Sunday, May 8, 2011

Group loyal to Saddam Hussein: " we launched 19 missiles against the headquarters of the American enemy" !

Ihab Salim-Sandviken-Sweden-Iraqi News Agency INA:

Announced "Army Men Naqshbandi", one of the armed groups falling within the alliance of forty armed faction known as the "Supreme Command for Jihad and Liberation" led by Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri, Iraqi Vice President Saddam Hussein, that the group launched 19 missiles against the headquarters of the American enemy in Nineveh province of Iraq north of the country, according to the group .

The group said in a statement that its troops were able to launched 19 missiles against the headquarters of the American enemy, according to the group .

It is worth mentioning that America gives Israel three billion dollars a year in order to suppress the Palestinian people.

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