Great footage towards the end of the clip when the guy places the camera down for a nice steady shot of the strange amber/yellow lights. Recent UFO NLO sightings ovni September 2011 coast to coast time shift comet planet x earth 飛行物体 visitors galactic craft star people time jumpers solar system entities flying objects unidentified film video
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Russian K7 Flying Fortress vs Nazi UFO Haunebu - Secrets & theories of WWII
Secrets and theories of World War II.
The Russian K7 Flying Fortress was a project designed to be a giant sky fortress and create a perimeter in the skies to stop large quantities of aircraft before enter in Russian airspace, capable of bombing the Nazi underground bases in Antarctica and back, also counter the Nazi UFO, an disc shaped aircraft project in the Third Reich, codenames Haunebu, Rundflugzeug, Feuerball, Diskus, Hauneburg Geräte, V7, VRIL, Kugelblitz, Andromeda Geräte, Flugkreisel, Kugelwaffen and Reichsflugscheiben.
The Russian K7 Flying Fortress was a project designed to be a giant sky fortress and create a perimeter in the skies to stop large quantities of aircraft before enter in Russian airspace, capable of bombing the Nazi underground bases in Antarctica and back, also counter the Nazi UFO, an disc shaped aircraft project in the Third Reich, codenames Haunebu, Rundflugzeug, Feuerball, Diskus, Hauneburg Geräte, V7, VRIL, Kugelblitz, Andromeda Geräte, Flugkreisel, Kugelwaffen and Reichsflugscheiben.
my brother and i noticed some shining lights in the sky, and booked it outside to try to get it on camera. within seconds, the ufos had travelled from the northern horizon to the southern horizon.
UFOs in the News - Santiago, Chile - September 2011 [OCCURED IN 2009]
A translation would be appreciated por favor, but is not necessary. I get the gist of it, pretty sure u can to? Not sure if there is any shocking information being given that we dont already know, but who knows. Here is how the video's caption translates [with some discrepancies according to some]:
"Video investigate UFO cases in Santiago
Images from a strange lights flying over the skies of the capital, supposedly recorded during the blackout on Saturday, has caused surprise. ¿UFO or plane? The Civil Aviation Authority ruled that they were aircraft."*** -- **that being the discrepancy, it is possible that google has translated the text incorrectly and it was meant to say (possibly) that they had ruled OUT that it was an aircraft - which in itself is silly as it is in the air but u get it right lol? DAMNIT why'd my best buddy Julio have to go back to Mexico, dammit he would come in handy right now ;..( srsly.
Whatever they are... THEY ARE DELICIOUS! UFOS!!!! Doesnt mean they are aliens but F*ck man those are, some UFOs...
"Video investigate UFO cases in Santiago
Images from a strange lights flying over the skies of the capital, supposedly recorded during the blackout on Saturday, has caused surprise. ¿UFO or plane? The Civil Aviation Authority ruled that they were aircraft."*** -- **that being the discrepancy, it is possible that google has translated the text incorrectly and it was meant to say (possibly) that they had ruled OUT that it was an aircraft - which in itself is silly as it is in the air but u get it right lol? DAMNIT why'd my best buddy Julio have to go back to Mexico, dammit he would come in handy right now ;..( srsly.
Whatever they are... THEY ARE DELICIOUS! UFOS!!!! Doesnt mean they are aliens but F*ck man those are, some UFOs...
NATO Rebels in Gadamis Battle after Tribes move in to free it (NO DATE), NATO Crimes In Libya
LATEST NEWS: 1.Ghadames , the touaregs the lions of the sahara have annihilated the rats in ghadames area , resulting to the death of more than 50 of them and the flee of the rest.
Libya: Rebels Create Humanitarian Disaster, Then Blame it on Qaddafi,_Then_Blame_it_on_Qaddafi/15842/0/38/38/Y/M.html
28/sept/11 NATO Mercenary commander Mohammed Nabbous was one of the two commanders who was killed in the failed Sirte assault, a devastating loss for NATO and its forces.
Sirte is fully under the Jamahariya Government's control, multiple attempts to enter the city from the East ended up in devastating defeat. NATO up until now has only been victorious in terrorizing the town, and killing thousands of civilians.
28/sept/11 New reports exposed the truth regarding the Sirte assault, a failed assault which caused hundreds of NATO mercenaries to get entrapped within the town. Some fighters who managed to flee the front lines went to their commanders and begged for support, because many had been trapped and being killed as we speak. This was also reported by NATO propaganda machine which usually hides the truth regarding NATO failures.
The Libyan Jamahariya government has expressed its willingness to forgive anyone who lay down arms and go home, just like the forces outside Bani Walid who laid down their arms and went home. They expressed their Islamic belief of forgiveness, but stated clearly that forgiveness does not mean that Libyans will forget.
At least two Mercenary commanders have been killed in the failed assault of Sirte and hundreds of Mercenaries killed in the process.
All assault from the West of Sirte has been quelled due to the Tarhuna tribe, NATO continues its assault from the East, but continually retreat due to heavy losses.
At the moment there is no update regarding Sirte port, no new information has been provided regarding NATO Special Ops who took position in Sirte port to open the way for a sea invasion.
28/sept/11 Previously NATO Mercenaries tried to flee Ghadames and set up base in Tunisia, but fighting soon broke out between the Tunisian Defence forces and NATO Mercenaries therefore were forced to flee back inside Libya. NATO forces were trying to flee towards the East of Ghadames to regroup, that is when Libyan Defence forces attacked their route and killed at least 50 and injured unknown numbers according to sources in Southern Libya.
Ghadames is an important town because it border both Tunisia and Algeria, an important town for guerilla warfare.
28/sept/11 NATO Mercenaries were in brink of quitting the fight in Sabha, after receiving heavy casualties in a trap. NATO decided to give 16 million of Libyan stolen money as payment for the Mercenaries to continue the fight.
Sabha is still liberated, Green flags flying throughout the town according to sources in Souther Libya, and NATO Mercenaries still ducking outside the town under the umbrella of NATO.
This is evidence that these fighters are nothing but Mercenaries, fighting for money and WAR bounties, as reported before, when NATO helps them enter a town, they steal women's jewellery, rape the women and children, and get drunk and high shooting animals and random targets.
27/sept/11 According to new reports NATO Special Ops have taken position in Sirte port in a mission to allow foreign Mercenaries to be dropped off the coast. Since the Western supply routes are disrupted and cut off by the Tarhuna Tribe, NATO decided to attack from the East which failed and now in its last desperate attempt, trying to attack from the sea using foreign Mercenaries.
Fighting continues with NATO Special Ops around the port, whether NATO mission will be successful or not is yet to be seen.
After multiple defeats, NATO began a brutal and genocidal bombing of Sirte in order to terrorize its people in to submission, but the people continue the resistance. Hundreds of innocent people have been reported dead in the town, but the world bodies have been predominantly silent, waiting to leach Libyan oil.
Rape was just one of many brutal tools used by NATO mercenaries to silence Libyans, and force them in to submission. Many brutal cases emerged, but no organization condemned such atrocities, nor promised to hold NATO responsible for the atrocities.
Cases after cases of brutal and merciless rapes in the hands of NATO mercenaries came forward, but the media completely silent.
Instead the media with International organizations fabricated stories about the Libyan Government using rape as a weapon of war, which was quickly sent to rubbish as a fabricated lie.
Libya: Rebels Create Humanitarian Disaster, Then Blame it on Qaddafi
28/sept/11 NATO Mercenary commander Mohammed Nabbous was one of the two commanders who was killed in the failed Sirte assault, a devastating loss for NATO and its forces.
Sirte is fully under the Jamahariya Government's control, multiple attempts to enter the city from the East ended up in devastating defeat. NATO up until now has only been victorious in terrorizing the town, and killing thousands of civilians.
28/sept/11 New reports exposed the truth regarding the Sirte assault, a failed assault which caused hundreds of NATO mercenaries to get entrapped within the town. Some fighters who managed to flee the front lines went to their commanders and begged for support, because many had been trapped and being killed as we speak. This was also reported by NATO propaganda machine which usually hides the truth regarding NATO failures.
The Libyan Jamahariya government has expressed its willingness to forgive anyone who lay down arms and go home, just like the forces outside Bani Walid who laid down their arms and went home. They expressed their Islamic belief of forgiveness, but stated clearly that forgiveness does not mean that Libyans will forget.
At least two Mercenary commanders have been killed in the failed assault of Sirte and hundreds of Mercenaries killed in the process.
All assault from the West of Sirte has been quelled due to the Tarhuna tribe, NATO continues its assault from the East, but continually retreat due to heavy losses.
At the moment there is no update regarding Sirte port, no new information has been provided regarding NATO Special Ops who took position in Sirte port to open the way for a sea invasion.
28/sept/11 Previously NATO Mercenaries tried to flee Ghadames and set up base in Tunisia, but fighting soon broke out between the Tunisian Defence forces and NATO Mercenaries therefore were forced to flee back inside Libya. NATO forces were trying to flee towards the East of Ghadames to regroup, that is when Libyan Defence forces attacked their route and killed at least 50 and injured unknown numbers according to sources in Southern Libya.
Ghadames is an important town because it border both Tunisia and Algeria, an important town for guerilla warfare.
28/sept/11 NATO Mercenaries were in brink of quitting the fight in Sabha, after receiving heavy casualties in a trap. NATO decided to give 16 million of Libyan stolen money as payment for the Mercenaries to continue the fight.
Sabha is still liberated, Green flags flying throughout the town according to sources in Souther Libya, and NATO Mercenaries still ducking outside the town under the umbrella of NATO.
This is evidence that these fighters are nothing but Mercenaries, fighting for money and WAR bounties, as reported before, when NATO helps them enter a town, they steal women's jewellery, rape the women and children, and get drunk and high shooting animals and random targets.
27/sept/11 According to new reports NATO Special Ops have taken position in Sirte port in a mission to allow foreign Mercenaries to be dropped off the coast. Since the Western supply routes are disrupted and cut off by the Tarhuna Tribe, NATO decided to attack from the East which failed and now in its last desperate attempt, trying to attack from the sea using foreign Mercenaries.
Fighting continues with NATO Special Ops around the port, whether NATO mission will be successful or not is yet to be seen.
After multiple defeats, NATO began a brutal and genocidal bombing of Sirte in order to terrorize its people in to submission, but the people continue the resistance. Hundreds of innocent people have been reported dead in the town, but the world bodies have been predominantly silent, waiting to leach Libyan oil.
Rape was just one of many brutal tools used by NATO mercenaries to silence Libyans, and force them in to submission. Many brutal cases emerged, but no organization condemned such atrocities, nor promised to hold NATO responsible for the atrocities.
Cases after cases of brutal and merciless rapes in the hands of NATO mercenaries came forward, but the media completely silent.
Instead the media with International organizations fabricated stories about the Libyan Government using rape as a weapon of war, which was quickly sent to rubbish as a fabricated lie.
Libyan Rebels Press Toward Sirte in Hunt for Gadhafi, Sons
Libyan rebel forces pressed again for control of Moammar Gadhafi's hometown of Sirte, which is still held by Gadhafi loyalists. Neil Connery of International Television News reports.
LIBYAN ARMY CONTRATTACKING near Ben-Walid Misrata NATO Rebels commander killed during attack on Sirte, NATO Crimes In Libya
Libya: Rebels Create Humanitarian Disaster, Then Blame it on Qaddafi,_Then_Blame_it_on_Qaddafi/15842/0/38/38/Y/M.html
28/sept/11 NATO Mercenary commander Mohammed Nabbous was one of the two commanders who was killed in the failed Sirte assault, a devastating loss for NATO and its forces.
Sirte is fully under the Jamahariya Government's control, multiple attempts to enter the city from the East ended up in devastating defeat. NATO up until now has only been victorious in terrorizing the town, and killing thousands of civilians.
28/sept/11 New reports exposed the truth regarding the Sirte assault, a failed assault which caused hundreds of NATO mercenaries to get entrapped within the town. Some fighters who managed to flee the front lines went to their commanders and begged for support, because many had been trapped and being killed as we speak. This was also reported by NATO propaganda machine which usually hides the truth regarding NATO failures.
The Libyan Jamahariya government has expressed its willingness to forgive anyone who lay down arms and go home, just like the forces outside Bani Walid who laid down their arms and went home. They expressed their Islamic belief of forgiveness, but stated clearly that forgiveness does not mean that Libyans will forget.
At least two Mercenary commanders have been killed in the failed assault of Sirte and hundreds of Mercenaries killed in the process.
All assault from the West of Sirte has been quelled due to the Tarhuna tribe, NATO continues its assault from the East, but continually retreat due to heavy losses.
At the moment there is no update regarding Sirte port, no new information has been provided regarding NATO Special Ops who took position in Sirte port to open the way for a sea invasion.
28/sept/11 Previously NATO Mercenaries tried to flee Ghadames and set up base in Tunisia, but fighting soon broke out between the Tunisian Defence forces and NATO Mercenaries therefore were forced to flee back inside Libya. NATO forces were trying to flee towards the East of Ghadames to regroup, that is when Libyan Defence forces attacked their route and killed at least 50 and injured unknown numbers according to sources in Southern Libya.
Ghadames is an important town because it border both Tunisia and Algeria, an important town for guerilla warfare.
28/sept/11 NATO Mercenaries were in brink of quitting the fight in Sabha, after receiving heavy casualties in a trap. NATO decided to give 16 million of Libyan stolen money as payment for the Mercenaries to continue the fight.
Sabha is still liberated, Green flags flying throughout the town according to sources in Souther Libya, and NATO Mercenaries still ducking outside the town under the umbrella of NATO.
This is evidence that these fighters are nothing but Mercenaries, fighting for money and WAR bounties, as reported before, when NATO helps them enter a town, they steal women's jewellery, rape the women and children, and get drunk and high shooting animals and random targets.
27/sept/11 According to new reports NATO Special Ops have taken position in Sirte port in a mission to allow foreign Mercenaries to be dropped off the coast. Since the Western supply routes are disrupted and cut off by the Tarhuna Tribe, NATO decided to attack from the East which failed and now in its last desperate attempt, trying to attack from the sea using foreign Mercenaries.
Fighting continues with NATO Special Ops around the port, whether NATO mission will be successful or not is yet to be seen.
After multiple defeats, NATO began a brutal and genocidal bombing of Sirte in order to terrorize its people in to submission, but the people continue the resistance. Hundreds of innocent people have been reported dead in the town, but the world bodies have been predominantly silent, waiting to leach Libyan oil.
Rape was just one of many brutal tools used by NATO mercenaries to silence Libyans, and force them in to submission. Many brutal cases emerged, but no organization condemned such atrocities, nor promised to hold NATO responsible for the atrocities.
Cases after cases of brutal and merciless rapes in the hands of NATO mercenaries came forward, but the media completely silent.
Instead the media with International organizations fabricated stories about the Libyan Government using rape as a weapon of war, which was quickly sent to rubbish as a fabricated lie.
The media has finally decided to show a glimpse of NATO terrorism in Libya, this video shows some of the victims of NATO mercenaries, rape was definitely one of the tools of oppression used by NATO.
28/sept/11 NATO Mercenary commander Mohammed Nabbous was one of the two commanders who was killed in the failed Sirte assault, a devastating loss for NATO and its forces.
Sirte is fully under the Jamahariya Government's control, multiple attempts to enter the city from the East ended up in devastating defeat. NATO up until now has only been victorious in terrorizing the town, and killing thousands of civilians.
28/sept/11 New reports exposed the truth regarding the Sirte assault, a failed assault which caused hundreds of NATO mercenaries to get entrapped within the town. Some fighters who managed to flee the front lines went to their commanders and begged for support, because many had been trapped and being killed as we speak. This was also reported by NATO propaganda machine which usually hides the truth regarding NATO failures.
The Libyan Jamahariya government has expressed its willingness to forgive anyone who lay down arms and go home, just like the forces outside Bani Walid who laid down their arms and went home. They expressed their Islamic belief of forgiveness, but stated clearly that forgiveness does not mean that Libyans will forget.
At least two Mercenary commanders have been killed in the failed assault of Sirte and hundreds of Mercenaries killed in the process.
All assault from the West of Sirte has been quelled due to the Tarhuna tribe, NATO continues its assault from the East, but continually retreat due to heavy losses.
At the moment there is no update regarding Sirte port, no new information has been provided regarding NATO Special Ops who took position in Sirte port to open the way for a sea invasion.
28/sept/11 Previously NATO Mercenaries tried to flee Ghadames and set up base in Tunisia, but fighting soon broke out between the Tunisian Defence forces and NATO Mercenaries therefore were forced to flee back inside Libya. NATO forces were trying to flee towards the East of Ghadames to regroup, that is when Libyan Defence forces attacked their route and killed at least 50 and injured unknown numbers according to sources in Southern Libya.
Ghadames is an important town because it border both Tunisia and Algeria, an important town for guerilla warfare.
28/sept/11 NATO Mercenaries were in brink of quitting the fight in Sabha, after receiving heavy casualties in a trap. NATO decided to give 16 million of Libyan stolen money as payment for the Mercenaries to continue the fight.
Sabha is still liberated, Green flags flying throughout the town according to sources in Souther Libya, and NATO Mercenaries still ducking outside the town under the umbrella of NATO.
This is evidence that these fighters are nothing but Mercenaries, fighting for money and WAR bounties, as reported before, when NATO helps them enter a town, they steal women's jewellery, rape the women and children, and get drunk and high shooting animals and random targets.
27/sept/11 According to new reports NATO Special Ops have taken position in Sirte port in a mission to allow foreign Mercenaries to be dropped off the coast. Since the Western supply routes are disrupted and cut off by the Tarhuna Tribe, NATO decided to attack from the East which failed and now in its last desperate attempt, trying to attack from the sea using foreign Mercenaries.
Fighting continues with NATO Special Ops around the port, whether NATO mission will be successful or not is yet to be seen.
After multiple defeats, NATO began a brutal and genocidal bombing of Sirte in order to terrorize its people in to submission, but the people continue the resistance. Hundreds of innocent people have been reported dead in the town, but the world bodies have been predominantly silent, waiting to leach Libyan oil.
Rape was just one of many brutal tools used by NATO mercenaries to silence Libyans, and force them in to submission. Many brutal cases emerged, but no organization condemned such atrocities, nor promised to hold NATO responsible for the atrocities.
Cases after cases of brutal and merciless rapes in the hands of NATO mercenaries came forward, but the media completely silent.
Instead the media with International organizations fabricated stories about the Libyan Government using rape as a weapon of war, which was quickly sent to rubbish as a fabricated lie.
The media has finally decided to show a glimpse of NATO terrorism in Libya, this video shows some of the victims of NATO mercenaries, rape was definitely one of the tools of oppression used by NATO.
Libyan fighters 'capture Sirte airport'
Fighters supporting Libya's National Transitional Council say they they are now in control of the airport in Sirte, Muammar Gaddafi's hometown.
The city is one of the last battlegrounds in the NTC's push to take over the country.
Sirte is Gaddafi's birthplace, and has been a stronghold for him throughout the seven months of conflict in Libya.
Al Jazeera Zeina Khodr reports Sirte, Libya.
The city is one of the last battlegrounds in the NTC's push to take over the country.
Sirte is Gaddafi's birthplace, and has been a stronghold for him throughout the seven months of conflict in Libya.
Al Jazeera Zeina Khodr reports Sirte, Libya.
Video vlog of my opinion and PREDICTION : ISRAEL TO STRIKE IRAN IN DAYS ?
Iran begins large-scale production of new cruise missile
Iran's growing arsenal raises concerns its missiles could hit targets in the region such as Israel and U.S. military bases in the Gulf.
On Tuesday, the French envoy to the UN warned Iran on that it risks a military strike if it continues to develop its nuclear program. Ambassador Gerard Araud said in New York that "If we don't succeed today to reach a negotiation with the Iranians, there is a strong risk of military action," AFP reported.
The strike, he said, "would be a very complicated operation. It would have disastrous consequences in the region... all the Arab countries are extremely worried about what is happening."
Iranian navy plans 'powerful presence' off U.S. coast, claims state-run news agency
Ships equipped with cruise missiles, defence minister claims
Read more:
Iran begins large-scale production of new cruise missile
Iran's growing arsenal raises concerns its missiles could hit targets in the region such as Israel and U.S. military bases in the Gulf.
On Tuesday, the French envoy to the UN warned Iran on that it risks a military strike if it continues to develop its nuclear program. Ambassador Gerard Araud said in New York that "If we don't succeed today to reach a negotiation with the Iranians, there is a strong risk of military action," AFP reported.
The strike, he said, "would be a very complicated operation. It would have disastrous consequences in the region... all the Arab countries are extremely worried about what is happening."
Iranian navy plans 'powerful presence' off U.S. coast, claims state-run news agency
Ships equipped with cruise missiles, defence minister claims
Read more:
Iran Military day parade 2011
Iran's Armed Forces hold a major military parade to mark the 31st anniversary of eight years of defense against Iraq's invasion of Iran under executed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, Press TV reports.
The ceremony opening the 'Sacred Defense Week' started on Thursday morning at the mausoleum of the founder of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, in southern Tehran, a Press TV correspondent reported.
Major divisions from the country's Armed Forces, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) and the Basij voluntary force have taken part in the event.
Iran's latest achievements in defense and military hardware, including Shahab missiles, Zolfaqar tanks, Shahin drones and electronic warfare equipment are also showcased during the ceremony.
Simultaneous parades are also held in other cities nationwide.
Armed Forces Joint Chief of Staff Major General Hassan Firouzabadi delivered a speech at the ceremony.
Among other high-ranking Iranian military officials present at the ceremony are Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi and Iranian Army Commander Major Ataollah Salehi.
Iraq's executed dictator Saddam Hussein invaded Iran on September 22, 1980 in a war that dragged on for eight years.
The Sacred Defense Week commemorates the braveries of Iranian soldiers who fought in the 1980-1988 Iraqi-imposed war and defended their country from enemy aggressions.
The ceremony opening the 'Sacred Defense Week' started on Thursday morning at the mausoleum of the founder of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, in southern Tehran, a Press TV correspondent reported.
Major divisions from the country's Armed Forces, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) and the Basij voluntary force have taken part in the event.
Iran's latest achievements in defense and military hardware, including Shahab missiles, Zolfaqar tanks, Shahin drones and electronic warfare equipment are also showcased during the ceremony.
Simultaneous parades are also held in other cities nationwide.
Armed Forces Joint Chief of Staff Major General Hassan Firouzabadi delivered a speech at the ceremony.
Among other high-ranking Iranian military officials present at the ceremony are Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi and Iranian Army Commander Major Ataollah Salehi.
Iraq's executed dictator Saddam Hussein invaded Iran on September 22, 1980 in a war that dragged on for eight years.
The Sacred Defense Week commemorates the braveries of Iranian soldiers who fought in the 1980-1988 Iraqi-imposed war and defended their country from enemy aggressions.
Iran mass-produces Qader cruise missile
Iran has launched a mass-production line of the domestically-built Qader marine cruise missile to supply the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) naval forces and the country's Navy.
USA stay away!
USA, these missiles will be launched on your radar and launchers if you put your missile defense system near Russia's borders.
Kucing Bermuka Dua Ini Cetak Rekor Baru
Jakarta, –
Frank dan Louie memang spesial. Hewan itu kini bergelar sebagai kucing berwajah dua yang tertua di dunia.
Menurut kantor berita Reuters, kucing yang juga punya dua mulut, dua hidung, dan tiga mata, namun hanya punya satu otak ini telah berusia 12 tahun. Pencapaian Frank dan Louie diakui oleh lembaga pencatat rekor terkemuka dunia, Guinness World Records.
“Mereka adalah kucing Janus yang paling lama hidup,” kata juru bicara Guinness World Records, Sara Wilcox, Selasa kemarin. Diperkenalkan oleh Dr. Karl Shuker, Janus merupakan penggolongan bagi kucing yang memiliki kelainan genetik.
Menurut Wilcox, Frank dan Louie ini akan masuk dalam buku rekor edisi 2012. Kucing itu lahir pada 9 September 1999 dan dipelihara oleh Marty, warga AS yang tinggal di dekat Kota Worcester, negara bagian Massachusetts.
Bagi Marty, kucing Janus itu tergolong luar biasa karena bisa hidup begitu lama. “Biasanya, kucing dengan kondisi seperti itu hanya bertahan hidup antara satu hingga empat hari,” kata Marty. “Saat kucing itu lahir, setiap hari adalah berkat,” lanjut Marty.
Kepada stasiun radio setempat, Marty mengatakan bahwa kucing Janus itu malah berkelakuan seperti anjing. “Kalau jalan-jalan, kucing itu dipandu dengan tali kekang dan dia senang diajak berkendara pakai mobil,” kata Marty.
Frank dan Louie memang spesial. Hewan itu kini bergelar sebagai kucing berwajah dua yang tertua di dunia.
Menurut kantor berita Reuters, kucing yang juga punya dua mulut, dua hidung, dan tiga mata, namun hanya punya satu otak ini telah berusia 12 tahun. Pencapaian Frank dan Louie diakui oleh lembaga pencatat rekor terkemuka dunia, Guinness World Records.
“Mereka adalah kucing Janus yang paling lama hidup,” kata juru bicara Guinness World Records, Sara Wilcox, Selasa kemarin. Diperkenalkan oleh Dr. Karl Shuker, Janus merupakan penggolongan bagi kucing yang memiliki kelainan genetik.
Menurut Wilcox, Frank dan Louie ini akan masuk dalam buku rekor edisi 2012. Kucing itu lahir pada 9 September 1999 dan dipelihara oleh Marty, warga AS yang tinggal di dekat Kota Worcester, negara bagian Massachusetts.
Bagi Marty, kucing Janus itu tergolong luar biasa karena bisa hidup begitu lama. “Biasanya, kucing dengan kondisi seperti itu hanya bertahan hidup antara satu hingga empat hari,” kata Marty. “Saat kucing itu lahir, setiap hari adalah berkat,” lanjut Marty.
Kepada stasiun radio setempat, Marty mengatakan bahwa kucing Janus itu malah berkelakuan seperti anjing. “Kalau jalan-jalan, kucing itu dipandu dengan tali kekang dan dia senang diajak berkendara pakai mobil,” kata Marty.
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