Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Yemen: Suicide Bomber Kills Some 100 Soldiers

A suicide bomber struck a rehearsal for a military parade in Yemen's capital Monday, killing around 100 soldiers and wounding more than 230. Authorities vowed to press ahead with the parade in Sanaa Tuesday despite the attack. (May 21)

UFOs Over Serbia Incredible Footage Watch Now! May 21 2012

UFO Footage From Serbia! This is the story send to me regarding this Amazing Sighting! It is fairly clear night, I went to rinse neighbor Dragan, when we noticed an unusual phenomenon in the sky. Seven Orange-red illuminated globe on a regular semi-circle formation was directly above our house. There was no sound, even when the noise as planes fly over. I immediately remembered that I take a camera because I was fascinated by the unusual appearance
[11:01:22 AM] Dusan Djukic: There were about twenty of these balls, but they all flew together, in groups of three or four. At one point they flew a group of seven, in the right semicircle. Two balls were somehow just remained above Jovana's house, one was stopped as it waited for the other reaches, which is why I conclude that they were guided, or that the pilots had - trying Rakic ​​for "Press" to explain what he saw.

The balls flew to Cacak, but John and Dragan witness that they are not landed, but were, they said, simply lost in the cloud.

An unusual phenomenon was noted in the center of the radar Bukulja, glowing balls about anything not even know the Gornjomilanovačka Department of Emergency Management. However, the internet forums have already appeared in numerous testimonies of people from Kragujevac and Pozarevac who have seen similar phenomena in their environments.

UFO Sightings Calling All Debunkers 100% Proof Glowing Golden ORBs Over L.A.

Amazing Footage Golden Orbs Hovers Over L.A. on May 19 2012 Robert Bingham and Thirdphaseofmoon invited the public to witness UFOs and History was Made!