enemies of humanity should be named and proclaimed from bridges and buildings around the world. Write their names in every public place. Speak of them whenever you speak in any public forum. Let them become known to the wider world as the heinous killers of their fellows for personal profit. I implore the cosmos to set them on fire in their shoes; a spontaneous combustion, in celebration of the coming liberty of a new age, devoid of the soulless, killer reptiles, who now perform their cold blooded psychopathy upon each and every one of us.
Our greatest enemy is our own cowardice, ignorance and greed; too many of us want to sit at the same table with these brigands, too many of us want to frolic in the spotlights like performing seals, too many of us don’t know shit from Shinola and we couldn’t be more proud of the fact, too many of us want to work on the banks of the tributaries of the river of darkness that flows from the dreadful vacancy, where the souls of these misanthropes once resided. Nothing is more dangerous to ourselves and our fellows than the terrible self deceptions we embrace in defense of our survival, when our very lives are no more than timed cassettes in the cosmic tape player. Most of us have had it backwards since we learned to walk. Nearly all of us were telepathically invaded by bad parents and corrupt systems that turned us into drones and canon fodder.
Rebellion is an internal affair. First you must rebel against your own shortcomings that compromise you as a daily affair. First you must conquer yourself. Once that act is accomplished, there is no need to proclaim it, your very example will shine and lead without having to say a thing. We are the primary enemy of ourselves, all other enemies are secondary extensions of this and possess power for only as long as we grant it to them, in our unfortunate obeisance’s, through the medium of our drawbacks. True courage, like true strength is more an act of restraint than anything else.
As the Bhagavad-Gita tells in all of its ancient and enduring clarity, we are at war and always have been but we mistake the nature and composition of our enemies. Our enemies are within. The Bible and all of the other texts that are bent out of shape, at the hands of those seeking to manipulate us, through mindless fundamentalism, are all filled with similar references. The references are deadly accurate; our comprehension of them is not. As I have mentioned at other times, jihad is a spontaneous war against our internal limiters, who are birthed from personal darkness. Once that has been completed the war is won on every other plane.
Job one is our deluded false self. Job two is the automatic submission of all other things false and temporary, in every part of this deceptive world, whose very deception is no more than an extension of the primary deception within. The shadows that we fear are a fantastic enlargement of something much smaller. How many times have we startled at the appearance of a shadow that revealed itself as being cast by a friend? We have no real enemy but ourselves so long as we are susceptible to the tremors of the encircling web. True vision cuts this web like a knife. There is no need for action. The seeing is the ticket.
The plotters and bloodsuckers are marching to the grand dénouement. Like every other final game that has preceded it, the dice are loaded and the result is the same. No one ever takes over the world. The world is a living vessel that retreats at the mere approach of the profane. Lao Tzu said it all, in the simplest way, with all attendant brevity. Civilizations rise and fall; so do politicians, bankers and all of the rest. They blow up like dirigibles in their self importance and are then engulfed in the flames of retribution.
When the greater awakening descends upon the masses, it will be bringing a clarity that will compel the seemingly mighty to tremble wherever they are. Some number will simply kill themselves. It is the nature of the beast. We are going to witness and experience things that might seem fantastic at this juncture and to each, the level of awareness and return will be consonant with their efforts upon their own being, in tandem with whatever other efforts have been made in respect of them. I’m not telling you anything new. It’s all happened before and the record of these events expunged by those who profit from the absence of historical reference. The burning of the library at Alexandria was about this. The falsification of history, by those employed at it, has all been about the control of the masses and the systems that oppress them.
Since there has never been any time but now, now must be the time. Let’s see what sort of effort we are capable of and how much fear and trembling we can take.
The media do not report about the ethnic cleansing in Libya, the so called "rebels" seek out and round up black men and summarily executes them with no trial. The motivation being that they are suspected Liberian mercenaries, when it is obvious that they aren't. The Racism in Libya is running rampant now when armed gangs have free reign.
The Ocean Explorer team, an experienced group of Swedish salvagers, plans to revisit the area where the object was discovered.
(Credit: Peter Lindberg)
Originally, Ocean Explorer wasn't planning to check into the object any further due to the the expense of underwater exploration. With so much excitement and donations coming in, the team is planning to revisit the area.
In the meantime, UFO fans can let their heart rates rise and entertain sweet dreams about visitations from beyond our solar system.
Thanks to the drought, which is causing lakes to dry up in Texas, authorities in Nacogdoches have uncovered what may be a part of the space shuttle Columbia in Lake Nacogdoches.
"The lower water level has exposed a larger than normal area on the northern side of the lake," said NPD Sgt. Greg Sowell. "A large round object became visible, and it is very possible that it is part of Columbia."
Officials with the Nacogdoches police took pictures of the object, described as being 4-feet in diameter and full of mud, and sent them off to NASA.
Columbia broke-up on re-entry over North Texas in February 2003, killing seven astronauts and leaving a trail of debris from North Texas to Louisiana.
"We want to remind everyone that the rules are the same as they were back in 2003. If this object is indeed a part of the shuttle, it is government property, and it is a criminal offense to tamper with it," Sowell said.
Nacogdoches authorities are awaiting instructions from NASA on recovery of the item.
Air Force's Falcon Hypersonic Glider Disappears Mysteriously! For the second time in a row, the Pentagon has lost contact with an experimental hypersonic vehicle over the Pacific, just minutes after it was launched from space.
The flight of the Falcon Hypersonic Technology Vehicle 2 was hotly anticipated in military and aerospace circles. The HTV-2 was supposed to ride on the back of a rocket to the edge of space, where it would separate and scream through the atmosphere at 13,000 mph before splashing into the Pacific Ocean, about 4,100 miles and 30 minutes later.
If the flight worked, it'd show how missiles of this shape and flight pattern could strike targets halfway around the world almost instantly. And that would be a major step forward in the Pentagon's "Prompt Global Strike" plan to attack foes anywhere on the globe in less than an hour. For now, however, those hopes have been dashed.
"There's no way you can call it a success. Let's be blunt about it," a source familiar with the program tells Danger Room.
In a statement, Darpa tried to put a positive shine on the day's events. The Minotaur IV rocket "successfully inserted the aircraft into the desired trajectory," the agency noted. The HTV-2 "transitioned to Mach 20 aerodynamic flight," and that "more than nine minutes of data was collected before an anomaly caused loss of signal."
"We'll learn. We'll try again. That's what it takes," Darpa director Regina Dugan added.
But that may be easier said than done. Before the test, Darpa announced that this would be the last HTV-2 flight that the agency would run. The idea was to transfer control of the program to another branch of the military, most likely the Air Force. Those other branches may not be willing to take on such an expensive program that hasn't shown much forward momentum, as of yet.
The first flight of the HTV-2 ended abruptly in April, 2010 after Defense Department monitors lost touch with the aircraft after nine minutes in the air. Months of intensive wind tunnel testing followed, and the flight path of the wedge-shaped carbon composite aircraft was altered, to keep it aloft for longer. But, if the initial estimates are accurate, the second test didn't last much longer than the first.
"Yes, we got this wonderful data set from the two flights. Yes, you can cross-reference it with the wind tunnel data," the source familiar with HTV-2 says. "Whether that's worth $308 million, I'm not so sure."
Air Force's Falcon Hypersonic Glider Disappears Mysteriously
Darpa fueled the anticipation for the launch for months. Dugan talked up HTV-2 at technology conferences. In an unusual move for the sometimes-secretive agency, Darpa live-tweeted the countdown (doubling its number of followers in less than a week).
I don't believe in UFOs, but this guy makes me want to. Apparently confusing Area 51 with Air Force 1, a man in a Chicago airport details his plans to visit aliens in Arizona and beyond.