Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Media Lies About Libya and Gaddafi! Aug.28-11 (Removed from YouTube Fraudulently)

Everything you're being told on mainstream media, whether it's the NY Times, FOX, BBC, or CNN, it's all lies. If you want the truth, I'd suggest the work of Thierry Meyssen, Russia Today, Global Research TV, The Corbett Report, and similar independant programs.

Also any interviews with Susan Lindauer, who was a CIA liason to Libya for many years and is the cousin of Bush chief of staff, Andy Card. She tried to bring to attention proof in the months before the attack on Iraq, that all the claims being made about Saddam Hussein and ties to Al Qaeda, as well as WMD's, were all lies and easily proven. She was 100% censored, lost her job, and then they committed her to an institution! Her story is incredible.

Now she's been doing interviews the past 6 months, mainly online independant programs. She's done many interviews with many different shows so it's obvious she really wants to get the truth out. If only 10% of Americans had 1//2 the bravery and conviction of Susan Lindauer, America would be fine. Considering what she's already been through and the amount of time and effort she spent working with both Iraqi's and Libyan's, only to be locked up and medicated against her will. Now she got to watch it all over again with Libya, but this time from outside of government.

It really shocks me that people who say they are against war, suddenly are not bothering to stop war now that a Democrat is the president. People hated Bush that much! I was one of those guys. Now I'm starting to see more clearly and it's obvious that George W. Bush, like Reagan before him, was a real puppet president. In other words, like with Reagan when he was sent a message 33 days into his presidency with the "assassination attempt" by Bush family friend, Scott Hinckley, in 1981. With Bush Jr. though, it was Dick "Darth Vader" Cheney who was the real president. Look how he took over everything before and during 9-11!

This whole thing with Libya has nothing to do with "protecting civilians". The whole country of Libya has 10x less people in prisons than just the state of California here in America! America has over 3.1 million locked up of which 70% are for non-violent drug charges. All of Libya has barely a 100,000. Gas is .14. Every married couple gets a house for free as a gift, along with "starting money" if you can believe that. They also have free medical, schooling all the way through university. Libya had the highest standard of living in Africa, even surpassing South Africa. And things were only looking better. Gaddafi kept Libya out of debt which is unheard of in this day and age. IMHO, it was this fact that he was a successful ruler with 90% approval who didn''t owe the international jewry banks a penny. Libya had their own bank which is perfectly legal. But when gangsters have been allowed into politics by the ridiculous scam of "lobbying", after a steady few decades, you end up having a bunch of criminals who are blackmailed and will do whatever you tell them to do. That's America's problem and that''s why Libya was attacked illegally. The lunatics are running the asylum. The only problem is, the only 3 country rulers I trust are Chavez who almost died of cancer recently(probably some CIA biotech weapon), Ahmandinejad, who can' never get a fair shake since he's the most intelligent and logical speaker and if the media doesn't consistently lie and make him out to be Hitler, too many westerners might learn the truth. The same goes for Gaddafi, especially after his 2009 UN speech which no one listened to unfortunately(GO AND LISTEN TO IT!

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