This incredible UFO fleet was caught on tape by Domingo Calvo of Southern Peru while his family was on vacation in Machu Picchu just hours after a huge meteor passed over Cusco Peru. Domingo set his camera down for a moment not knowing he was filming this event. several of the children at the site noticed many glowing orbs dashing through the sky as they disappeared as quickly as they appeared. More information to come on this event.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
seal recon ambushed by taliban,in kunar province and spoils
by the vid it looks like a 4man team of us navy seals are cornered and eliminated,you wouldnt tell but for thier tats and gear,i think this has 2 b 2011 early maybe its 2005,not sure ,and siege of us fob in kunar,then the vid s last 2 quarters are completed by an afghani taliban fighter giving hes side of the ops,and the occupation
taliban fighters assault ana army outpost in kunar province unknown date
taliban fighter triumph in the battles
Trauma In Abu Salim Hospital Tripoli Libya - Graphic
Some of the estimated hundreds of dead bodies many of these peolpe left to die During Fierce fighting Tripoli Libya.
Libya all about oil, or central banking?
Apr 14, 2011Libya all about oil, or central banking?
By Ellen Brown
Several writers have noted the odd fact that the Libyan rebels took time out from their rebellion in March to create their own central bank - this before they even had a government. Robert Wenzel wrote in the Economic Policy Journal:I have never before heard of a central bank being created in just a matter of weeks out of a popular uprising. This suggests we have a bit more than a rag tag bunch of rebels running around and that there are some pretty sophisticated influences.Alex Newman wrote in the New American:In a statement released last week, the rebels reported on the results of a meeting held on March 19. Among other things, the supposed rag-tag revolutionaries announced the "[d]esignation of the Central Bank of Benghazi as a monetary authority competent in monetary policies in Libya and appointment of a Governor to the Central Bank of Libya, with a temporary headquarters in Benghazi."Newman quoted CNBC senior editor John Carney, who asked, "Is this the first time a revolutionary group has created a central bankwhile it is still in the midst of fighting the entrenched political power? It certainly seems to indicate how extraordinarily powerful central bankers have become in our era."
Another anomaly involves the official justification for taking up arms against Libya. Supposedly it's about human rights violations, but the evidence is contradictory. According to an article on the Fox News website on February 28:As the United Nations works feverishly to condemn Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi for cracking down on protesters, the body's Human Rights Council is poised to adopt a report chock-full of praise for Libya's human rights record.
The review commends Libya for improving educational opportunities, for making human rights a "priority" and for bettering its "constitutional" framework. Several countries, including Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, and Saudi Arabia but also Canada, give Libya positive marks for the legal protections afforded to its citizens - who are now revolting against the regime and facing bloody reprisal.Whatever might be said of Gaddafi's personal crimes, the Libyan people seem to be thriving. A delegation of medical professionals from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus wrote in an appeal to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin that after becoming acquainted with Libyan life, it was their view that in few nations did people live in such comfort:[Libyans] are entitled to free treatment, and their hospitals provide the best in the world of medical equipment. Education in Libya is free, capable young people have the opportunity to study abroad at government expense. When marrying, young couples receive 60,000 Libyan dinars (about 50,000 US dollars) of financial assistance. Non-interest state loans, and as practice shows, undated. Due to government subsidies the price of cars is much lower than in Europe, and they are affordable for every family. Gasoline and bread cost a penny, no taxes for those who are engaged in agriculture. The Libyan people are quiet and peaceful, are not inclined to drink, and are very religious.They maintained that the international community had been misinformed about the struggle against the regime. "Tell us," they said, "who would not like such a regime?"
Even if that is just propaganda, there is no denying at least one very popular achievement of the Libyan government: it brought water to the desert by building the largest and most expensive irrigation project in history, the US$33 billion GMMR (Great Man-Made River) project. Even more than oil, water is crucial to life in Libya.
The GMMR provides 70% of the population with water for drinking and irrigation, pumping it from Libya's vast underground Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System in the south to populated coastal areas 4,000 kilometers to the north. The Libyan government has done at least some things right.
Another explanation for the assault on Libya is that it is "all about oil", but that theory too is problematic. As noted in the National Journal, the country produces only about 2% of the world's oil. Saudi Arabia alone has enough spare capacity to make up for any lost production if Libyan oil were to disappear from the market. And if it's all about oil, why the rush to set up a new central bank?
Another provocative bit of data circulating on the Net is a 2007 "Democracy Now" interview of US General Wesley Clark (Ret). In it he says that about 10 days after September 11, 2001, he was told by a general that the decision had been made to go to war with Iraq. Clark was surprised and asked why. "I don't know!" was the response. "I guess they don't know what else to do!" Later, the same general said they planned to take out seven countries in five years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran.
What do these seven countries have in common? In the context of banking, one that sticks out is that none of them is listed among the 56 member banks of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). That evidently puts them outside the long regulatory arm of the central bankers' central bank in Switzerland.
The most renegade of the lot could be Libya and Iraq, the two that have actually been attacked. Kenneth Schortgen Jr, writing on, noted that "[s]ix months before the US moved into Iraq to take down Saddam Hussein, the oil nation had made the move to accept euros instead of dollars for oil, and this became a threat to the global dominance of the dollar as the reserve currency, and its dominion as the petrodollar."
According to a Russian article titled "Bombing of Libya - Punishment for Ghaddafi for His Attempt to Refuse US Dollar", Gaddafi made a similarly bold move: he initiated a movement to refuse the dollar and the euro, and called on Arab and African nations to use a new currency instead, the gold dinar. Gaddafi suggested establishing a united African continent, with its 200 million people using this single currency.
During the past year, the idea was approved by many Arab countries and most African countries. The only opponents were the Republic of South Africa and the head of the League of Arab States. The initiative was viewed negatively by the USA and the European Union, with French President Nicolas Sarkozy calling Libya a threat to the financial security of mankind; but Gaddafi was not swayed and continued his push for the creation of a united Africa.
And that brings us back to the puzzle of the Libyan central bank. In an article posted on the Market Oracle, Eric Encina observed:One seldom mentioned fact by western politicians and media pundits: the Central Bank of Libya is 100% State Owned ... Currently, the Libyan government creates its own money, the Libyan Dinar, through the facilities of its own central bank. Few can argue that Libya is a sovereign nation with its own great resources, able to sustain its own economic destiny. One major problem for globalist banking cartels is that in order to do business with Libya, they must go through the Libyan Central Bank and its national currency, a place where they have absolutely zero dominion or power-broking ability. Hence, taking down the Central Bank of Libya (CBL) may not appear in the speeches of Obama, Cameron and Sarkozy but this is certainly at the top of the globalist agenda for absorbing Libya into its hive of compliant nations.Libya not only has oil. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), its central bank has nearly 144 tonnes of gold in its vaults. With that sort of asset base, who needs the BIS, the IMF and their rules?
All of which prompts a closer look at the BIS rules and their effect on local economies. An article on the BIS website states that central banks in the Central Bank Governance Network are supposed to have as their single or primary objective "to preserve price stability".
They are to be kept independent from government to make sure that political considerations don't interfere with this mandate. "Price stability" means maintaining a stable money supply, even if that means burdening the people with heavy foreign debts. Central banks are discouraged from increasing the money supply by printing money and using it for the benefit of the state, either directly or as loans.
In a 2002 article in Asia Times Online titled "The BIS vs national banks" Henry Liu maintained:BIS regulations serve only the single purpose of strengthening the international private banking system, even at the peril of national economies. The BIS does to national banking systems what the IMF has done to national monetary regimes. National economies under financial globalization no longer serve national interests.
... FDI [foreign direct investment] denominated in foreign currencies, mostly dollars, has condemned many national economies into unbalanced development toward export, merely to make dollar-denominated interest payments to FDI, with little net benefit to the domestic economies.He added, "Applying the State Theory of Money, any government can fund with its own currency all its domestic developmental needs to maintain full employment without inflation." The "state theory of money" refers to money created by governments rather than private banks.
The presumption of the rule against borrowing from the government's own central bank is that this will be inflationary, while borrowing existing money from foreign banks or the IMF will not. But all banks actually create the money they lend on their books, whether publicly owned or privately owned. Most new money today comes from bank loans. Borrowing it from the government's own central bank has the advantage that the loan is effectively interest-free. Eliminating interest has been shown to reduce the cost of public projects by an average of 50%.
And that appears to be how the Libyan system works. According to Wikipedia, the functions of the Central Bank of Libya include "issuing and regulating banknotes and coins in Libya" and "managing and issuing all state loans". Libya's wholly state-owned bank can and does issue the national currency and lend it for state purposes.
That would explain where Libya gets the money to provide free education and medical care, and to issue each young couple $50,000 in interest-free state loans. It would also explain where the country found the $33 billion to build the Great Man-Made River project. Libyans are worried that North Atlantic Treaty Organization-led air strikes are coming perilously close to this pipeline, threatening another humanitarian disaster.
So is this new war all about oil or all about banking? Maybe both - and water as well. With energy, water, and ample credit to develop the infrastructure to access them, a nation can be free of the grip of foreign creditors. And that may be the real threat of Libya: it could show the world what is possible.
Most countries don't have oil, but new technologies are being developed that could make non-oil-producing nations energy-independent, particularly if infrastructure costs are halved by borrowing from the nation's own publicly owned bank. Energy independence would free governments from the web of the international bankers, and of the need to shift production from domestic to foreign markets to service the loans.
If the Gaddafi government goes down, it will be interesting to watch whether the new central bank joins the BIS, whether the nationalized oil industry gets sold off to investors, and whether education and healthcare continue to be free. link
By Ellen Brown
Several writers have noted the odd fact that the Libyan rebels took time out from their rebellion in March to create their own central bank - this before they even had a government. Robert Wenzel wrote in the Economic Policy Journal:I have never before heard of a central bank being created in just a matter of weeks out of a popular uprising. This suggests we have a bit more than a rag tag bunch of rebels running around and that there are some pretty sophisticated influences.Alex Newman wrote in the New American:In a statement released last week, the rebels reported on the results of a meeting held on March 19. Among other things, the supposed rag-tag revolutionaries announced the "[d]esignation of the Central Bank of Benghazi as a monetary authority competent in monetary policies in Libya and appointment of a Governor to the Central Bank of Libya, with a temporary headquarters in Benghazi."Newman quoted CNBC senior editor John Carney, who asked, "Is this the first time a revolutionary group has created a central bankwhile it is still in the midst of fighting the entrenched political power? It certainly seems to indicate how extraordinarily powerful central bankers have become in our era."
Another anomaly involves the official justification for taking up arms against Libya. Supposedly it's about human rights violations, but the evidence is contradictory. According to an article on the Fox News website on February 28:As the United Nations works feverishly to condemn Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi for cracking down on protesters, the body's Human Rights Council is poised to adopt a report chock-full of praise for Libya's human rights record.
The review commends Libya for improving educational opportunities, for making human rights a "priority" and for bettering its "constitutional" framework. Several countries, including Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, and Saudi Arabia but also Canada, give Libya positive marks for the legal protections afforded to its citizens - who are now revolting against the regime and facing bloody reprisal.Whatever might be said of Gaddafi's personal crimes, the Libyan people seem to be thriving. A delegation of medical professionals from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus wrote in an appeal to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin that after becoming acquainted with Libyan life, it was their view that in few nations did people live in such comfort:[Libyans] are entitled to free treatment, and their hospitals provide the best in the world of medical equipment. Education in Libya is free, capable young people have the opportunity to study abroad at government expense. When marrying, young couples receive 60,000 Libyan dinars (about 50,000 US dollars) of financial assistance. Non-interest state loans, and as practice shows, undated. Due to government subsidies the price of cars is much lower than in Europe, and they are affordable for every family. Gasoline and bread cost a penny, no taxes for those who are engaged in agriculture. The Libyan people are quiet and peaceful, are not inclined to drink, and are very religious.They maintained that the international community had been misinformed about the struggle against the regime. "Tell us," they said, "who would not like such a regime?"
Even if that is just propaganda, there is no denying at least one very popular achievement of the Libyan government: it brought water to the desert by building the largest and most expensive irrigation project in history, the US$33 billion GMMR (Great Man-Made River) project. Even more than oil, water is crucial to life in Libya.
The GMMR provides 70% of the population with water for drinking and irrigation, pumping it from Libya's vast underground Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System in the south to populated coastal areas 4,000 kilometers to the north. The Libyan government has done at least some things right.
Another explanation for the assault on Libya is that it is "all about oil", but that theory too is problematic. As noted in the National Journal, the country produces only about 2% of the world's oil. Saudi Arabia alone has enough spare capacity to make up for any lost production if Libyan oil were to disappear from the market. And if it's all about oil, why the rush to set up a new central bank?
Another provocative bit of data circulating on the Net is a 2007 "Democracy Now" interview of US General Wesley Clark (Ret). In it he says that about 10 days after September 11, 2001, he was told by a general that the decision had been made to go to war with Iraq. Clark was surprised and asked why. "I don't know!" was the response. "I guess they don't know what else to do!" Later, the same general said they planned to take out seven countries in five years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran.
What do these seven countries have in common? In the context of banking, one that sticks out is that none of them is listed among the 56 member banks of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). That evidently puts them outside the long regulatory arm of the central bankers' central bank in Switzerland.
The most renegade of the lot could be Libya and Iraq, the two that have actually been attacked. Kenneth Schortgen Jr, writing on, noted that "[s]ix months before the US moved into Iraq to take down Saddam Hussein, the oil nation had made the move to accept euros instead of dollars for oil, and this became a threat to the global dominance of the dollar as the reserve currency, and its dominion as the petrodollar."
According to a Russian article titled "Bombing of Libya - Punishment for Ghaddafi for His Attempt to Refuse US Dollar", Gaddafi made a similarly bold move: he initiated a movement to refuse the dollar and the euro, and called on Arab and African nations to use a new currency instead, the gold dinar. Gaddafi suggested establishing a united African continent, with its 200 million people using this single currency.
During the past year, the idea was approved by many Arab countries and most African countries. The only opponents were the Republic of South Africa and the head of the League of Arab States. The initiative was viewed negatively by the USA and the European Union, with French President Nicolas Sarkozy calling Libya a threat to the financial security of mankind; but Gaddafi was not swayed and continued his push for the creation of a united Africa.
And that brings us back to the puzzle of the Libyan central bank. In an article posted on the Market Oracle, Eric Encina observed:One seldom mentioned fact by western politicians and media pundits: the Central Bank of Libya is 100% State Owned ... Currently, the Libyan government creates its own money, the Libyan Dinar, through the facilities of its own central bank. Few can argue that Libya is a sovereign nation with its own great resources, able to sustain its own economic destiny. One major problem for globalist banking cartels is that in order to do business with Libya, they must go through the Libyan Central Bank and its national currency, a place where they have absolutely zero dominion or power-broking ability. Hence, taking down the Central Bank of Libya (CBL) may not appear in the speeches of Obama, Cameron and Sarkozy but this is certainly at the top of the globalist agenda for absorbing Libya into its hive of compliant nations.Libya not only has oil. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), its central bank has nearly 144 tonnes of gold in its vaults. With that sort of asset base, who needs the BIS, the IMF and their rules?
All of which prompts a closer look at the BIS rules and their effect on local economies. An article on the BIS website states that central banks in the Central Bank Governance Network are supposed to have as their single or primary objective "to preserve price stability".
They are to be kept independent from government to make sure that political considerations don't interfere with this mandate. "Price stability" means maintaining a stable money supply, even if that means burdening the people with heavy foreign debts. Central banks are discouraged from increasing the money supply by printing money and using it for the benefit of the state, either directly or as loans.
In a 2002 article in Asia Times Online titled "The BIS vs national banks" Henry Liu maintained:BIS regulations serve only the single purpose of strengthening the international private banking system, even at the peril of national economies. The BIS does to national banking systems what the IMF has done to national monetary regimes. National economies under financial globalization no longer serve national interests.
... FDI [foreign direct investment] denominated in foreign currencies, mostly dollars, has condemned many national economies into unbalanced development toward export, merely to make dollar-denominated interest payments to FDI, with little net benefit to the domestic economies.He added, "Applying the State Theory of Money, any government can fund with its own currency all its domestic developmental needs to maintain full employment without inflation." The "state theory of money" refers to money created by governments rather than private banks.
The presumption of the rule against borrowing from the government's own central bank is that this will be inflationary, while borrowing existing money from foreign banks or the IMF will not. But all banks actually create the money they lend on their books, whether publicly owned or privately owned. Most new money today comes from bank loans. Borrowing it from the government's own central bank has the advantage that the loan is effectively interest-free. Eliminating interest has been shown to reduce the cost of public projects by an average of 50%.
And that appears to be how the Libyan system works. According to Wikipedia, the functions of the Central Bank of Libya include "issuing and regulating banknotes and coins in Libya" and "managing and issuing all state loans". Libya's wholly state-owned bank can and does issue the national currency and lend it for state purposes.
That would explain where Libya gets the money to provide free education and medical care, and to issue each young couple $50,000 in interest-free state loans. It would also explain where the country found the $33 billion to build the Great Man-Made River project. Libyans are worried that North Atlantic Treaty Organization-led air strikes are coming perilously close to this pipeline, threatening another humanitarian disaster.
So is this new war all about oil or all about banking? Maybe both - and water as well. With energy, water, and ample credit to develop the infrastructure to access them, a nation can be free of the grip of foreign creditors. And that may be the real threat of Libya: it could show the world what is possible.
Most countries don't have oil, but new technologies are being developed that could make non-oil-producing nations energy-independent, particularly if infrastructure costs are halved by borrowing from the nation's own publicly owned bank. Energy independence would free governments from the web of the international bankers, and of the need to shift production from domestic to foreign markets to service the loans.
If the Gaddafi government goes down, it will be interesting to watch whether the new central bank joins the BIS, whether the nationalized oil industry gets sold off to investors, and whether education and healthcare continue to be free. link
Toward humanitarian occupation of Libya
Peace keeping and love bombing in the name of freedom, democracy and civilisation, right?
Alien Serang Bumi Karena Merasa Terancam

Ilustrasi Alien (sumber : Google)
FLORIDA - Semua yang kita lakukan di bumi sepertinya bisa mengancam diri kita sendiri. Ada sebuah pertanyaan mengapa kita harus menyelamatkan Bumi?
NASA membuat laporan baru, yang ditulis oleh para ilmuwan NASA di Penn State. Mereka menjelaskan bahwa laporan tersebut menunjukkan ada hubungan di mana makhluk alien yang berwarna hijau, biru dan oranye di luar sana mungkin melihat emisi sebagai sesuatu yang berbahaya buatan manusia, dianggap sebagai ancaman untuk mereka.
Mungkin alien mempertimbangkan bahwa Bumi memberikan lebih banyak ancaman daripada yang mereka perkirakan sebelumnya. Laporan itu mempertanyakan, mungkin sinyal bagi alien di atas sana menyatakan bahwa kita adalah kesatuan yang berkembang pesat dan harus dihancurkan sebelum tumbuh lebih jauh.
Dalam rangka untuk melakukan serangan, alien mungkin akan menyambar manusia dan menghancurkan tubuh kecil manusia seperti membunuh semut. Tapi mungkinkah alien hidup bersama kita?
Laporan NASA yang secara filosofis berjudul 'Apakah kontak dengan makhluk luar angkasa itu bermanfaat?' menawarkan tiga kategori kemungkinan.
Seperti yang dikutip dari Cnet, Jumat (19/8/2011), alien mungkin berubah menjadi kawan yang sangat misterius, mereka mungkin hanya ingin belajar bagaimana untuk bermain kriket, membuat Alaska terpanggang dan mengajarkan kita bagaimana untuk menyerang lawan politik atau sosial hanya dengan laser yang muncul dari kuku mereka.
Kemungkinan kedua adalah bahwa alien telah menganggap manusia sebagai gangguan, serta merasa bahwa manusia bisa membalas. Laporan ini berpendapat bahwa mereka mungkin juga akan lebih birokratis, yang akan mendorong kita untuk melakukan serangan hebat.
Atau mereka mungkin hanya ingin memanggang Alaska dan menyerang manusia. Hal ini mungkin terjadi karena alien kejam atau hanya karena mereka sedikit canggung untuk melakukannya.
Jika saja hal tersebut benar, maka Stephen Hawking sudah terlebih dahulu memperingatkan bahwa alien benar-benar bisa membenci manusia. Namun laporan ini mencoba untuk menyusun banyak alur cerita dan beragam, yang berhubungan dengan masa depan manusia dengan makhluk lainnya. (tyo)
sumber -
NASA membuat laporan baru, yang ditulis oleh para ilmuwan NASA di Penn State. Mereka menjelaskan bahwa laporan tersebut menunjukkan ada hubungan di mana makhluk alien yang berwarna hijau, biru dan oranye di luar sana mungkin melihat emisi sebagai sesuatu yang berbahaya buatan manusia, dianggap sebagai ancaman untuk mereka.
Mungkin alien mempertimbangkan bahwa Bumi memberikan lebih banyak ancaman daripada yang mereka perkirakan sebelumnya. Laporan itu mempertanyakan, mungkin sinyal bagi alien di atas sana menyatakan bahwa kita adalah kesatuan yang berkembang pesat dan harus dihancurkan sebelum tumbuh lebih jauh.
Dalam rangka untuk melakukan serangan, alien mungkin akan menyambar manusia dan menghancurkan tubuh kecil manusia seperti membunuh semut. Tapi mungkinkah alien hidup bersama kita?
Laporan NASA yang secara filosofis berjudul 'Apakah kontak dengan makhluk luar angkasa itu bermanfaat?' menawarkan tiga kategori kemungkinan.
Seperti yang dikutip dari Cnet, Jumat (19/8/2011), alien mungkin berubah menjadi kawan yang sangat misterius, mereka mungkin hanya ingin belajar bagaimana untuk bermain kriket, membuat Alaska terpanggang dan mengajarkan kita bagaimana untuk menyerang lawan politik atau sosial hanya dengan laser yang muncul dari kuku mereka.
Kemungkinan kedua adalah bahwa alien telah menganggap manusia sebagai gangguan, serta merasa bahwa manusia bisa membalas. Laporan ini berpendapat bahwa mereka mungkin juga akan lebih birokratis, yang akan mendorong kita untuk melakukan serangan hebat.
Atau mereka mungkin hanya ingin memanggang Alaska dan menyerang manusia. Hal ini mungkin terjadi karena alien kejam atau hanya karena mereka sedikit canggung untuk melakukannya.
Jika saja hal tersebut benar, maka Stephen Hawking sudah terlebih dahulu memperingatkan bahwa alien benar-benar bisa membenci manusia. Namun laporan ini mencoba untuk menyusun banyak alur cerita dan beragam, yang berhubungan dengan masa depan manusia dengan makhluk lainnya. (tyo)
sumber -
Ambush in Sanjaray - US Army and ANA Troops in Heavy Firefight with Taliban
The soldier who taped this writes:
"I shot this video during "Operation Dragon Strike" (Zhari District, Kandahar, Afghanistan) in the summer of 2010. The Soldiers are from the 101st Airborne Division, the "Black Hearts". We were ambushed in a dried up canal, Taliban guns fired on us from about 30 feet away. The fight was going on for about 25 seconds before I could get the camera up and running. Some how we all made it out uninjured, I believe I was the only on with minor bullet fragment wounds on my right arm and a small piece in the neck."
"I shot this video during "Operation Dragon Strike" (Zhari District, Kandahar, Afghanistan) in the summer of 2010. The Soldiers are from the 101st Airborne Division, the "Black Hearts". We were ambushed in a dried up canal, Taliban guns fired on us from about 30 feet away. The fight was going on for about 25 seconds before I could get the camera up and running. Some how we all made it out uninjured, I believe I was the only on with minor bullet fragment wounds on my right arm and a small piece in the neck."
Fenomena Orbs Dan Makhluk Halus di Sekitar Kita
Posted by venessa on Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011
Labels: info, misteri, pengetahuan, seram
Teman teman ada yang mengetahui ORBS? Sebelum saya jelaskan lebih lanjut, saya ingin memberi batasan hanya sebagai pengetahuan saja, sesuai tema blog saya, tidak ada unsur untuk membicarakan sesuatu yang klenik dalam blog ini, hanya menurut yang selama ini saya pegang, sesuatu selalu memiliki penjelasan ilmiah. Oke setuju semua?
Lanjut, ORBS merupakan sebuah fenomena munculnya lingkaran putih pada sebuah frame foto yang di indikasikan sebagai hadirnya sosok dari dunia lain ( baca; sosok gaib), bulatan bulatan pada frame foto tersebut terkadang muncul dalam jumlah banyak dan meninggalkan jejak. Pada teknologi fotografi digital khususnya untuk penggunaan kamera ultra compact, orbs disebut juga sebagai orbs backscatter.
orbs backscatter biasanya terjadi karena konstruksi lensa dan built-in flash yang berdekatan pada kamera multi-compact tersebut sehingga mengecilkan sudut pencahayaan ke lensa dan otomatis menaikkan refleksi pencahayaan pada partikel-partikel yang hampir tak terlihat dengan mata telanjang di depan lensa. Oleh karenanya, orbs backscatter bisa dihasilkan dari partikel-partikel seperti debu, bubuk dan partikel cair yang jatuh seperti misalnya derai air hujan. terkadang kalau kita melihatnya kita berfikir kalau lensa kamera kita kotor sehingga menghasilkan efek bola putih tersebut.
Orbs adalah sebutan yang populer untuk bulatan anomali yang muncul pada foto.Dalam bahasa spanyol biasa disebut dengan canoplas.Dalam kamera dan video orbs muncul seperti bola, permata atau bulatan cahaya dengan ukuran gambar seperti bola golf sampai dengan bola basket.
Orbs dipercaya sebagai penampakan hantu oleh paranormal atau orang yang memiliki kemampuan melihat alam gaib. Beberapa orang mampu melihat orbs dengan mata telanjang, ini karena bakat atau dengan latihan. Karena orbs bergerak dengan cepat, maka tidak semua kamera dapat menangkapnya.Butuh kamera dengan resolusi tinggi. Kamera digital dengan resolusi 1.3 mega pixel sekarang sudah bisa menangkap orbs tersebut. Untuk menangkap orbs yang bagus, sangatlah mudah.
Anda tinggal masuk ke rumah atau tempat yang dianggap angker oleh masyarakat, sendirian, gunakan kamera digital anda dan foto sembarang ke banyak tempat. Anda juga bisa memfoto orang yang diduga memiliki susuk atau Khodam (Jin). Biasanya setiap kali kita mengambil gambar tersebut dengan kamera digital, orbs selalu muncul disekitar orang tesebut. Orbs bisa membias menjadi seperti kumpulan awan atau asap, dengan istilah Ektoplasma. Ektoplasma ini diduga sebagai transformasi hantu yang kedua sesudah orbs.
Orbs pada rumah Ryan aka Very Idam Henyansah, sang jagal dari Jombang yang menimbun semua korban nya dibawah rumah dan pekarangan rumahnya
Orbs pada sebuah pemakaman umum
Dari beberapa penjelasan diatas terdapat kontradiksi yang menyatakan bahwa kejadian tersebut merupakan sebuah ketidak sengajaan oleh sebab sang fotografer mungkin lupa menjaga kebersihan lensa kamera mereka (Noise), namun di lain pihak, banyak juga para fotografer yang mengklaim mereka selalu menjaga performa kamera mereka dalam keadaan bersih dan hasil jepretan tetap menghasilkan Orbs tadi.
untuk beberapa pengambilan foto ada yang mengaku kalau gambar mereka setelah cetak bila diperbesar pada lingkaran putih tersebut akan menampakkan sosok gaib (Ghostly phenomena). Selama ini memang dunia gaib menjadi sangat diminati beberapa orang hingga melakukan serangkaian penelitian, salah satunya dengan alat berkomunikasi dengan alam gaib EVP(Electronic voice phenomenon) yang mungkin pernah teman teman saksikan dalam film “White Noise” (beda halnya dengan Orbs yang menagkap energi lain dengan tampilan Visual pada Frame foto, EVP merupakan sebuah alat untuk menampilkan Voice atau suara suara dari alam ghaib). Insya Allah kalau ada waktu akan saya Posting tersendiri mengenai alat EVP ini
Teknologi Digital EVP
Lokasi lokasi yang biasanya cenderung menjadi favorit untuk Orbs menampakkan dirinya adalah seperti rumah kosong yang angker, pemakaman umum. bahkan ada sebuah riset yang menyatakan bahwa tempat ber aura atau energi positif pun bisa jadi tempat penampakan Orbs tersebut, contohnya tempat peribadatan (masjid,pura,gereja,kuil,synagog dll), rata rata mereka yang berhasil mendapatkan gambar Orbs tersebut menggunakan kamera pocket biasa (1.3 MP-keatas) bukanlah sebuah kamera digital yang beresolusi tinggi
Dibawah ini adalah penjelasan yang saya dapat dari forum kaskus
Mereka mengirimkan signal ke otak manusia agar manusia melihat seperti kuntilanak, pocongk, genderuwo dan sebagainya . Sebagaimana yang kita ketahui , bahwa sesungguhnya yang melihat itu adalah visual cortex , yaitu bagian dari otak yang berfungsi menterjemahkan visual yang ditangkap oleh lensa mata , seperti camera , lensa menangkap sinyal lalu diterjemahkan oleh mesin yang ada di body camera sehingga menjadi visual yang fix .
Mereka mengirimkan signal ke otak manusia agar manusia melihat seperti kuntilanak, pocongk, genderuwo dan sebagainya . Sebagaimana yang kita ketahui , bahwa sesungguhnya yang melihat itu adalah visual cortex , yaitu bagian dari otak yang berfungsi menterjemahkan visual yang ditangkap oleh lensa mata , seperti camera , lensa menangkap sinyal lalu diterjemahkan oleh mesin yang ada di body camera sehingga menjadi visual yang fix .
Jadi apabila jin tersebut mampu memberikan sinyal langsung ke otak manusia melalui pytutari , maka visual akan muncul visual cortex . Semakin manusia ketakutan , maka mereka akan semakin kuat , karena ketika manusia itu takut , maka akan memicu adrenalin untuk lebih bekerja , dan terjadi penguapan energy yang berlebihan pada manusia , dan buangan energy inilah yang mereka serap untuk lebih meningkatkan kekuatan mereka . Pada tahapan selanjutnya , apabila energy telah lebih banyak terkumpul karena ketakutan manusia , maka akan muncul tahap kedua yaitu Ectoplasma .
Ectoplasma adalah tahapan kedua pemunculan Jin . Kekuatan mereka sudah cukup untuk memadatkan dan menyatukan uap air di udara sehingga cukup untuk membuat bayangan asap dan memanjang seperti gambar di atas . Kekuatan mereka berasal dari ketakutan manusia dan dari manusia yang menyembah mereka seperti , tukang minta-minta nomor pada setan atau dari mereka yang suka meberikan persembahan berupa suguhan suguhan kepada mereka . Tetapi sesungguhnya , bukanlah pengaruh dari suguhan yang manusia beri , tetapi pengaruh dari energy manusia itu sendiri yang memohon pertolongan dan perlindungan dari mereka itu .

Ectoplasma seperti ini sudah cukup untuk menggerakan benda – benda ringan seperti kursi , gorden , tanda nama di meja , mesin tik dan semua benda benda yang berukuran kecil sampai sedang tetapi tidak begitu berat . Ectoplasma sudah cukup untuk mengirimkan sinyal ke otak manusia , sehingga diterjemahkan oleh visual cortex sebagai ular yang sangat besar menyerupai naga-naga seperti di dalam dongeng , dan dapat pula mengirimkan sensasi rasa pada kulit manusia , yang sebetulnya itu adalah pengiriman sinyal pada otak manusia agar terjadi sensasi rasa tersebut .
Ada pula ectoplasma yang memiliki kekuatan karena mereka bekerja sama dengan manusia berupa pesugihan atau ilmu olah kanuragan dengan dibantu mahluk Jin tersebut . Setelah manusia pemilik kekuatan gaib tersebut meninggal , maka jin yang membantunya sering muncul di tempat tempat tertentu , atau di kuburan tempat manusia pemilik kekuatan gaib itu dikuburkan .
Bisa juga ectoplasma seperti ini mendapatkan kekuatan dari manusia yang dibunuh secara cepat , contohnya mereka yang di hukum mati , pancung , penggal dan sebagainya , karena dari tubuh yang mati mendadak seperti ini akan muncul ledakan pengeluaran energy yang sangat besar , dan apabila mereka ( jin ) serap , maka akan cukup untuk membuat pemunculan selama ratusan tahun . Ectoplasma seperti ini sangat senang apabila di tempat yang memiliki banyak sekali besi atau unsur besi , karena benda itu bisa menjadi konduktor yang sangat baik untuk berbagai kegiatan mereka . Untuk tingkata atau tahapa selanjutnya , akan muncul yang kita sebut Vortex .

Vortex adalah tahap ketiga pemunculan Jin . Mereka memiliki kekuatan dengan level energy seperti ini dikarenakan kerjasama dengan manusia dalam bentuk sihir . Manusia yang mempelajari ilmu sihir , baik itu teluh , santet , ilmu kutuk , guna-guna , menyilap pandangan mata , susuk , ilmu ilusi seperti tali berubah menjadi ular dan sebagainya , pesugihan ( karena terus disembah oleh manusia ) , itu memerlukan kerjasama yang sangat mendalam dengan mahluk Jin seperti ini .
Setiap hari energy manusia akan mereka serap , sehingga cukup untuk membuat mereka mampu memasuki dimensi manusia secara nyata . Tidak perlu lagi mereka mengirimkan sinyal ke otak manusia , karena mereka bisa mewujudkan diri kapan saja dan dimana saja dalam waktu tidak terbatas siang atau malam . Mereka mampu menggerakan benda benda yang lebih besar dan lebih berat , mampu mengapungkannya , tertangkap kamera , dan melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan horor lain yang benar benar menyeramkan dan menakutkan .

sumber -
mujahideentaliban calling off a ied detonation, to save innocent afghan muslims ,its one of the biggest sins killing muslims
here s proof against western lies that we kill our own broathers and sisters ,the muslims ,believe its better to die than let alone even break a heart of a muslim let alone murder a innocent believer,this is one of many of seen,taliban are religious ,and thier ultimate desire is to stand up defending allahs law ,and possibly become martyrd , no muslim will willingly murder another muslim and be deprieved of heaven,and gain such as a gauranteed ticket to hell ,being very difficult to be forgiven ,,
Afghan Troops Train With RPGs
Afghan National Security Forces students in the Assistant Small Arms Weapons Instructor's Course at the Joint Sustainment Academy Southwest train with Rocket Propelled Grenades at Camp Leatherneck, Helmand province August 24.
Video by Petty Officer 2nd Class Jonathan Chandler
Operation Dragon Strike 101st Airborne-Firefights, Explosions
Afghanistan War Footage. No further Information about. Lots of kick ass action here. 5 minutes long.
Those who are offended by loud noises,have heart problems,high blood pressure, menstruating men or pregnant women should not watch this video.
Those who are offended by loud noises,have heart problems,high blood pressure, menstruating men or pregnant women should not watch this video.
mujahideen from around the world ,gather and mount attack on people with with superior arms
allah gives lifes and he takes life i think you become a martyr by standing up for whats right ,not intending to die in doing so and guarentee it by exsplosives,may allah bring peace to the world with hastening the return of isa(jesus)pbuh, the son of mary and mahdi,ishall
as sahab media taliban attack ana soldiers in kunduz province
as sahab media taliban attack ana soldiers in kunduz province
Rebels in libya freed all al qaeda prisoners and Islamic jihadists
Many thanks to Britain, France and Obama adminstration for the establishment of Caliphate in North Africa.
As soon you heard there's revolts in Algeria, than al qaeda is about to invade Europe in 2013.
As soon you heard there's revolts in Algeria, than al qaeda is about to invade Europe in 2013.
Fake Videos on Tripoli - A Mass Deception!
This video gives proof of the staged videos that were passed around the world in regard to NATO's evil attack on Tripoli - read more on
People of Tripoli regain control of Green Square
The proud people of Tripoli have regained control over Green Square. August 25, 26 2011. This is the video NATO doesn't want you to see - People in Tripoli don't want NATO and their foreign troops from Qatar and the killer Islamists from Eastern Libya.
Rebels fight for Gaddafi-held neighbourhood
Rebels continue to battle Gaddafi's men in their stronghold in Tripoli's Abu Salim where snipers positioned outside the district, have slowed their advance.
The area is where the leader enjoys support and is also believed to be where he and members of his family may be hiding.
And though the strongman may have disappeared; it is he who now defines the struggle for the capital.
Al Jazeera's Zeina Khodr reports from Tripoli.
The area is where the leader enjoys support and is also believed to be where he and members of his family may be hiding.
And though the strongman may have disappeared; it is he who now defines the struggle for the capital.
Al Jazeera's Zeina Khodr reports from Tripoli.
Gaddafi Tank runsover a Libyan family waiting in traffic in Misrata square
Gaddafi Tank runsover a Libyan family waiting in traffic in Misrata squareDoubled checked that one. Was in the Libyan city of Misrata in late April. There's another video from another angel That I will post later. Misrata rebels had no tanks at that time.
Pissed off Libyan takes a walk about Qaddafi's villa in Tripoli
Pissed off Libyan man calmly walks into one of Qaddafi's formerly fortified villa's in Tripoli and looks at his luxurious style of living, although the King of Africa styled himself as a tent loving bedouin with simple tastes and even made his dignatories sit on the floor. Most Libyans are pissed off with the Qaddafi family's excesses, the country is rich in oil and they live in hardship, the Qaddafi's lived in dishonestly earned luxury and this is just one of their many properties, "their" wealth runs into billions most.
A Libyan freedom fighter claims the Colonel's Golden Rifle
The heavily Gold plated assault rifle so often brandished by the Colonel during his public appearances, is off to a good home.
It's unused as he didn't fire a shot in his defence.
It's unused as he didn't fire a shot in his defence.
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