Wednesday, September 26, 2012
'Free Syrian' Army rebels target military command buldings in Umayad Square, Damascus.
Syrian state TV alleged that "terrorists" were responsible for the twin explosions in Umayad Square, where the Ministry of Defense is located. The bombings occurred around 7:00am local time (4:00 GMT). - 'Free Syrian' Army rebels target military command buldings in Umayad Square, Damascus.
UFO seen by many tourists in China - news report
by Allnewsweb
At 3:42 p.m. on July 8, in province Shanhetun Forestry territory of Phoenix Mountain several tourists noticed UFO as it appeared in the sky overhead, One of the tourists Mr Wu Chunyan immediately grabbed his camera to take pictures .
Iran General Threatens Yo Attack U.S. Bases If Israel Starts A War
by above science
A senior commander in Iran's powerful Revolutionary Guard warned that Iran will target U.S. bases in the region in the event of war with Israel, raising the prospect of a broader conflict that would force other countries to get involved, Iranian state television reported Sunday.
The comments by Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, who heads the Guard's aerospace division, came amid tension over Iran's nuclear program and Israel's suggestion that it might unilaterally strike Iranian nuclear facilities to scuttle what the United States and its allies believe are efforts to build a bomb. Tehran says its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes.
Hajizadeh said no Israeli attack can happen without the support of its most important ally, the United States, making all U.S. military bases a legitimate target.
"For this reason, we will enter a confrontation with both parties and will definitely be at war with American bases should a war break out," Hajizadeh said in remarks that were posted on the website of Iran's state Al-Alam TV. U.S. facilities in Bahrain, Qatar and Afghanistan would be targeted, he said.
"There will be no neutral country in the region," Hajizadeh said. "To us, these bases are equal to U.S. soil."
The U.S. Fifth fleet is based in Bahrain and the U.S. has a heavy military presence in Afghanistan.
The Iranian warning appears an attempt to reinforce the potential wider consequences of an attack by Israel. The message is not only intended for Washington, but to its Gulf Arab allies that are fearful of a regional conflict that could disrupt oil shipment and cripple business hubs in places such as Dubai and Qatar's capital Doha.
It also comes during a major show of naval power in the Gulf by U.S.-led forces taking part in military exercises, including mine-sweeping drills. The U.S. Navy claims the maneuvers are not directly aimed at Iran, but the West and its regional allies have made clear they would react against attempts by Tehran to carry out threats to try to close critical Gulf oil shipping lanes in retaliation for tighter sanctions.
Despite Israeli hints of a military strike, Iran's military commanders believe Israel is unlikely to take unilateral action against Iran. The Guard's top commander, Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari, said last week that Iran believes the United States won't attack Iran because its military bases in the Middle East are within the range of Iran's missiles.
Iran has also warned that oil shipments through the strategic Strait of Hormuz will be in jeopardy if a war breaks out between Iran and the United States. Iranian officials had previously threatened to close the waterway, the route for a fifth of the world's oil, if there is war.
Israel believes that any attack on Iran would likely unleash retaliation in the form of Iranian missiles as well as rocket attacks by Iranian proxies Hezbollah and Hamas on its northern and southern borders.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says international diplomatic efforts and economic sanctions against Iran have failed to deter its nuclear ambitions, and he has urged President Barack Obama to declare "red lines" that would trigger an American attack on Iran's nuclear facilities, coupling his appeals with veiled threats of an Israeli attack.
President Obama has rejected these calls, saying diplomacy and U.S.-led sanctions must be given more time and that Iran will never be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons. American officials have pressed Israel not to attack Iran unilaterally, a move that could set off regional mayhem just ahead of the November election.
Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is currently in New York to attend the annual U.N. General Assembly and could seek to use his speech and meetings later this week to highlight the possible risks — including sharply higher oil prices — if military action is taken.
Iran unveiled its produced Shahed 129 spy plane and military armoured v...
by Lenziran Newsvideo
In occasion of sacred defense week , the Islamic republic unveiled its Drone UAV called "Shahed 129 and armoured vehicle "Hoveyzeh "
Watch President Obama Address the U.N. General Assembly
by PBSNewsHour
President Obama addresses the 67th U.N. General Assembly in New York with a focus on quelling violence spreading abroad.
Raw Video: Iran Unveils New Drone
by AssociatedPress
A senior Revolutionary Guard commander says Iran has deployed a domestic-built reconnaissance drone with a 24 hour flight capability. (Sept. 25)
AP Interview: Ahmadinejad Pushes New World Order
by AssociatedPress
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke to The Associated Press in a wide-ranging interview on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly _ his last as president of Iran. (Sept. 25)
UFO Sightings Very Clear UFO Photos From ProjectUFOs Watch Now! Septembe...
by thirdphaseofmoon
Very Clear Daylight Photos from Arizona of what looks to be some kind of Experimental Aircraft, or Star Ship? Steve Gould Managed to Capture a Sequence of 9 Photos of this Silent Spaceship Zoom across the SKY! Is this some kind of Military Aircraft or a Starship? If you have captured anything Amazing regarding UFOs contact Thirdphaseofmoon Via Skype or Facebook! Permission Granted from ProjectUFOs all rights reserved. Watch Original UFO Post, and Up and Coming UFO Channel ProjectUFOs Click Link!
Taliban training camp 'prepares Camp Bastion attack'
This video, released by the Taliban, allegedly shows insurgents plotting an attack on Camp Bastion in Afghanistan on 14 September. Fifteen Taliban fighters carried out the assault, killing two US marines and leaving nine wounded, while wearing US military uniforms. All but one of them were killed during the assault - Taliban training camp 'prepares Camp Bastion attack'
Iran successfully test-fires Ra'd anti-aircraft system - Irã testa novo...
by Rumoaohepta7
Irna (English):
Iran successfully test-fires Ra'd anti-aircraft system - Irã testa com sucesso sistema antiaéreo Ra'd
Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has successfully test-fired the country's latest domestically-manufactured anti-aircraft missile system.
The mid-range missile system, called Ra'd, is equipped with Taer 2 missiles and can intercept targets at a range of 50 kilometers and fly at an altitude of 75,000 feet.
The indigenous system has been manufactured to confront advanced US jet fighters.
The IRGC on Friday displayed Ra'd air defense system during the parade of the Iranian Armed Forces in the capital city, Tehran, marking the 32nd anniversary of eight years of defense against Iraq's invasion of the country under executed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.
Ra'd is the optimized version of the Russian-made Buk surface-to-air missile system.
In recent years, Iran has made great achievements in the defense sector and gained self-sufficiency in essential military hardware and defense systems, proving that the US-led illegal sanctions on the Iranian military industry have been ineffective.
Iran has repeatedly stated that its military might poses no threat to other countries, reiterating that its defense doctrine is based on deterrence.
Vídeo: Irna
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