Saturday, April 28, 2012

Syria, Guy almost killed while grabbing body

Syria, Tank fires on camera posistion

Tank fires on a cameras position, Douma, Syria 4/24/12

UFO Sighting - Swabian Alb, Germany - 04/26/2012

A farmer from the Swabian Alb near Sigmaringen, Germany filmed this triangular UFO on 04/26/2012 / 26.04.2012. At the end of the video you can hear a sonic boom. What a sighting! Similar UFOs were seen in the U.S. already.

US terrorists commit atrocities in Syria, upload video, then blame Syrian government

I expose an other deliberate attempt to blame the Syrian government for atrocities committed by the so-called "Free Syrian Army" supported by the USA. This video proves the horrible fact that video uploaded by so-called "activists" are in fact the work of US backed terrorists. US backed terrorists commit torture and murder in Syria just in order to upload the gut wrenching video on YouTube and blame the Syrian government for their terror. The horrible realization is that this has become an industry financed by the USA and Arab Gulf countries and propagated by so called activists like unscrupulous and terrorist YouTuber "2011RevolutionSyria". These videos effectively terrorizes the Syrian population with the consent of the USA while gaining support from a gullible world audience to attack Syria militarily. 2011RevolutionSyria video:

Syrian man buried alive for having filmed military