Thursday, August 30, 2012

18+ Syria Freedom Fighters Stop Dictator Assad Rocket Battalion Attacks ...

18+ Syria Freedom Fighters Stop Assad Armed Shabiha Terror Gang That Was...

Iran's Six Major Defense Achievements

by PressTVGlobalNews

On 21 August 2012 Iran unveiled six new major defense achievements on the national defense industry day in the presences of the President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Defense minister general brigadier Ahmad Vahidi and minister of Communication and Information Technology Reza Taghipour were also present at the ceremony.

Each officials lauding the successes and stressing that Iran is a peace-loving nation and has the capability and the preparedness to fend for itself in the event of a strike by its sworn enemies.

In recent years Iran has obtained self-sufficiency in producing essential military equipments and systems. Iran's defense industry has been able to produce 1436 different products to be used by the air force, navy and the ground forces.

This edition of the show takes a look at Iran's defense industry achievements and why they have become so important and strategic.

Watch this video on our Website:

Kepler Space Telescope Discovers Tatooine-Like Twin Star/Twin Planet System

by slatester


Star Wars fans rejoice, a Tatooine-like planet has been discovered.

NASA's Kepler space telescope has discovered a binary—or a planet revolving around a pair of stars —nearly 5,000 light years away. Tatooine, the iconic home planet of Luke and Anakin Skywalker in the Star Wars series, is also binary revolving around two stars, Tatoo I and Tattoo II.
This real life binary however also involves two planets, Kepler-47b, which completes its orbit around the two stars in 49 days, and an outer planet Kepler-47c, which finishes its orbit in 303 days. The latter planet is in the habitable zone, meaning it could have liquid water, but remains gaseous and not suitable for life (unless you count C-3P0).

Now, all we need is a video reaction from a blessed-out Star Wars fan ..."double binary ... all the way!"

UFO Sightings UFOs Over Football Stadium HD VIDEO! August 29 2012 Watch ...

by thirdphaseofmoon

UFO Sightings UFOs Over Football Stadium HD VIDEO! August 29 2012 Watch Now! New Footage Just into Thirdphaseofmoon! If you have captured anything Amazing regarding UFOs contact Thirdphaseofmoon Via Skype!