Saturday, May 7, 2011

Armed Response

Surveillance camera footage, St Petersburg, Russia (no date, recent) - Two 'gopniks' having a beer infront of a chain store, one of them talking to his cellphone when a passer-by chides them on their drinking and gets punched in the face. In response he pulls a gun and shoots the bully in the face.

Gopnik is a stereotypical class of young males up to 30 years old found in Russia and post-Soviet countries, similar to a Chav or Ned in Great Britain, characterized by aggressive behavior, specifically towards the weak, predilection to the criminal subculture, abuse of alcohol beverages (specifically beer, vodka and "Jaguar" cocktail) and specific fashion preferences. The term gopnik (Russian: Го́пник) (plural gopniki, gopota, gopary) is slang used in Russia.

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