Friday, October 7, 2011

Islamic Terrorist Arrested in Canada Who Killed American Troops

There needs to be a mass deportation of any Muslim who utters the word Jihad against Israel, America, Canadian, Western troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Don't need those Islamic terrorist supporters living here. I imagine the Imam of the local Mosque there in will say the madman was a good guy, taught the Koran classes for the kids.

RCMP in Edmonton, Alberta say they have arrested a Canadian citizen accused in the United States of supporting a terror group in Iraq that killed five American soldiers.
The charges relate to a bombing, a Tunisian drove a vehicle into a U.S. military's forwarding operating base Marez in Mosul, Iraq on April 10, 2009.
Faruq Khalil Muhammad 'Isa, 38, who also goes by the aliases "Faruk Khalil Muhammad 'Isa', Sayfildin Tahir Sharif will remain in Canadian custody while officials await an extradition request from U.S. authorities.
" being detained pending his court hearing. There will be an extradition request filed by U.S. authorities to have him tried in the U.S.," said RCMP spokesperson Doris Stapleton.
Stapleton says Sharif was detained on a request from the FBI.
He faces charges in the U.S. of supporting a multinational terrorist network, which officials believe orchestrated suicide bombings near a military base in Mosul that killed the soldiers in April 2009.
U.S. officials also accuse the group of carrying out another suicide bombing in March of that same year at a police station in which seven Iraqis died.
The charges against Sharif stem from evidence obtained via wiretaps and search warrants authorized by Canadian courts, the U.S. Justice Department said.
In a statement, Public Safety Minister Vic Toews praised the work of the Mounties, and said it's shared security concerns that propel Canadian authorities to work with their U.S. counterparts on such cases.
"The government of Canada remains unwavering in its commitment to protect Canadians and support the global fight against terrorism," Toews said.
"That is why Canada works very closely with international partners, including the United States, to combat terrorism and its perpetrators."
There needs to be a mass deportation of any Muslim asses who utters the word Jihad against Israel, America, Canadian, Western troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Don't need those Islamic terrorist supporters living here. I imagine the Imam of the local Mosque there in will say the madman was a good guy, taught the Koran classes for the kids. Prime Minister Stephen Harper was just talking about the Death Penalty, well here's a good case.

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