Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Leaked: Syrian and iraqi soldiers storm house after house in Homs

Massive Sinkhole In Ireland

Iraq Battling al-Qaeda Insurgency: Baghdad sends tanks and troops to crush al-Qaeda rebels

Iraq facing al-Qaeda insurgency: Islamists vow to continue struggle against Iraqi authorities

W.H.: Iraqis must take lead on violence

SHOCK! 77 ERUPTIONS in 24 Hour Span INDONESIA 01/06/14 - 20,000 Displaced since Sep. 2013

UFO Sightings Frighting Claims Of Alien Abduction Emotional Eyewitness Accounts 2014

Explosion On The Sun (CME) Did ISON Debris Hit The Sun?

Syrian rebels prepare and fire heavy missiles on syrian army

Jabhat al Nusra killed by NDF and Syrian army in fierce battle

al Qaeda re-emerges in fight over Iraq

Troops Battle Al-Qaida Fighters Near Baghdad