Please don't Used this video without my permission.I captured on camera over my properties."Acrobatic manoeuvring.UFOs.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Jenazah Mengeluarkan Banyak Air Mata
Warga Jalan Maccini Raya, Kelurahan Karuwisi, Panakkukang digegerkan dengan kejadian aneh, siang tadi. Seorang warga bernama Efendy Nasir, 30 tahun, yang dinyatakan telah meninggal tiba-tiba mengeluarkan banyak air mata.
Akibatnya keluarga dan tetangga yang datang melayat kaget. Mereka langsung menduga jika korban ternyata masih hidup. Prosesi menjelang pemandian jenazah terpaksa dibatalkan. Jenazah Nasir langsung dilarikan ke Rumah Sakit Ibnu Sina, tidak jauh dari rumah duka.
Informasi yang dihimpun Tempo di lokasi menyebutkan, Efendy dinyatakan meninggal sekitar pukul 08.30 wita saat dilarikan ke Rumah Sakit Wahidin Sudirohusodo.

Sebelumnya, korban mengalami sesak pernapasan saat akan naik pesawat di bandara Internasional Sultan Hasanuddin. "Rencana ia mau ke Jakarta mengambil mesin cetak. Tapi batal karena dadanya langsung sesak. Ia lalu dirujuk ke rumah sakit Pangkalan Udara," jelas t*nte korban bernama Yulia Wahid, 54 tahun.
Yulia mengatakan, dari rumah sakit Lanud Hasanuddin, korban yang sudah sekarat dilarikan ke Wahidin. Namun dalam perjalanan korban dinyatakan meninggal.
Keheboan baru terjadi saat jenazah sedang disemayamkan di rumah duka. Pasalnya, air mata mantan calon legislatif Partai Hanura itu mengalir deras, tanpa dibarengi suara tangis. "Perutnya juga tiba-tiba panas," imbuh Yulia. Atas "keajaiban" itu, pihak keluarga lalu merujuk jenazah ke rumah sakit.
Sekitar 30 menit di rumah sakit, tim dokterpun menyimpulkan jika korban sudah meninggal. Sekitar pukul 13.00 wita, jenazah sudah tiba kembali ke rumah duka.
Telur Berlafal Allah Membuat
Sebutir telur ayam milik warga Tanjungmojo Rowosari, Kendal, Jawa Tengah, menggegerkan warga. Pasalnya pada kulit telur ayam ini, terlihat tulisan lafal Allah. Sehingga telur berlafal Allah membuat heboh warga sekitar.
Tulisan tersebut akan nampak jika berada di dalam kegelapan. Penasaran dengan melihat tulisan tersebut, warga pun berduyun-duyun datang ke rumah Istiqomah, Kamis (5/5/2011).
Istiqomah mengaku, telur ini didapat dari ayam peliharaannya yang dibeli di Pasar Sukorejo. Saat bertelur ayam tersebut hanya menetaskan dua butir, dan saat hendak dibersihkan Istiqomah mengira bercak darah saja. Namun saat dibersihkan justeru terlihat jelas tulisan Allah di kulit telur.
Janda beranak tiga ini mengaku, tidak mempunyai firasat apapun saat pertama kali menemukannya. Ayam betinanya merupakan perkawinan dengan ayam jantan tetangganya.
Dia berencana akan menetaskan telur berlafal Allah meski sudah retak akibat banyak dipegang orang yang ingin melihatnya. Pantauan di rumah sederhana milik Istiqomah, warga yang datang mengabadikan telur tersebut dengan telpon genggam.
He's coming to get you: The day Osama Bin Laden sat glued watching TV of Barack Obama, the man who had him killed
It was always suspected that somewhere, somehow, he was watching - but this extraordinary footage is the proof.
As American forces desperately hunted high and low for Osama Bin Laden, the terror chief was sitting on the floor of a compound in Pakistan - watching footage of President Barack Obama on the news.
These astonishing home videos, seized by Navy SEALs after Bin Laden was killed on Sunday and released today, show the Al Qaeda head watching coverage of the the man who would eventually give the order that resulted in his death.
The five movies also show the terror leader watching himself on television as, even from behind the walls of the compound, he continued to manipulate his image.
As American forces desperately hunted high and low for Osama Bin Laden, the terror chief was sitting on the floor of a compound in Pakistan - watching footage of President Barack Obama on the news.
These astonishing home videos, seized by Navy SEALs after Bin Laden was killed on Sunday and released today, show the Al Qaeda head watching coverage of the the man who would eventually give the order that resulted in his death.
The five movies also show the terror leader watching himself on television as, even from behind the walls of the compound, he continued to manipulate his image.
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Group loyal to Saddam Hussein: " we launched 19 missiles against the headquarters of the American enemy" !
Ihab Salim-Sandviken-Sweden-Iraqi News Agency INA:
Announced "Army Men Naqshbandi", one of the armed groups falling within the alliance of forty armed faction known as the "Supreme Command for Jihad and Liberation" led by Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri, Iraqi Vice President Saddam Hussein, that the group launched 19 missiles against the headquarters of the American enemy in Nineveh province of Iraq north of the country, according to the group .
The group said in a statement that its troops were able to launched 19 missiles against the headquarters of the American enemy, according to the group .
It is worth mentioning that America gives Israel three billion dollars a year in order to suppress the Palestinian people.
Announced "Army Men Naqshbandi", one of the armed groups falling within the alliance of forty armed faction known as the "Supreme Command for Jihad and Liberation" led by Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri, Iraqi Vice President Saddam Hussein, that the group launched 19 missiles against the headquarters of the American enemy in Nineveh province of Iraq north of the country, according to the group .
The group said in a statement that its troops were able to launched 19 missiles against the headquarters of the American enemy, according to the group .
It is worth mentioning that America gives Israel three billion dollars a year in order to suppress the Palestinian people.
Osama Bin Laden Home Videos Released
Osama Bin Laden Home Videos Released
Obsessed with his own image: White House releases home movies of Bin Laden watching himself on the news
New video footage released by the White House today shows Osama Bin Laden wearing a gold robe in what appears to be a propaganda video outtake
Rubbish-strewn: With paint peeling off the walls, the dirt-infested compound appears barely habitable and is a far cry from original claims the compound was a sophisticated £1m hideaway
One of the five videos shows Bin Laden sitting on the dirty floor of the compound watching video footage of himself on television
From CNN a vid of ol jerky boy
more video here click!
Obsessed with his own image: White House releases home movies of Bin Laden watching himself on the news
New video footage released by the White House today shows Osama Bin Laden wearing a gold robe in what appears to be a propaganda video outtake
Rubbish-strewn: With paint peeling off the walls, the dirt-infested compound appears barely habitable and is a far cry from original claims the compound was a sophisticated £1m hideaway
One of the five videos shows Bin Laden sitting on the dirty floor of the compound watching video footage of himself on television
From CNN a vid of ol jerky boy
more video here click!
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