Friday, October 5, 2012
FSA Terrorist: We won't stop our Jihad until we conquer the White House
by Eretz Zen
This video shows a typical "Free Syrian Army" (FSA) terrorist stating what he and his fellow Salafi terrorists believe regarding the fight that they are engaged in.
He says that their Jihad just started in Syria, but it will continue until the whole world and, eventually, the White House are ruled by their view of Islam (Wahhabi Islam).
If You Don't Believe in Cover Ups? Watch This! Recently Leaked UFO Foota...
by thirdphaseofmoon
If You Don't Believe in Cover Ups? Watch This! Recently Leaked UFO Footage 2012 =) UFO Sightings Leaked Footage Experimental Space Transport? Unknown Source, Or Date...Exclusive footage Sent into Thirpdhaseofmoon Watch Now! If you have captured anything Amazing regarding UFOs contact Thirdphaseofmoon Via Skype or Facebook! If you have captured anything Amazing regarding UFOs contact Thirdphaseofmoon Via Skype or Facebook!
WARNING 21+:suicide car bombers inside Aleppo CAUGHT ON CAMERA
AFTER the suicide car bombers, and 48 ppl were killed, Three attempted suicide bombing by three members of the free Syrian army were stopped by the SAA (army loyal to alassad regime). - WARNING 21+:suicide car bombers inside Aleppo CAUGHT ON CAMERA
Syria - Bashar Al-Assad's tanks now drive upside down (3/10/12)
Took place in Aleppo city, Arqoub district.
This must be some kind of new technology the Syrian Assad Army is using. It seems very effective. - Syria - Bashar Al-Assad's tanks now drive upside down (3/10/12)
FSA attack SAA troops from hill top
10-4-12 FSA fighters fire on SAA troops, from a hill top in the woods. - FSA attack SAA troops from hill top
UFO sighting *MIND BLOWING VIDEO* Oct 2012?!
by 318lions
Amazing UFO sighting captured on tape 03 October 2012. This new video was filmed over Der Alzor, Syria at 10:40 Pm.
Syria did NOT apologize to Turkey: Bashar al-Jaafari
by Eretz Zen
Syria's UN representative, Bashar al-Jaafari, made a statement during which he emphasized that Syria did not apologize to Turkey for the mortar attack but rather gave its condolences for the loss of life. He also stressed that the investigation is not over yet. He denied that Syria claims responsibility for the mortar attack on Turkey.
18+ Battle of East Ghouta - Dictator Loses SAM Missile Base in Clashes w...
by Souria2011archives
18+ Adults Only - Warning - Not for Shock - Contains Graphic Images - For Historic Documentation Purposes Only - Raw Film Footage from the Battle of East Ghouta where the Free Syria Army defeated a force of the Dictator Assad and captured an entire SAM Missile Defense Base
Loses Entire Missile Base in Clashes with Rebels 2-Oct-12
A Foreign Aggression to Escape the The Entitled Confrontation of the Victorious Revolution
Posted by abeer on October 4th, 2012
The Regime force have repeatedly tried to regain control of Syria and failed to manage to internal crisis. Their loss of control has been confirmed in Syria. Today, regime forces bombed one of the bordering Turkish villages, causing the death of 5 Turkish civilians and wounded many more. In response to the regime's artillery shelling, Turkey responded with military force and shelled Tal Abeed in Raqqa province.
The Local Coordination Committees views this act of aggression by regime forces as yet another desperate attempt to avoid the benefits of the Syrian Revolution, which would ensure the safety, unity, and sovereignty of Syrian territory. Rather, the regime's forces resorted to an open conflict with a neighboring country in order to achieve direct intervention from its allies on their undoubtedly impossible mission to suppress and end the Revolution.
The regime is blatantly avoiding the embarrassment of defeat at the hands of the Syrian Revolutionaries.. Due to suffocating pressure caused by devastating strikes of the Free Syrian Army, the regime, the regime is frantically trying to cause an international crisis to ignite the flames of an armed regional conflict along the northern border. Similar events have been attempted along the Jordanian border, violating Iraqi airspace, and igniting bloody armed conflicts in Lebanon at the hands of regime supporters.
The Local Coordination Committees (LCC) hold the regime and its gangs completely responsible for all inevitable consequences from these insane criminal acts of destruction. Again, we reiterate our urgent appeal to the international community to move effectively and stop the regime's attempts in tampering with region's stability and security. We demand that the United Nations put an end to the regime's crimes against the revolutionary Syrian people. We demand civilian protection as stipulated by international humanitarian law and the Charter of the United Nations. We strongly recommend the unity of opposition members in order to ouster the criminal regime, to end tyranny and corruption, and to achieve the objectives of the Syrian revolution. Our moral Revolution of dignity and freedom will be in a civil state of freedom and law.
Victory to the Revolution of dignity, mercy and glory to our martyrs
Local Coordination Committees in Syria
Damascus 10/3/2012
Turkey continues Syria shelling, seeks approval for military action
by RussiaToday
Turkey's military has launched fresh artillery strikes against Syria. It had earlier fired on the war-torn state in retaliation to the shelling coming from the Syrian side which killed five Turkish civilians. Several Syrians were also reported dead as a result of the unprecedented military exchange.
'Turkey one step away from Syria war'
by RussiaToday
Turkey's parliament has authorized cross-border military operations into Syria 'when necessary' following a casual mortar-shelling incident on the Turkish-Syrian border - FULL STORY
Geopolitical analyst Patrick Henningsen says Syria's being forced to protect its interests, as Turkey provides a safe haven for terrorists active in the conflict-torn country.
'Turkey can't afford full-scale war with Syria'
by RussiaToday
Turkey's parliament has authorized cross-border military operations into Syria 'when necessary.' The move follows a cross-border mortar-shelling into Turkey which Damascus has apologized for.
Marcus Papadopoulos, the publisher and editor of 'Politics First' magazine says Syria conflict can potentially ignite the whole region into one big fireball.
UFO Sightings 3 UFOs Spotted Over Australia! Galactic Federation Of Ligh...
by thirdphaseofmoon
UFO Sightings 3 UFOs Spotted Over Australia! Galactic Federation Of Light? October 4 2012 Footage Permission Granted To Thirdphaseofmoon from Billy Sherman of Dumbleyung - Rural Western Australia 3 Large Stationary Glimmering UFO's! Could this be The Galactic Federation Of Light? If you have captured anything Amazing regarding UFOs contact Thirdphaseofmoon Via Skype or Facebook! To view the entire Raw Video Visit LostTreasureComAU Channel Click Link!
masih dunia lain EPISODE: 115 Misteri Rumah Putih Lampung 4.10.2012
play video
Di wilayah perbukitan, Kemiling, Kota Bandar Lampung, tim Masih Dunia Lain menyambangi sebuah area perkebunan coklat. Kisah misterius Rumah Putih, sebuah bangunan tanpa penghuni diantara rindangnya tanaman coklat menarik perhatian tim Masih Dunia Lain. Keberadaan bangunan ini konon berkaitan dengan eksistensi fenomena bola api melayang. Masyarakat setempat hingga para perkeja disana lebih sering menyebutnya hantu lentera. Saksikan penelusuran selengkapnya di Masih Dunia Lain
Di wilayah perbukitan, Kemiling, Kota Bandar Lampung, tim Masih Dunia Lain menyambangi sebuah area perkebunan coklat. Kisah misterius Rumah Putih, sebuah bangunan tanpa penghuni diantara rindangnya tanaman coklat menarik perhatian tim Masih Dunia Lain. Keberadaan bangunan ini konon berkaitan dengan eksistensi fenomena bola api melayang. Masyarakat setempat hingga para perkeja disana lebih sering menyebutnya hantu lentera. Saksikan penelusuran selengkapnya di Masih Dunia Lain
taliban preparing to launch an attack on a us base.
You can not win resistant war against taliban, No matter you born ten time, you pamper soldiers, it is been 11 year you can dominate them and face hurdle, do you forget Russia? get an advise from them, how many american and britain solider are being no one the exact figure, cause ur media doesnt show the truth , their home made bomb doesnt cast more then pizza cost , and blow ur high end weapon which cost million of dollar , that is ur own - taliban preparing to launch an attack on a us base.
Syria Ready to Smoke Turkey with Nerve Gas Sarin Tabun and VX - Syria Ready to Smoke Turkey with Nerve Gas Sarin Tabun and VX Syria has anticipated a possible NATO attack initiated by the false flag attack on Turkey by moving 30,000 troops to the North this week and preparing its chemical weapons for striking Turkey and NATO bases
BREAKING PHOTOS! NIBIRU Visible ~ MUST SEE! from September, 2012 ~ 2nd ...
by helias314
Nibiru or Scoobydoo call it what you will, it is plainly visible. No "lens flare" this time. Don't you just love making the Trolls Go Wild? :)
Published on Sep 11, 2012 by TubeMasterTools
Nibiru 2012: NASA Admits 9th Planet
Best Nibiru Video/footage of 2012. the TRUTH is unveiled.
If Your friends think your crazy show them this video.
Please Thumbs up the video.
2012 researcher and author Marshall Masters, offers an in-depth look at the predictions made in a crop circled formation he calls the "2012 Star Map of Doom."
Known as Avebury 2008, it tells us that on December 21, 2012, we'll begin to experience the onset of a protracted global catastrophe. It will last for years and will include a pole shift, such as the one predicted by Edgar Cayce.
For the readers of Marshall's book, Crossing the Cusp: Surviving the Edgar Cayce Pole Shift, this video offers an in-depth back story not included in the book.
Cosmonauta ruso habla del 21 diciembre, crop circles, ETs y Nibiru/ Grabación reciente del "segundo sol"
Estamos dentro del Primer Contacto. Los rusos ya se están saltando la censura y hablando abiertamente de lo que saben. Este astronauta ruso de nombre desconocido (no aparece en el vídeo) da una suculentísima información mientras vemos las naves de la Federación Galáctica que rodean a las estaciones orbitales y nos van a ayudar en este parto planetario que se aproxima.
Más abajo, veréis una grabación reciente del supuesto segundo sol de nuestro sistema. La pregunta es: ¿si es cierto que está ahí, porque no lo podemos ver todos?
El astronauta contesta a esta y otras preguntas y apunta al 13 diciembre como la fecha en que "esta perturbación de nuestro sistema" se pueda ver a simple vista. De ser cierto, estaríamos ante otra profecía más cumplida.
¡Ah! El habla de la fecha del 22 diciembre y no el 21...
PD: Para ver los subtítulos, picar en el primer icono de la derecha, empezando por la izquierda: el de las dos rallitas.
En la traducción, hay algunos fallos importantes: se traduce "birds" (pájaros) cuando es "burns" (explosiones solares) y hay otro momento cuando habla del 22 diciembre que no se da cuenta de que está hablando de un rayo procedente del centro de la galaxia. Exactamente, lo mismo que Argüelles: el rayo sincronizador que atravesará nuestro sol antes de que se apague y nos traslade a otro lugar del Cosmos.
Video Location: UK
[Tags] Planet PlanetX Nibiru Nasa 2012 Doomsday Info Leaked Prophecy Armageddon End Times Days New World Order Fema Martial Law Concentration Camps America Conspiracy Illuminati Freemason NWO 2009 Alien Aliens Giant Giants Ufo Ufos Barack Obama Joe Biden US USA China Russia Economy Economic Dollar Collapse Alex Jones Ron Paul нибиру economic collapse 2012 Education news mayan calendar
september, 2012 09/12/2012,09.12.2012, 2012, nibiru, today, nibiru september 2012, nibiru 2012, nibiru 2012 update, planet x, "nibiru, this week" nibiru september 12 2012,
economic collapse, нибиру, nibiru today, "planet x, today" Nibiru sept 12 2012, nibiru -coast -am -нло -дтп -schoolboy, nibiru september 2012, today, planet x nibiru, ufo, ron paul,nibiru visible, nibiru planet x, nibiru september 12, 2012, economic collapse 2012,
martial law 2012, planet x 2012 economic collapse, today
NASA: Planet Nibiru Footage Update | Dwarf Star - DOOMSDAY
changed from "Science and Technology" 09/21/2012
from .. "News & Politics" 09/30/2012 950 pm
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