Thursday, August 11, 2011

Iranian missile parade: Tehran

Iranian missile regiments parade a variety of systems in Tehran.

Footage is part of a much larger clip depicting all manner of missile guidance, and air defence vehiclesrolling past the viewing stand.
When the ballistic systems are finally fitted with low yield nuclear warheads, the Islamic Republic will be free from the threat of foreign aggression.

Taliban who shot down US helicopter 'dead'

NATO says its forces have killed the Taliban militants who shot down a US helicopter killing all 38 people on board.

Hijacker converted to islam !

Hijacker converted to islam !

Al Qaeda: Ambush On 2 Police Convoys - Warning: Graphic Footage

Algeria - Graphic Footage!

UFO k Lanchid felett UFO'sOver Chain Bridge Budapest Hungary 04 08 2011

We are filming this time the Nice Budapest panorama whenn my friend was ask, please show up.Then one minute lather this object just appeared. wery far away We used to filmingSony
D C R -D V D 653 E digital camera , I R 85ö digital filter fitted.Wasn´t visible on eye. only throught the filter fitted camera. this wasn´t balloon!

Big, Scary Military UFO & Others - August 10, 2011

Tucson, Arizona
Davis Monthan AFB
There is sound but it is turned down low because it was all crappy sounding and no, no music either so just whistle or - listen to... something else o.0

Debunking the UFO Debunkers - Stanton Friedman LIVE

At the center of the ET and UFO truth embargo is a core of propaganda promulgated over 50 years in the guise of scientific skepticism. This false "skepticism" came to be known as "debunking."  Having given more than 700 lectures about flying saucers in 15 countries; published more than 80 papers, 2 books, and visited 20 document archives; Stanton Friedman has heard all the objections the human mind can conjure in opposition to the extraterrestrial hypothesis. In the workshop, all objections will be discussed such as the notions that interstellar travel is impossible, there is no good evidence for flying saucer reality, secrets can't be kept, aliens engaging the earth  would land on the White House lawn, SETI (Silly Effort to Investigate) is sensible science, the Drake Equation predicts extraterrestrial contact is unlikely and other false arguments. For those who want to test their skeptical mettle against this research legend, here is your chance.

The X-Conference is pleased to welcome Nuclear Physisist and UFO Researcher Stanton T. Friedman.

The X-Conference is produced by X-PPAC (Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee) and The Paradigm Research Group, who's mission is to educate Congress, the Press and the Public about the Government imposed "Truth Embargo" and to bring about formal acknowledgment by the U. S. Government of an Extraterrestrial presence engaging the Human Race - Full Disclosure. UFOTV is pleased to present all of the presentations that were given by all the invited speakers at each of the X-Conference events over the years.

We apologize for the commercials during this online presentation. As stated on our main channel page, the advertising revenue from this program helps to cover the heavy production costs of putting on the on-going X-Conference events.

DVDs from the historic and ongoing X-Conference event are available from UFOTV: Go to Keyword - "X-Conference"

ET Contact and UFO Disclosure - Update 2011

Full disclosure concerning UFOs and Extraterrestrial visitation of planet Earth by our nation's elected representatives remains an unfulfilled expectation. Officially flying saucers and space aliens are science fiction nonsense. But has an un-official soft-sell, media campaign of governmental disclosure been actively conditioning the public to the reality of extraterrestrial life for the last fifty years? Have the UFO secrets been hidden in plain sight? Join us as we explore the facts.

ET Contact and UFO Disclosure - Coming soon to DVD - Go to

Penampakan di mushola As-Sakinah

Video ini diambil secara langsung pada saat malam hari,yang merekam langsung adalah Bpk. Erfan Noer Haqiqi selaku pembimbing ngaji saya. Yang ada di video ini adalah sosok penunggu Mushola As-Sakinah berlokasi Perumahan Mangun Jaya 2,Tambun Bekasi(Jawa Barat). Perlihatkan dengan seksama ada sekelebat kabut hitam yang terbang berlalu lalang yang terekam kamera handphone. INI BUKAN REKAYASA!!!
(itu katanya yang punya video)

bagi aku ini lumayan! asli! aku senderi pernah melihat dengan kepala mata ku kejadian yang sama tetapi bukan yang ini,aku rasa itu jelmanan kuntilanak.

Terung bercabang dua

Terung bercabang dua

Oleh Suhaiza

Buah terung yang ganjil bercabang dua.

KUALA BELAIT, 10 Ogos - Bercucuk tanam memang sudah sebati dengan Awang Haji Rosli sejak muda hingga kini berusia lebih 50 tahun, tetapi tidak pernah berpengalaman melihat keganjilan pada buah terung sebelum ini. Ketika memetik tanaman itu yang ditanamnya sebulan lalu hari ini, beliau amat terkejut melihat keganjilan pada sebiji daripada buah itu.
Buah terung itu bercabang dua dalam satu tampuk dengan saiz berbeza; satu besar dan panjang dan satu lagi agak pendek dan kecil sedikit.
Menurut Awang Haji Rosli, lebih 40 pokok sayur terung ditanam di kawasan depan dan belakang rumahnya di Rancangan Perumahan Negara Kampung Pandan Satu.
Sejak tinggal di sana selama 18 tahun, barulah kali ini beliau menemukan buah yang ganjil itu, katanya.
Bagaimanapun terung ganjil itu akan dijadikan benih untuk meningkatkan tanamannya.
Selain terung, Awang Haji Rosli juga menghiasi laman rumahnya dengan tanaman sayur-sayuran lain dan buah-buahan untuk keperluan mereka sekeluarga.-    mediapermata