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Saturday, May 7, 2011
Undercover Agent Discusses Hezbollah in Mexico
Hezbollah must be laughing at the idea that our drug habit is funding their operations.
The Secret Meat Glue you didnt want to know about
Meat Glue Secret
This white powder sold by the kilo, is the meat industry's dirty little secret. It's called "meat glue." It makes pieces of beef, lamb, chicken or fish that would normally be thrown out stick together so closely that it looks like a solid piece of meat.
Food industry has become a multi billion industry and much of the processed food are part of produced food meaning we no longer harvest food we know mass produce food. And when food comes under business, no business wants to waste their investment, not a single penny. Hence the live stock business came up with brilliant plan to use every piece of meat they produce. The story is, there will always be remaining small pieces of meat left at “meat factory” which is useless because they cannot be sold because of their size. So the magical white powder sold by the kilo came in which is the meat industry’s dirty little secret. It’s commonly called “meat glue” which in fact is an enzyme. It makes pieces of beef, lamb, chicken or fish that would normally be thrown out stick together so closely that it looks like a solid piece of meat. And thus making more profit for the meat industry.
This white powder sold by the kilo, is the meat industry's dirty little secret. It's called "meat glue." It makes pieces of beef, lamb, chicken or fish that would normally be thrown out stick together so closely that it looks like a solid piece of meat.
Food industry has become a multi billion industry and much of the processed food are part of produced food meaning we no longer harvest food we know mass produce food. And when food comes under business, no business wants to waste their investment, not a single penny. Hence the live stock business came up with brilliant plan to use every piece of meat they produce. The story is, there will always be remaining small pieces of meat left at “meat factory” which is useless because they cannot be sold because of their size. So the magical white powder sold by the kilo came in which is the meat industry’s dirty little secret. It’s commonly called “meat glue” which in fact is an enzyme. It makes pieces of beef, lamb, chicken or fish that would normally be thrown out stick together so closely that it looks like a solid piece of meat. And thus making more profit for the meat industry.
NASA STS-80 - UFO formation
incredible piece of footage filmed by NASA cameras, UFOS hold a formation over Earth in NASA mission STS-80
Armed Response
Surveillance camera footage, St Petersburg, Russia (no date, recent) - Two 'gopniks' having a beer infront of a chain store, one of them talking to his cellphone when a passer-by chides them on their drinking and gets punched in the face. In response he pulls a gun and shoots the bully in the face.
Gopnik is a stereotypical class of young males up to 30 years old found in Russia and post-Soviet countries, similar to a Chav or Ned in Great Britain, characterized by aggressive behavior, specifically towards the weak, predilection to the criminal subculture, abuse of alcohol beverages (specifically beer, vodka and "Jaguar" cocktail) and specific fashion preferences. The term gopnik (Russian: Го́пник) (plural gopniki, gopota, gopary) is slang used in Russia.
Gopnik is a stereotypical class of young males up to 30 years old found in Russia and post-Soviet countries, similar to a Chav or Ned in Great Britain, characterized by aggressive behavior, specifically towards the weak, predilection to the criminal subculture, abuse of alcohol beverages (specifically beer, vodka and "Jaguar" cocktail) and specific fashion preferences. The term gopnik (Russian: Го́пник) (plural gopniki, gopota, gopary) is slang used in Russia.
UFO Disclosure A Global Deception Conspiracy 1 of 4
This is a compilation of evidence revealed by former and present American presidents, astronauts, military personnel, politicians along with credible aired UFO footage. This compilation also contains planned revelations regarding knowledge of life beyond Earth along with it's current and ever ongoing presence which is being hidden from the public. This knowledge has been hidden from the public for over 50 years. This footage is proof of that conspiracy being as real as you and I. The compilation includes statements from Credible figures such as Ex-American Astronauts, military personnel, and politicians all of who reveal their experiences and knowledge of the cover up. What is also included is footage of UFO's as covered in the news throughout the past 20 years or so though the truth has been concealed for much longer than that. Listed below is partial information pertaining to the compilation and like a puzzle the videos act as individual pieces though there are more puzzle pieces which are non UFO related there is a connection to the year 2012 presented by researchers who use their experiences combined with historic knowledge, scientific experiments and conclusions + archeological and art history all pulled together to present the bigger picture which is not always easily understood or accessible in bits and pieces. Below is a detailed list of some of the videos in this compilation along with websites which can help people understand the importance of this information and the 2012 correlation.
YouTube -- 2012 UFOs Connections and revelations
1 -- Former President of the United States - Dwight D Eisenhower's statement regarding the danger of an unchecked "Military Industrial Congressional Complex" which is Dwight's analogous way of revealing his knowledge of the secret societies and their unchecked and unbalanced power.
2 -- Former American astronaut Neil Armstrong's statement -- "Breakthroughs available for those who can remove one of truth's protective layers.
3 -- Fife Symington Governor of Arizona admits to cover up of the 1997 mass UFO sighting known as the Phoenix Lights + UFO footage as covered by news agencies and ground civilians.
4 -- Steven Greer -- Head of UFO disclosure project (500 + former military, aviation, corporate witnesses who wish to testify and provide evidence to congress of the alleged cover ups of UFO activity EXAMPLE -- UFO's Shutting down nuclear missiles + missile flight tests)
7 -- Chicago O'hare airport, UFO hovers in airport, takes off at insane speeds from standing point to vanishing in a moment breaking through the clouds and punching a hole in the clouds, witnessed by airport employees who were threatened with being fired if they provided their testimony.
8 -- Man summons UFO by reading verses from the Torah, event recorded by news agency.
10 -- CNN Larry King, Group of 4 former military personnel testify to UFO shutting down nuclear missiles + UFO shuts down missile test flight at speeds of over 3,000 miles per hour.
11 -- Former Astronaut Bryan O Leary's testimony of UFO + secret free energy technology cover up, plus photographic evidence of former life on Mars.
12 -- Former Astronaut Edgar Mitchell admits to having knowledge of Roswell UFO 1947 crash cover up.
13 -- Former Astronaut Buzz Aldrin provides evidence of a monolith on Phobos a moon of Mars.
17 -- Former Pennsylvania congressman Henry Maclroy Jr. provides testimony of being briefed and reading a document which was provided to former American President Dwight D Eisenhower, the document states "First contact has been made, aliens are non-hostile".
18 -- China UFO over airport
19 -- United Nations appoints INTERPLANETARY AMBASSADOR!!!
20 -- UFOs over Manhttan 10/13/2010 a few days apart from UFO over China.
21 -- UFOs over El Paso Texas a few days after NYC sighting
22 -- John Podesta Barack's transition team leader states on national T.V. -- "Time to find out the truth about UFO investigations"
Suggested websites
Movie, documentary + researchers recommendations
Recommended Movies - Baraka, Ashes and Snow, The Matrix Trilogy
Researchers and their work which you can find on google videos
David Wilcock
Graham Hancock
Michael Tsarion
Recommended documentaries and presentations you can view on google videos
2012 Enigma David Wilcock
Jamaica Life+Debt
What in the world are they spraying
Lose Change
Michael Tsarion 2012 - The Future of Mankind
YouTube -- 2012 UFOs Connections and revelations
1 -- Former President of the United States - Dwight D Eisenhower's statement regarding the danger of an unchecked "Military Industrial Congressional Complex" which is Dwight's analogous way of revealing his knowledge of the secret societies and their unchecked and unbalanced power.
2 -- Former American astronaut Neil Armstrong's statement -- "Breakthroughs available for those who can remove one of truth's protective layers.
3 -- Fife Symington Governor of Arizona admits to cover up of the 1997 mass UFO sighting known as the Phoenix Lights + UFO footage as covered by news agencies and ground civilians.
4 -- Steven Greer -- Head of UFO disclosure project (500 + former military, aviation, corporate witnesses who wish to testify and provide evidence to congress of the alleged cover ups of UFO activity EXAMPLE -- UFO's Shutting down nuclear missiles + missile flight tests)
7 -- Chicago O'hare airport, UFO hovers in airport, takes off at insane speeds from standing point to vanishing in a moment breaking through the clouds and punching a hole in the clouds, witnessed by airport employees who were threatened with being fired if they provided their testimony.
8 -- Man summons UFO by reading verses from the Torah, event recorded by news agency.
10 -- CNN Larry King, Group of 4 former military personnel testify to UFO shutting down nuclear missiles + UFO shuts down missile test flight at speeds of over 3,000 miles per hour.
11 -- Former Astronaut Bryan O Leary's testimony of UFO + secret free energy technology cover up, plus photographic evidence of former life on Mars.
12 -- Former Astronaut Edgar Mitchell admits to having knowledge of Roswell UFO 1947 crash cover up.
13 -- Former Astronaut Buzz Aldrin provides evidence of a monolith on Phobos a moon of Mars.
17 -- Former Pennsylvania congressman Henry Maclroy Jr. provides testimony of being briefed and reading a document which was provided to former American President Dwight D Eisenhower, the document states "First contact has been made, aliens are non-hostile".
18 -- China UFO over airport
19 -- United Nations appoints INTERPLANETARY AMBASSADOR!!!
20 -- UFOs over Manhttan 10/13/2010 a few days apart from UFO over China.
21 -- UFOs over El Paso Texas a few days after NYC sighting
22 -- John Podesta Barack's transition team leader states on national T.V. -- "Time to find out the truth about UFO investigations"
Suggested websites
Movie, documentary + researchers recommendations
Recommended Movies - Baraka, Ashes and Snow, The Matrix Trilogy
Researchers and their work which you can find on google videos
David Wilcock
Graham Hancock
Michael Tsarion
Recommended documentaries and presentations you can view on google videos
2012 Enigma David Wilcock
Jamaica Life+Debt
What in the world are they spraying
Lose Change
Michael Tsarion 2012 - The Future of Mankind
Sensational UFO video from Kazakhstan: May 2 2011
The UFO footage below comes from Kazakhstan and was filmed less than a week ago in the vicinity of the nation's largest city Almaty. This UFO sighting is significant in that the object was seen by at least five witnesses and filmed on at least five mobile phones as well.
The witness provided the following testimony: "I was in the area at 3pm, returning home from a relatives house. I saw the UFO and immediately started filming. Five, or perhaps six passers-by also began to film. I found it difficult to avoid shakiness. I believe the object had a diameter of five meters and hung in the air for around two minutes of which I filmed one minute, being distracted by a girl who asked me what it was. When I turned back to the object it was high up already and then disappeared."
Meanwhile in Kazakhstan on the very same day, in the city of Astana a number of residents also filmed a UFO: a slow flying orb shooting out rays, while in Pavlodar multiple UFOs were seen hovering above the town square by multiple shocked witnesses.
This intense alien activity in the region has led many to believe that ETs attached to a secret UFO base beneath the Black Sea are stepping up their activity in preparation for open contact with humanity.
Suasana Rumah Persembunyian Osama Bin Laden Setelah Tewas
Rumah Osama Bin Laden yang dijadikan sebagai tempat persembunyian ini selama 6 tahun, hanya berjarak 800 meter dari tempat latihan pasukan Amerika di Pakistan pada tahun 2008. Dan pada senin 2 Mei 2011, warga Amerika merayakan tewasnya Osama Bin Laden, pemimpin teroris Al-Qaeda, di rumah yang terletak di kota Abbottabad itu.
Meski sebelumnya telah diposting suasana tempat persembunyian dimana Osama Bin Laden tewas, tapi suasana rumah Osama bin Laden tampak dari luar ini juga tidak kalah keren. Enjoy!
Wartawan di luar kompleks rumah persembunyian di mana Osama bin Laden tewas oleh pasukan khusus AS

Obyek wisata: Penduduk setempat berkumpul di luar rumah dan di atas dinding rumah Osama Bin Laden

Seorang anak remaja Pakistan lokal memegang puing-puing helikopter yang terjatuh saat penyergapan

Para petugas keamanan menyingkirkan sisa-sia helikopter dari kompleks persembunyian Osama Bin Laden
Meski sebelumnya telah diposting suasana tempat persembunyian dimana Osama Bin Laden tewas, tapi suasana rumah Osama bin Laden tampak dari luar ini juga tidak kalah keren. Enjoy!

Pasukan keamanan Pakistan dalam sebuah jip lewat di kompleks persembunyian Osama bin Laden, dekat dengan akademi militer AS dan kurang dari 70 mil dari ibukota Islamabad, disebutkan bahwa rumah Osama bin Laden tersebut bernilai sekitar 1 Miliar meskipun ada beberapa bagian dalam keadaan rusak

Bersembunyi di depan mata: Persembunyian Osama Bin Laden hanya ditempuh dengan berjalan kaki dari pusat pelatihan militer Pakistan, di mana tentara AS melatih tentara Pakistan yang merupakan mitra mereka pada tahun 2008

Markas tiga lantai Osama bin Laden dijaga oleh petugas keamanan, dikelilingi oleh tembok setinggi 12 kaki dan bagian atasnya dipasang tiga baris kawat berduri

Pekerja lokal terlihat sedang melakukan perbaikan rumah Osama Bin Laden setelah serangan mematikan yang berakhir dengan empat orang – termasuk Bin Laden – tewas

Markas ini adalah rumah bagi Bin Laden bersama 17 anggota keluarga besarnya

Sebuah tempat penampungan di kompleks itu tampaknya terbakar ketika pasukan AS masuk ke dalam untuk melumpuhkan Osama Bin Laden

Sebuah pemandangan di dalam kompleks bagian belakang rumah Osama Bin Laden

Protes: Ratusan orang berkumpul di Karachi, Pakistan, mengutuk pembunuhan dan meminta shalat pemakaman Osama Bin Laden

awan tersenyum ! ada apa? mungkin ada yang lucu di bawah.
ini adalah wajah di atas langit! itu adalah segumpal awan yang bebrbentuk wajah! itu wajah apa itu aku tidak pasti,yang pasti itu adalah berbentuk wajah seakan senyum! aneh! awan bisa senyumm
Bin Laden's Dead, Obama Wins—What's a GOP to Do?
IF A REPUBLICAN were in office right now, Osama bin Laden would still be in his compound, burning trash and slowly dying of old age.
The Republican pundits who credit George W. Bush for bin Laden's death are peddling 100 percent bullshit. Bush, you might remember, wasn't even looking in the right country. Not that he cared much about finding bin Laden anyway. In a press conference on March 13, 20 More..02, Bush said: "I don't know where [bin Laden] is. You know, I just don't spend that much time on him... to be honest with you... I truly am not that concerned about him." Six years later, in a July 2008 interview, Larry King asked then presidential candidate John McCain whether he would send US troops into Pakistan "if you knew that bin Laden was in Pakistan." McCain said, "I'm not going to go there and here's why: because Pakistan is a sovereign nation."
Obama never even told Pakistan we were coming.
Now Obama's potential rivals for 2012 are struggling to figure out how to deal with the moment. Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Sarah Palin, and Michele Bachmann didn't even mention the office of the president in their tersely worded press releases. Mitt Romney dropped the president's title—but not his name—in what amounted to a halfhearted mumble at the end of a sentence. Only two deigned to mention the president by name: the boring former governor of Minnesota, Tim Pawlenty, and poor, bitch-slapped Donald Trump, who praised his better to the skies for a "job well done."
The jokes Obama made at Trump's expense at the White House Correspondents' Association dinner on Saturday night had taken on a different meaning by Sunday night. Obama put the irrelevance of Trump's experience into perspective by straight-facedly reporting the climax of a recent episode of Trump's Celebrity Apprentice: "You, Mr. Trump, recognized that the real problem was a lack of leadership. And so ultimately, you didn't blame Lil Jon or Meat Loaf. You fired Gary Busey. And these are the kind of decisions that would keep me up at night. Well handled, sir. Well handled."
What none of us knew at the time was that the president had just ordered the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound. He probably knew he would be addressing the nation again soon. What he couldn't have known was whether he'd be announcing the successful resolution of a strategic military operation the likes of which had bedeviled his predecessor for seven years, or a Bay of Pigs–style disaster resulting in the deaths of American soldiers and the escape once again of America's boogeyman into the world at large. Even as he stood onstage mocking Trump's tiny little life—a mocking that ruffled Trump's feathers—Obama had bigger things in mind. Much bigger. How can Trump look anything but ridiculous after that?
Let's be clear: This was Barack Obama's victory. It was his cooperative-yet-firm foreign policy with Pakistan that led to the intelligence on Osama bin Laden's whereabouts. It was he who said in 2008, in a debate with John McCain: "If we have Osama bin Laden in our sights and the Pakistani government is unable or unwilling to take them out, then I think that we have to act, and we will take them out." It was Obama who insisted on a surgical strike instead of a bombing in order to confirm bin Laden's identity should he be killed, it was Obama's ground forces who crafted the strategy to get into the compound, and it was Obama's order to strike.
President Obama revealed the entire Bush team to be the incompetents and dolts we always knew they were, and in doing so single-handedly destroyed the myth that Democrats are soft on national security. What will Republicans do with that? Try to run on an anti-war platform? Isolationist teabaggers may give that a whirl, but it's more likely that mainstream Republican candidates will proceed directly to James Carville's 1992 "It's the economy, stupid" mantra, ignoring the foreign policy sphere for a steady diet of domestic issues. The problem there is that the Republican rallying flag—Representative Paul Ryan's budget—shaves Medicare and Medicaid down to a nub and rewrites the American contract into something completely different than what every living American citizen has ever known. Senior citizens and left-leaning centrists won't be comfortable with this radical agenda, and there's simply no clear path for a Republican president without those two groups.
After bin Laden's death, Ben Hammersley asked on Twitter, "Ok. So *now* can we start the 21st century?" It's a simple truth that not every president gets an opportunity to remake America. When he announced the death of bin Laden, Obama shifted the way an entire generation of Americans view ourselves and, in so doing, provided a clear ending point for one of the darkest decades in American history.
We understand that terrorist attacks will almost definitely happen in the future. We know that the Middle East is still a complicated and perilous place. But Obama proved that America can still do the job—and that a thoughtful progressive is as competent or better leading the military than a reactionary right-winger. Pundits had been complaining that Obama provided no coherent foreign policy or national defense strategy, that he was simply operating on a meeker version of the dunderheaded Bush doctrine. After last weekend, the Obama doctrine is becoming clearer. In sum: Don't be an incompetent motherfucker. It's going to be hard for any Republican to argue with that, but you can be sure that they're gonna try.
Another dig Obama made at Trump during the White House Correspondents' Association dinner had to do with the birther conspiracies that Trump had recently reinvigorated. "But no one is happier, no one is prouder to put this birth certificate matter to rest than the Donald," the president said. "And that's because he can finally get back to focusing on the issues that matter—like, did we fake the moon landing? What really happened at Roswell? And where are Biggie and Tupac?"
It turned out to be a prescient joke. Already, the Republican Party, with miserable choad Andrew Breitbart in the lead, is showing signs that it doesn't believe bin Laden is dead. These "deathers"—most of whom were probably birthers just over a week ago—are symptoms of a deep-seated rot in the Republican Party. They are people committed to gut feelings and scare tactics over facts. The real reason George W. Bush was so uninterested in catching Osama bin Laden was because the al Qaeda leader was a useful concept for conservatives—a fright mask to slip on when the American people needed to be put back in their place. Dick Cheney wore the bin Laden mask at every opportunity, hinting at secret disasters that were always right around the corner if Democrats ever took a leading role in government again. Bush would tell spooky bin Laden stories to get what he wanted from the American people. So now Republicans are trying to dig bin Laden out of the grave and wheel his corpse around, Weekend at Bernie's–style. It's the only trick they have left.
There will always be people gullible enough to eat whatever plate of horseshit the Republican media will feed them, of course. And some people are racist enough to deny any accomplishment to a successful black president, no matter how tortured the logic gets. But when Obama successfully nabbed bin Laden, he sapped the power from the scary campfire stories that Republicans tell. It marked the end of a very particular war of terror perpetrated against America over the last 10 years.source
The Republican pundits who credit George W. Bush for bin Laden's death are peddling 100 percent bullshit. Bush, you might remember, wasn't even looking in the right country. Not that he cared much about finding bin Laden anyway. In a press conference on March 13, 20 More..02, Bush said: "I don't know where [bin Laden] is. You know, I just don't spend that much time on him... to be honest with you... I truly am not that concerned about him." Six years later, in a July 2008 interview, Larry King asked then presidential candidate John McCain whether he would send US troops into Pakistan "if you knew that bin Laden was in Pakistan." McCain said, "I'm not going to go there and here's why: because Pakistan is a sovereign nation."
Obama never even told Pakistan we were coming.
Now Obama's potential rivals for 2012 are struggling to figure out how to deal with the moment. Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Sarah Palin, and Michele Bachmann didn't even mention the office of the president in their tersely worded press releases. Mitt Romney dropped the president's title—but not his name—in what amounted to a halfhearted mumble at the end of a sentence. Only two deigned to mention the president by name: the boring former governor of Minnesota, Tim Pawlenty, and poor, bitch-slapped Donald Trump, who praised his better to the skies for a "job well done."
The jokes Obama made at Trump's expense at the White House Correspondents' Association dinner on Saturday night had taken on a different meaning by Sunday night. Obama put the irrelevance of Trump's experience into perspective by straight-facedly reporting the climax of a recent episode of Trump's Celebrity Apprentice: "You, Mr. Trump, recognized that the real problem was a lack of leadership. And so ultimately, you didn't blame Lil Jon or Meat Loaf. You fired Gary Busey. And these are the kind of decisions that would keep me up at night. Well handled, sir. Well handled."
What none of us knew at the time was that the president had just ordered the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound. He probably knew he would be addressing the nation again soon. What he couldn't have known was whether he'd be announcing the successful resolution of a strategic military operation the likes of which had bedeviled his predecessor for seven years, or a Bay of Pigs–style disaster resulting in the deaths of American soldiers and the escape once again of America's boogeyman into the world at large. Even as he stood onstage mocking Trump's tiny little life—a mocking that ruffled Trump's feathers—Obama had bigger things in mind. Much bigger. How can Trump look anything but ridiculous after that?
Let's be clear: This was Barack Obama's victory. It was his cooperative-yet-firm foreign policy with Pakistan that led to the intelligence on Osama bin Laden's whereabouts. It was he who said in 2008, in a debate with John McCain: "If we have Osama bin Laden in our sights and the Pakistani government is unable or unwilling to take them out, then I think that we have to act, and we will take them out." It was Obama who insisted on a surgical strike instead of a bombing in order to confirm bin Laden's identity should he be killed, it was Obama's ground forces who crafted the strategy to get into the compound, and it was Obama's order to strike.
President Obama revealed the entire Bush team to be the incompetents and dolts we always knew they were, and in doing so single-handedly destroyed the myth that Democrats are soft on national security. What will Republicans do with that? Try to run on an anti-war platform? Isolationist teabaggers may give that a whirl, but it's more likely that mainstream Republican candidates will proceed directly to James Carville's 1992 "It's the economy, stupid" mantra, ignoring the foreign policy sphere for a steady diet of domestic issues. The problem there is that the Republican rallying flag—Representative Paul Ryan's budget—shaves Medicare and Medicaid down to a nub and rewrites the American contract into something completely different than what every living American citizen has ever known. Senior citizens and left-leaning centrists won't be comfortable with this radical agenda, and there's simply no clear path for a Republican president without those two groups.
After bin Laden's death, Ben Hammersley asked on Twitter, "Ok. So *now* can we start the 21st century?" It's a simple truth that not every president gets an opportunity to remake America. When he announced the death of bin Laden, Obama shifted the way an entire generation of Americans view ourselves and, in so doing, provided a clear ending point for one of the darkest decades in American history.
We understand that terrorist attacks will almost definitely happen in the future. We know that the Middle East is still a complicated and perilous place. But Obama proved that America can still do the job—and that a thoughtful progressive is as competent or better leading the military than a reactionary right-winger. Pundits had been complaining that Obama provided no coherent foreign policy or national defense strategy, that he was simply operating on a meeker version of the dunderheaded Bush doctrine. After last weekend, the Obama doctrine is becoming clearer. In sum: Don't be an incompetent motherfucker. It's going to be hard for any Republican to argue with that, but you can be sure that they're gonna try.
Another dig Obama made at Trump during the White House Correspondents' Association dinner had to do with the birther conspiracies that Trump had recently reinvigorated. "But no one is happier, no one is prouder to put this birth certificate matter to rest than the Donald," the president said. "And that's because he can finally get back to focusing on the issues that matter—like, did we fake the moon landing? What really happened at Roswell? And where are Biggie and Tupac?"
It turned out to be a prescient joke. Already, the Republican Party, with miserable choad Andrew Breitbart in the lead, is showing signs that it doesn't believe bin Laden is dead. These "deathers"—most of whom were probably birthers just over a week ago—are symptoms of a deep-seated rot in the Republican Party. They are people committed to gut feelings and scare tactics over facts. The real reason George W. Bush was so uninterested in catching Osama bin Laden was because the al Qaeda leader was a useful concept for conservatives—a fright mask to slip on when the American people needed to be put back in their place. Dick Cheney wore the bin Laden mask at every opportunity, hinting at secret disasters that were always right around the corner if Democrats ever took a leading role in government again. Bush would tell spooky bin Laden stories to get what he wanted from the American people. So now Republicans are trying to dig bin Laden out of the grave and wheel his corpse around, Weekend at Bernie's–style. It's the only trick they have left.
There will always be people gullible enough to eat whatever plate of horseshit the Republican media will feed them, of course. And some people are racist enough to deny any accomplishment to a successful black president, no matter how tortured the logic gets. But when Obama successfully nabbed bin Laden, he sapped the power from the scary campfire stories that Republicans tell. It marked the end of a very particular war of terror perpetrated against America over the last 10 years.source
Al-Qaeda Plots Attack On U.S. Trains
Tonight, the first bit of intelligence recovered in the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound has been released.
It shows that al-Qaeda was considering an attack on U.S. trains.
Homeland security officials say the plot was only in the very beginning stages, and there's no active plans for such an attack right now.
Security officials at the state's train stations are being vigilant as always.
The More..MTA released a statement to News 8 that read "This is another reminder that our transit system remains a top target and we must always remain vigilant. While there is no specific threat, we remain at high alert in coordination with our local, state and federal law enforcement partners. As always, we remind our customers to inform a police officer or MTA employee if they see anything unusual."
"I think he had a plan to attack trains and he wasn't finished with America," says Yael Polanco of Trumbull.
The CIA says that data recovered from the hard drives in bin Laden's compound show ideas and ways to attack America's rail system on the tenth anniversary of Sept.11. Expert, Richard Clark says the rail system is an easy target.
Homeland security has sent out word across the country ,and people have noticed the heightened security on the trains and in the stations.
"I do see it in New Haven where they have police officers patrolling around the station, the dogs are very friendly not vicious at all, they are sniffing and they are there," says Rev. Cleaven Johnson of New Haven.
"He came in with a bomb sniffing dog and went from car to car and everyone started talking and you hear the whispers, and I guess it struck fear into everyone once we saw that," says Polanco.
Right now the government says the patrols are just a precaution, and just one of the many signs to security, homeland security goes well beyond the train stations. Most passengers tell News 8 they feel safe.
"I have confidence in our people here. You can't stop life, and sit at home twiddling our thumbs, wondering what is going to happen," says Graham
It shows that al-Qaeda was considering an attack on U.S. trains.
Homeland security officials say the plot was only in the very beginning stages, and there's no active plans for such an attack right now.
Security officials at the state's train stations are being vigilant as always.
The More..MTA released a statement to News 8 that read "This is another reminder that our transit system remains a top target and we must always remain vigilant. While there is no specific threat, we remain at high alert in coordination with our local, state and federal law enforcement partners. As always, we remind our customers to inform a police officer or MTA employee if they see anything unusual."
"I think he had a plan to attack trains and he wasn't finished with America," says Yael Polanco of Trumbull.
The CIA says that data recovered from the hard drives in bin Laden's compound show ideas and ways to attack America's rail system on the tenth anniversary of Sept.11. Expert, Richard Clark says the rail system is an easy target.
Homeland security has sent out word across the country ,and people have noticed the heightened security on the trains and in the stations.
"I do see it in New Haven where they have police officers patrolling around the station, the dogs are very friendly not vicious at all, they are sniffing and they are there," says Rev. Cleaven Johnson of New Haven.
"He came in with a bomb sniffing dog and went from car to car and everyone started talking and you hear the whispers, and I guess it struck fear into everyone once we saw that," says Polanco.
Right now the government says the patrols are just a precaution, and just one of the many signs to security, homeland security goes well beyond the train stations. Most passengers tell News 8 they feel safe.
"I have confidence in our people here. You can't stop life, and sit at home twiddling our thumbs, wondering what is going to happen," says Graham
UFO Compilation Video
Here is a compilation of what I consider to be some of the best UFO videos and pictures ever taken. The more we demand the truth about this subject, the sooner we'll get it. The song in the video is by Steve Jablonsky and is called "My Name Is Lincoln." It was originally from the soundtrack of the movie "The Island." Here is a link to get the mp3 on Amazon.
Michael Moore: Bin Laden Deserved a Trial, He Was Straight-up Executed
As a personal rule, I usually never interject myself in my post. express my thoughts, feelings, ideas or beliefs. i post things for possible talking points,debates between liveleakers in the comment section.This is what makes liveleak a great site, and why i contribute to it. besides i have enough liberals on here constantly attacking me personally...commenting on me instead of the post, saying t More..hey know what i think... or they lie, saying i said something i never said.
with that being said...Liberals eat up every word that this progressive communist Michael Moore says and agree wholeheartedly with him. this time Michael Moore is against what Obama has done, and i actually will agree with him this time! Obama is a WAR CRIMINAL and should be put on trial as one, be found guilty and face the firing squad and his body given a Muslim burial at sea just like UBL!!
with that being said...Liberals eat up every word that this progressive communist Michael Moore says and agree wholeheartedly with him. this time Michael Moore is against what Obama has done, and i actually will agree with him this time! Obama is a WAR CRIMINAL and should be put on trial as one, be found guilty and face the firing squad and his body given a Muslim burial at sea just like UBL!!
Why the Bounce Won’t Last-Obama has already bungled the bin Laden kill, and it will get worse.
President Obama’s “Death of Bin Laden” victory tour winds up in New York City today, with an appearance at Ground Zero. It’s amazing how quickly completely his Administration has blown the aftermath of Operation Geronimo. Some media outlets have been frantically trying to manufacture polls that sho More..w Obama getting a huge approval-rating bounce, but it’s beginning to look like any gains in his approval rating will be minimal… and in any event, they won’t last very long. His behavior over the past few days demonstrates why.
From the beginning, it was clear that Obama would blow the goodwill of America by demanding it too stridently. His Sunday night announcement was delayed by an hour, long enough for his speechwriters to turn it into a carefully prepared “Claim Of Full Credit For Heroic Deed” form, submitted in triplicate. Obama becomes the latest in a long line of politicians to discover that respect cannot be demanded.
The incredible P.R. catastrophe of the confused, endlessly revised White House account of the bin Laden raid is a natural result of politicians scrambling to control the spotlight, instead of dutifully reporting an important military action to the American public. They confused the idea of shaping a political narrative with the notion of controlling history. In the process, they turned one of the most important missions ever undertaken by the Navy SEALs into a quantum event, in which our heroic soldiers took down a Schroedinger’s Cat who was either armed or unarmed, resisting or surrendering, protected by either a private army or a pack of lightly-armed goons, and either hiding or not hiding behind a woman who was either his wife or daughter, and is now either alive or dead.
Meanwhile, the Administration demanded we celebrate the decisive action of a President who took sixteen hours to make up his mind about launching the attack, during which bin Laden was stitching hundreds of Euros into his clothes and preparing to bolt. They pushed out an “iconic” photo of Obama and his top people watching the raid unfold in real time, then admitted they did no such thing, leaving us all to wonder what they’re staring at in the photo they insisted on turning into America’s desktop wallpaper image.
Obama and his team are so wedded to anti-Bush rhetoric that they could not simply admit he was right about prosecuting the War on Terror, and they were dangerously wrong. Now they are being dragged into making that admission, in root-canal interviews like the one CIA chief Leon Panetta gave to Brian Williams of NBC. This strongly reinforces the impression that they don’t understand what Bush did to make the bin Laden kill possible, and are still determined to make all of their old mistakes. In only a few days, they’ve transformed a spectacular victory in the War on Terror into a happy accident they blundered into, using intelligence they previously treated like a plate of liver and onions set before a screaming child. This leaves Americans to breathe a sigh of relief that at least our special forces troops know what they’re doing.
Refusing to release the bin Laden death photos fits neatly into the atmosphere of arrogance, secrecy, and moral superiority that clings to this White House like barnacles. We don’t need another lecture in how little Obama trusts our judgment, or how much he fears the Muslim world. We have been given many good reasons to mistrust Obama’s judgment. There are some people in the Muslim world who need to be afraid of us. Obama’s failure to understand that does not bode well for the future of the War on Terror.
Osama bin Laden was not some unfortunate fellow who happened to stumble in front of a bullet tsunami. We killed him. We are happy and proud that we killed him. We’ll be equally happy and proud to kill anyone who stands with him. That is not barbarism. It is the violent denial of barbarism. Obama is treating the details of bin Laden’s death like unpleasant business he doesn’t want to discuss in depth with his children. In doing so, he reveals himself as immature and naïve. We will see those photos eventually – Leon Panetta was right about that.
The Democrats clearly think Americans will be foolish enough to ignore all other news, and their memories of the past two years, while they marvel at the brilliance of their beloved President. That would not be true of any President. Even if the SEAL who actually capped Osama reveals his identity and runs for President next year, I’m afraid I’m going to have to hear his positions on the debt ceiling, job creation, and domestic oil production before I can support him. Trust me – I would really want to like those positions, but I won’t like them automatically.
When the glow of bin Laden’s death has faded, all of the things we’ll actually judge Obama on in 2012 – such as unemployment, which just got worse again – will still be there. As we are more stridently instructed to ignore them, we will be less inclined to do so.
Obama will kill his poll “bounce” by looking far too eager to inflate and maintain it, while simultaneously looking confused and secretive about the event which produced the bounce. Humility, reverence for the men who actually pulled off the mission, and appreciation for the bold leadership of his predecessor would have made him look bigger. Instead, he is still the shrinking President, a dwindling figure who vanishes when his policies turn into disasters… and makes disasters out of the occasional good decision, by insisting that we formally certify them as great. source
From the beginning, it was clear that Obama would blow the goodwill of America by demanding it too stridently. His Sunday night announcement was delayed by an hour, long enough for his speechwriters to turn it into a carefully prepared “Claim Of Full Credit For Heroic Deed” form, submitted in triplicate. Obama becomes the latest in a long line of politicians to discover that respect cannot be demanded.
The incredible P.R. catastrophe of the confused, endlessly revised White House account of the bin Laden raid is a natural result of politicians scrambling to control the spotlight, instead of dutifully reporting an important military action to the American public. They confused the idea of shaping a political narrative with the notion of controlling history. In the process, they turned one of the most important missions ever undertaken by the Navy SEALs into a quantum event, in which our heroic soldiers took down a Schroedinger’s Cat who was either armed or unarmed, resisting or surrendering, protected by either a private army or a pack of lightly-armed goons, and either hiding or not hiding behind a woman who was either his wife or daughter, and is now either alive or dead.
Meanwhile, the Administration demanded we celebrate the decisive action of a President who took sixteen hours to make up his mind about launching the attack, during which bin Laden was stitching hundreds of Euros into his clothes and preparing to bolt. They pushed out an “iconic” photo of Obama and his top people watching the raid unfold in real time, then admitted they did no such thing, leaving us all to wonder what they’re staring at in the photo they insisted on turning into America’s desktop wallpaper image.
Obama and his team are so wedded to anti-Bush rhetoric that they could not simply admit he was right about prosecuting the War on Terror, and they were dangerously wrong. Now they are being dragged into making that admission, in root-canal interviews like the one CIA chief Leon Panetta gave to Brian Williams of NBC. This strongly reinforces the impression that they don’t understand what Bush did to make the bin Laden kill possible, and are still determined to make all of their old mistakes. In only a few days, they’ve transformed a spectacular victory in the War on Terror into a happy accident they blundered into, using intelligence they previously treated like a plate of liver and onions set before a screaming child. This leaves Americans to breathe a sigh of relief that at least our special forces troops know what they’re doing.
Refusing to release the bin Laden death photos fits neatly into the atmosphere of arrogance, secrecy, and moral superiority that clings to this White House like barnacles. We don’t need another lecture in how little Obama trusts our judgment, or how much he fears the Muslim world. We have been given many good reasons to mistrust Obama’s judgment. There are some people in the Muslim world who need to be afraid of us. Obama’s failure to understand that does not bode well for the future of the War on Terror.
Osama bin Laden was not some unfortunate fellow who happened to stumble in front of a bullet tsunami. We killed him. We are happy and proud that we killed him. We’ll be equally happy and proud to kill anyone who stands with him. That is not barbarism. It is the violent denial of barbarism. Obama is treating the details of bin Laden’s death like unpleasant business he doesn’t want to discuss in depth with his children. In doing so, he reveals himself as immature and naïve. We will see those photos eventually – Leon Panetta was right about that.
The Democrats clearly think Americans will be foolish enough to ignore all other news, and their memories of the past two years, while they marvel at the brilliance of their beloved President. That would not be true of any President. Even if the SEAL who actually capped Osama reveals his identity and runs for President next year, I’m afraid I’m going to have to hear his positions on the debt ceiling, job creation, and domestic oil production before I can support him. Trust me – I would really want to like those positions, but I won’t like them automatically.
When the glow of bin Laden’s death has faded, all of the things we’ll actually judge Obama on in 2012 – such as unemployment, which just got worse again – will still be there. As we are more stridently instructed to ignore them, we will be less inclined to do so.
Obama will kill his poll “bounce” by looking far too eager to inflate and maintain it, while simultaneously looking confused and secretive about the event which produced the bounce. Humility, reverence for the men who actually pulled off the mission, and appreciation for the bold leadership of his predecessor would have made him look bigger. Instead, he is still the shrinking President, a dwindling figure who vanishes when his policies turn into disasters… and makes disasters out of the occasional good decision, by insisting that we formally certify them as great. source
MSNBC: Ufo Wave Over Cleveland May 5th 2011
FAA & Cleveland Airports report Lake Erie UFO's Not In Normal Flight Paths, Not Showing Up On Radar.
MSNBC contacted the FAA and all local Cleveland Airports who said These objects are not in normal flight paths, that none of these objects were anything they were doing and these objects were not showing up on any of the airports radar as well!
MSNBC contacted the FAA and all local Cleveland Airports who said These objects are not in normal flight paths, that none of these objects were anything they were doing and these objects were not showing up on any of the airports radar as well!
Apa Benar Manusia makhluk yang paling sempurna ? (kenali diri, mengenal allah dan Ruh al-Quds)
Mengapa dahulu, pada saat penciptaan manusia, malaikat yang terbuat dari cahaya, bersujud pada Adam yang hanya terbuat dari tanah? Bukankah cahaya lebih mulia dari tanah?
Dalam diri manusia yang telah disempurnakan Allah sebagai manusia sejati(insan kamil) terdapat secuil ‘unsur yang sangat mulia,’ yaitu yang dibahasakan dalam Al Qur’an sebagai ‘Ruhul Quds’. Ruhul Quds bukanlah malaikat Jibril a.s., Jibril disebut sebagai Ruhul Amin, bukan Ruh Al-Quds. Ruh Al-Quds juga dikenal dengan sebutanRuh min Amr, atau Ruh dari Amr Allah (Amr = urusan, tanggung jawab). Dalam agama saudara-saudara dari nasrani, disebut Roh Kudus.
Ruh-Nya atau Ruhul Quds ini bukan dalam pengertian bahwa Allah memiliki ruh yang menghidupkan-Nya seperti kita. Ruh ini merupakan ruh ciptaan-Nya, sebagaimana ruh yang menjadikan diri kita hidup sekarang, namun dalam martabat tertingginya, dalam tingkatannya yang paling agung dan paling dekat kepada Allah.
Setiap ciptaan memiliki ruh. Manusia (ruh insani), tanaman (ruh nabati), hewan (ruh hewani), bahkan benda mati pun memilikinya. Atom-atom dalam benda mati sebenarnya ‘hidup’ dan terus berputar, dan ruh bendawi inilah yang menjadikannya ‘hidup’. Karena itu pula, benda, tumbuhan, hewan, bahkan anggota tubuh kita kelak akan bersaksi mengenai perbuatan kita di dunia ini. Namun demikian, ruh-ruh ini bukanlah ruh dalam martabat tertingginya seperti Ruh Al-Quds.

Ketika Allah berkehendak untuk memperlengkapi diri seorang manusia dengan Ruh Al-Quds, maka inilah yang menyebabkan manusia dikatakan lebih mulia dari makhluk manapun juga.
Perhatikan juga kata ‘Ruh-Ku’ dalam ayat 38:72, yang ditiupkan pada diri Adam saat penciptaannya:
Pada Adam as dan Isa as, dua manusia yang diciptakan-Nya langsung dengan ‘tangan-Nya’ tanpa melalui proses pembuahan, Ruh ilahiyah ‘penyempurna’ ini langsung ‘tertularkan’ ketika mereka diciptakan. Karena itulah, dalam proses penciptaan Adam as, setelah ditiupkannya Ruh-Nya, para malaikat pun sujud kepada Beliau. Sedang pada kita manusia biasa yang tercipta melalui proses alamiah atas kehendak-Nya, juga diberikan perangkat untuk memperolehnya (tepatnya perangkat untuk ‘membuat’ Allah berkenan dan ‘percaya’ untuk menurunkannya pada kita), yaitu qalb, syariat lahir, dan syariat batin.
Dengan demikian, bagi manusia yang belum memiliki ‘unsur’ ini dalam dirinya, sangat wajar jika malaikat tidak akan tunduk padanya, dan dia memang belum layak untuk ‘disujudi’. Contoh saja, jika kita sekarang memerintahkan pada malaikat di samping kita untuk menampakkan dirinya, apakah mereka akan tunduk pada perintah kita itu?
Mengapa para malaikat tunduk pada para Nabi dan orang-orang suci? Karena lewat proses perjuangan penyucian qalb dan diri mereka masing-masing, Allah berkenan menganugerahkan Ruh-Nya tadi kepada orang-orang itu. Bedanya dengan Adam a.s dan Isa a.s, mereka ‘tertular’ Ruh-Nya sejak lahir, karena diciptakan langsung dengan ‘tangan Allah’ (dalam tanda kutip); sedangkan manusia selain mereka, untuk dapat dianugerahi Ruh Al-Quds, harus melewati perjuangan diri. Mereka harus membuktikan pada Allah bahwa mereka layak untuk dianugerahi ‘unsur’ yang paling agung yang bisa didapatkan oleh makhluk ke dalam jiwanya.
Di sisi lain, ada beberapa malaikat yang tidak tunduk kepada mereka yang memiliki Ruh Al-Quds, namun memposisikan dirinya sejajar dengan para Insan Kamil. Mengapa? Karena beberapa malaikat ini juga dianugerahi Ruh Al-Quds oleh Allah. Sebagaimana manusia, tidak semua malaikat memiliki Ruh Al-Quds. Dari para malaikat yang memilikinya, diantaranya adalah para malaikat utama (Archangels): Jibril a.s. (Arch. Gabriel), Mikail a.s. (Arch. Michael), Izrail a.s. (Arch. Uriel), dan Israfil a.s. (Arch. Raphael). Kedudukan mereka diantara para malaikat kurang lebih sama seperti kedudukan para Nabi diantara manusia.
Dalam [2] : 253,
Penganugerahan Ruh-Nya pada seorang manusia inilah yang secara awam dikatakan sebagai ‘manunggaling kawulo gusti’, atau ‘penyatuan hamba dan Tuhannya’ yang sering dilabelkan pada kaum sufi di seluruh dunia. Padahal yang terjadi sebenarnya, adalah penganugerahan ‘Ruh-Nya’ atau Ruh Al-Quds kepada diri seseorang. Sebagai zat, Allah dan makhluk mustahil menyatu.
Ruh Al-Quds inilah yang membawa penjelasan kemisian seseorang, untuk apa seseorang diciptakan Allah, secara spesifik orang-per-orang. Dengan kehadiran Ruh Al-Quds, seseorang menjadi mengerti misi hidupnya sendiri. Mereka-mereka yang telah dianugerahi Ruh Al-Quds inilah yang disebut sebagai ‘ma’rifat’, dan telah mengenal diri sepenuhnya.
“Man ‘arafa nafsahu, faqad ‘arafa Rabbahu,” kata Rasulullah. Barangsiapa yang mengenal dirinya, maka ia mengenal Rabb-nya. Dengan kehadiran Ruh Al-Quds ke dalam jiwanya, seseorang menjadi mengenal dirinya, mengerti kemisian dirinya, dan mengenal Rabb-nya melalui kehadiran Ruh-Nya itu.
Dengan mengenal dirinya secara sejati, maka mulailah seseorang ber-agama secara sejati pula. “Awaluddiina ma’rifatullah,” kata Ali bin Abi Thalib kwh. Awalnya ad-diin(agama) adalah ma’rifatullah (mengenal Alah). Jadi berbeda dengan pengertian awam bahwa mencapai makrifat adalah tujuan beragama, justru sebaliknya: ma’rifat adalah awalnya beragama, ber-diin dengan sejati.
Saya pribadi percaya bahwa inilah ‘trinitas’ yang dikembalikan oleh Qur’an kepada hakikatnya semula: Allah, Ruh Al-Quds, dan jasad sang Insan Kamil. Pengertian trinitas ini, seiring dengan berjalannya waktu dan jauhnya aliran doktrin dari mata-airnya, perlahan berubah menjadi sesuatu yang abstrak: tiga tetapi satu dan satu tetapi tiga. Namun Rasulullah melaui Qur’an, secara halus mengembalikan khazanah tritunggal ini kepada esensinya: bukan zatnya yang satu sekaligus tiga, tetapi sebenarnya yang terjadi adalah Allah dan Insan Kamil, melalui kehadiran Ruh Al-Quds,telah sepenuhnya selaras dan menjadi satu kehendak. Apapun perbuatan, perilaku dan kehendak seorang Insan Kamil akan sepenuhnya sesuai dengan kehendak Allah. Sedangkan Allah-nya sendiri, sebagai zat, tetap hanya satu. Inilah yang dikembalikan: Allah itu satu, tidak memiliki anak, dan anggota sistem ke-tiga-an itu terpisah, baik secara hakikat maupun zat. Wujudnya satu, bukan tiga.
Siapa saja Insan Kamil itu? Mereka adalah semua orang yang telah dianugerahi AllahRuh Al-Quds ke dalam jiwanya. Semua Nabi dan Rasul, termasuk Nabi Isa as, dan para orang suci yang ber-maqam rahmaniyah dan rabbaniyah, adalah Insan Kamil.
Ada sebuah hadits dari Rasulullah, ketika Umar melihat dajjal dan bermaksud membunuhnya, Rasulullah mencegah beliau. Rasulullah mengatakan, Umar tidak akan mampu membunuhnya. Yang akan menghadapi dajjal kelak adalah Nabi Isa as di akhir zaman. Kenapa Nabi Isa as, bukan Umar atau bahkan bukan Rasulullah? Karena, walaupun semua orang yang telah dianugerahi Ruh Al-Quds tidak bisa lagi disentuh iblis, hanya Nabi Isa-lah satu-satunya orang yang oleh Allah diberi kehormatan sebagai manusia yang memiliki Ruh Al-Quds sejak hari kelahirannya, bahkan sejak dalam kandungan. Kenapa bukan Adam a.s.? Karena Adam as tidak pernah dilahirkan. Beliau ‘diciptakan’, dijadikan. Menghadapi dajjal adalah hak Nabi Isa a.s.
Kembali pada ayat:
P.S. :
(1) Mereka-mereka yang telah dianugerahi Ruh Al-Quds mempunyai kemewahan yang tiada tara: bisa berdialog (bukan monolog maupun meminta secara sepihak saja) dengan Allah langsung tanpa melalui ‘birokrasi’ malaikati apapun (jelas, karena kedudukannya jadi lebih tinggi dari malaikat). Allah akan berkenan menjawabnya langsung (lihat [2] : 253 di atas). Ia menjadi sahabat-Nya, Kalimullah (orang yang diajak berbicara dengan Allah). Ia menjadi keluarga-Nya (Ahlullah). Demikian pula, karena mustahil ketika seseorang mengenal Allah tidak takjub kepada-Nya, maka Allah-pun akan menjadi sosok yang paling dicintai orang tersebut.
(2) Tahu asal kata ‘Hadits Qudsi’? Kenapa ada perkataan Allah yang bisa disampaikan Nabi, tapi tidak ada dalam Qur’an? Disebut ‘Hadits Qudsi’ karena ucapan-ucapan-Nya itu disampaikan Allah lewat Ruh Al-Quds yang telah dianugerahkan Allah ta’ala kepada orang tersebut.
(3) Plural dari ‘Ruh’ adalah ‘Arwah’. Karena semua Ruh langsung berasal dari Allah dan langsung pula kembali kepada-Nya, maka —TIDAK ADA— yang namanya ‘arwah gentayangan’. Tidak ada roh yang gentayangan, apalagi penasaran. Yang ‘gentayangan’ itu jin, atau bisa juga iblis, mungkin.
Catatan : from suluk.blogsome sumber
Dalam diri manusia yang telah disempurnakan Allah sebagai manusia sejati(insan kamil) terdapat secuil ‘unsur yang sangat mulia,’ yaitu yang dibahasakan dalam Al Qur’an sebagai ‘Ruhul Quds’. Ruhul Quds bukanlah malaikat Jibril a.s., Jibril disebut sebagai Ruhul Amin, bukan Ruh Al-Quds. Ruh Al-Quds juga dikenal dengan sebutanRuh min Amr, atau Ruh dari Amr Allah (Amr = urusan, tanggung jawab). Dalam agama saudara-saudara dari nasrani, disebut Roh Kudus.
Ruh-Nya atau Ruhul Quds ini bukan dalam pengertian bahwa Allah memiliki ruh yang menghidupkan-Nya seperti kita. Ruh ini merupakan ruh ciptaan-Nya, sebagaimana ruh yang menjadikan diri kita hidup sekarang, namun dalam martabat tertingginya, dalam tingkatannya yang paling agung dan paling dekat kepada Allah.
Setiap ciptaan memiliki ruh. Manusia (ruh insani), tanaman (ruh nabati), hewan (ruh hewani), bahkan benda mati pun memilikinya. Atom-atom dalam benda mati sebenarnya ‘hidup’ dan terus berputar, dan ruh bendawi inilah yang menjadikannya ‘hidup’. Karena itu pula, benda, tumbuhan, hewan, bahkan anggota tubuh kita kelak akan bersaksi mengenai perbuatan kita di dunia ini. Namun demikian, ruh-ruh ini bukanlah ruh dalam martabat tertingginya seperti Ruh Al-Quds.

Perhatikan juga kata ‘Ruh-Ku’ dalam ayat 38:72, yang ditiupkan pada diri Adam saat penciptaannya:
“Maka apabila telah Kusempurnakan kejadiannya dan Kutiupkan kepadanya ruh-Ku; maka hendaklah kamu tersungkur dengan sujud kepadanya.”. (Q.S. 38:72)
Secuil ‘ruh’-Nya itu hanya diturunkan Allah pada manusia yang telah ‘disempurnakan-Nya’, yang diizinkan-Nya untuk mencapai derajat manusia yang sempurna (insan kamil) saja dan tidak pada semua manusia.Pada Adam as dan Isa as, dua manusia yang diciptakan-Nya langsung dengan ‘tangan-Nya’ tanpa melalui proses pembuahan, Ruh ilahiyah ‘penyempurna’ ini langsung ‘tertularkan’ ketika mereka diciptakan. Karena itulah, dalam proses penciptaan Adam as, setelah ditiupkannya Ruh-Nya, para malaikat pun sujud kepada Beliau. Sedang pada kita manusia biasa yang tercipta melalui proses alamiah atas kehendak-Nya, juga diberikan perangkat untuk memperolehnya (tepatnya perangkat untuk ‘membuat’ Allah berkenan dan ‘percaya’ untuk menurunkannya pada kita), yaitu qalb, syariat lahir, dan syariat batin.
Dengan demikian, bagi manusia yang belum memiliki ‘unsur’ ini dalam dirinya, sangat wajar jika malaikat tidak akan tunduk padanya, dan dia memang belum layak untuk ‘disujudi’. Contoh saja, jika kita sekarang memerintahkan pada malaikat di samping kita untuk menampakkan dirinya, apakah mereka akan tunduk pada perintah kita itu?
Mengapa para malaikat tunduk pada para Nabi dan orang-orang suci? Karena lewat proses perjuangan penyucian qalb dan diri mereka masing-masing, Allah berkenan menganugerahkan Ruh-Nya tadi kepada orang-orang itu. Bedanya dengan Adam a.s dan Isa a.s, mereka ‘tertular’ Ruh-Nya sejak lahir, karena diciptakan langsung dengan ‘tangan Allah’ (dalam tanda kutip); sedangkan manusia selain mereka, untuk dapat dianugerahi Ruh Al-Quds, harus melewati perjuangan diri. Mereka harus membuktikan pada Allah bahwa mereka layak untuk dianugerahi ‘unsur’ yang paling agung yang bisa didapatkan oleh makhluk ke dalam jiwanya.
Di sisi lain, ada beberapa malaikat yang tidak tunduk kepada mereka yang memiliki Ruh Al-Quds, namun memposisikan dirinya sejajar dengan para Insan Kamil. Mengapa? Karena beberapa malaikat ini juga dianugerahi Ruh Al-Quds oleh Allah. Sebagaimana manusia, tidak semua malaikat memiliki Ruh Al-Quds. Dari para malaikat yang memilikinya, diantaranya adalah para malaikat utama (Archangels): Jibril a.s. (Arch. Gabriel), Mikail a.s. (Arch. Michael), Izrail a.s. (Arch. Uriel), dan Israfil a.s. (Arch. Raphael). Kedudukan mereka diantara para malaikat kurang lebih sama seperti kedudukan para Nabi diantara manusia.
Dalam [2] : 253,
“Rasul-rasul (rasul: pembawa risalah—pen.) itu Kami lebihkan sebagian mereka di atas sebagian yang lain. Di antara mereka ada yang Allah berkata-kata (langsung dengan dia) dan sebagiannya Allah meninggikannya beberapa derajat. Dan Kami berikan kepada Isa putra Maryam beberapa mu’jizat serta Kami perkuat dia dengan Ruhul Quds.” (Q. S. [2] : 253)
Jadi kurang tepat jika kita mengatakan dengan terlalu mudah bahwa manusia, atau kita, adalah makhluk yang paling mulia di alam semesta. Manusia baru menjadi makhluk yang paling mulia jika telah diperangkati Allah dengan ‘unsur’ ini. Jika belum diperangkati dengan unsur ini, bahkan kedudukan manusia bisa lebih rendah dari hewan ternak (lihat Q.S. 25:44).Penganugerahan Ruh-Nya pada seorang manusia inilah yang secara awam dikatakan sebagai ‘manunggaling kawulo gusti’, atau ‘penyatuan hamba dan Tuhannya’ yang sering dilabelkan pada kaum sufi di seluruh dunia. Padahal yang terjadi sebenarnya, adalah penganugerahan ‘Ruh-Nya’ atau Ruh Al-Quds kepada diri seseorang. Sebagai zat, Allah dan makhluk mustahil menyatu.
Ruh Al-Quds inilah yang membawa penjelasan kemisian seseorang, untuk apa seseorang diciptakan Allah, secara spesifik orang-per-orang. Dengan kehadiran Ruh Al-Quds, seseorang menjadi mengerti misi hidupnya sendiri. Mereka-mereka yang telah dianugerahi Ruh Al-Quds inilah yang disebut sebagai ‘ma’rifat’, dan telah mengenal diri sepenuhnya.
“Man ‘arafa nafsahu, faqad ‘arafa Rabbahu,” kata Rasulullah. Barangsiapa yang mengenal dirinya, maka ia mengenal Rabb-nya. Dengan kehadiran Ruh Al-Quds ke dalam jiwanya, seseorang menjadi mengenal dirinya, mengerti kemisian dirinya, dan mengenal Rabb-nya melalui kehadiran Ruh-Nya itu.
Dengan mengenal dirinya secara sejati, maka mulailah seseorang ber-agama secara sejati pula. “Awaluddiina ma’rifatullah,” kata Ali bin Abi Thalib kwh. Awalnya ad-diin(agama) adalah ma’rifatullah (mengenal Alah). Jadi berbeda dengan pengertian awam bahwa mencapai makrifat adalah tujuan beragama, justru sebaliknya: ma’rifat adalah awalnya beragama, ber-diin dengan sejati.
Saya pribadi percaya bahwa inilah ‘trinitas’ yang dikembalikan oleh Qur’an kepada hakikatnya semula: Allah, Ruh Al-Quds, dan jasad sang Insan Kamil. Pengertian trinitas ini, seiring dengan berjalannya waktu dan jauhnya aliran doktrin dari mata-airnya, perlahan berubah menjadi sesuatu yang abstrak: tiga tetapi satu dan satu tetapi tiga. Namun Rasulullah melaui Qur’an, secara halus mengembalikan khazanah tritunggal ini kepada esensinya: bukan zatnya yang satu sekaligus tiga, tetapi sebenarnya yang terjadi adalah Allah dan Insan Kamil, melalui kehadiran Ruh Al-Quds,telah sepenuhnya selaras dan menjadi satu kehendak. Apapun perbuatan, perilaku dan kehendak seorang Insan Kamil akan sepenuhnya sesuai dengan kehendak Allah. Sedangkan Allah-nya sendiri, sebagai zat, tetap hanya satu. Inilah yang dikembalikan: Allah itu satu, tidak memiliki anak, dan anggota sistem ke-tiga-an itu terpisah, baik secara hakikat maupun zat. Wujudnya satu, bukan tiga.
Siapa saja Insan Kamil itu? Mereka adalah semua orang yang telah dianugerahi AllahRuh Al-Quds ke dalam jiwanya. Semua Nabi dan Rasul, termasuk Nabi Isa as, dan para orang suci yang ber-maqam rahmaniyah dan rabbaniyah, adalah Insan Kamil.
Ada sebuah hadits dari Rasulullah, ketika Umar melihat dajjal dan bermaksud membunuhnya, Rasulullah mencegah beliau. Rasulullah mengatakan, Umar tidak akan mampu membunuhnya. Yang akan menghadapi dajjal kelak adalah Nabi Isa as di akhir zaman. Kenapa Nabi Isa as, bukan Umar atau bahkan bukan Rasulullah? Karena, walaupun semua orang yang telah dianugerahi Ruh Al-Quds tidak bisa lagi disentuh iblis, hanya Nabi Isa-lah satu-satunya orang yang oleh Allah diberi kehormatan sebagai manusia yang memiliki Ruh Al-Quds sejak hari kelahirannya, bahkan sejak dalam kandungan. Kenapa bukan Adam a.s.? Karena Adam as tidak pernah dilahirkan. Beliau ‘diciptakan’, dijadikan. Menghadapi dajjal adalah hak Nabi Isa a.s.
“Hai Isa putra Maryam, ingatlah nikmat-Ku kepadamu dan kepada ibumu ketika Aku menguatkan kamu dengan Ruhul Quds, kamu dapat berbicara dengan manusia ketika masih dalam buaian dan ketika dewasa…”(Q. S. [5] : 110)
Kembali ke persoalan sebelumnya,“Dan (ingatlah) ketika Kami berfirman kepada para Malaikat: “Sujudlah kamu kepada Adam”, maka sujudlah mereka kecuali iblis; ia enggan dan takabur dan adalah ia termasuk golongan mereka yang kafir”. (QS. 2:34)
Sujudnya Malaikat kepada Adam, karena dalam diri manusia yang telahdisempurnakan-Nya (Insan Kamil) ada yang disebut ‘Ruh-Ku’ dalam ayat 38:72 tadi. Malaikat —bukan— sujud kepada sifat jasadiyahnya Adam. Malaikat akan sujud kepada siapapun yang dalam dirinya ada pantulan ‘citra’ Allah (yang jelas, fokus, dan tidak blur), yaitu dengan kehadiran Ruh-Nya (Ruh Al-Quds) dalam jiwa seseorang. Iblis tidak mampu melihat ke dalam inti jiwa manusia tempat Ruh Al-Quds disematkan Allah, maka ia melihat Adam tidak lebih dalam dari sekedar tanah yang digunakan sebagai bahan jasadnya, sehingga ia enggan bersujud (perhatikan kata yang dipakai dalam ayat tersebutKembali pada ayat:
“Maka apabila telah Kusempurnakan kejadiannya dan Kutiupkan kepadanya ruh-Ku; maka hendaklah kamu tersungkur dengan sujud kepadanya.”. (Q.S. 38:72)
Jangan ‘sujud’ kepada siapapun yang belum dianugerahi Allah ‘Ruh-Nya’ ke dalam dirinya. Allah hanya memerintahkan ‘sujud’ kepada mereka yang telah disempurnakan-Nya, dan telah dianugerahi Ruh Al-Quds kepada dirinya.P.S. :
(1) Mereka-mereka yang telah dianugerahi Ruh Al-Quds mempunyai kemewahan yang tiada tara: bisa berdialog (bukan monolog maupun meminta secara sepihak saja) dengan Allah langsung tanpa melalui ‘birokrasi’ malaikati apapun (jelas, karena kedudukannya jadi lebih tinggi dari malaikat). Allah akan berkenan menjawabnya langsung (lihat [2] : 253 di atas). Ia menjadi sahabat-Nya, Kalimullah (orang yang diajak berbicara dengan Allah). Ia menjadi keluarga-Nya (Ahlullah). Demikian pula, karena mustahil ketika seseorang mengenal Allah tidak takjub kepada-Nya, maka Allah-pun akan menjadi sosok yang paling dicintai orang tersebut.
(2) Tahu asal kata ‘Hadits Qudsi’? Kenapa ada perkataan Allah yang bisa disampaikan Nabi, tapi tidak ada dalam Qur’an? Disebut ‘Hadits Qudsi’ karena ucapan-ucapan-Nya itu disampaikan Allah lewat Ruh Al-Quds yang telah dianugerahkan Allah ta’ala kepada orang tersebut.
(3) Plural dari ‘Ruh’ adalah ‘Arwah’. Karena semua Ruh langsung berasal dari Allah dan langsung pula kembali kepada-Nya, maka —TIDAK ADA— yang namanya ‘arwah gentayangan’. Tidak ada roh yang gentayangan, apalagi penasaran. Yang ‘gentayangan’ itu jin, atau bisa juga iblis, mungkin.
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