Friday, March 9, 2012

BBC: 'Fears of Disruption as Solar Storm Strikes the Earth' - March 8, 2012 "Prof Cally from Monash University in Australia explains what will happen when the solar storm hits

The Earth is being battered by a storm of charged particles from the Sun, which could disrupt power grids, satellite navigation and plane routes.

This solar storm is the largest in five years - and will bombard the Earth's magnetic field throughout Thursday.

It was triggered by a pair of strong solar flares earlier this week.

The storm was predicted to peak in the afternoon UK time, but experts warn that the Sun's surface is still active and could trigger further storms.

Activity near the Sun's surface rises and falls through an 11-year cycle that is due to peak in 2013 or 2014.

Some solar flares result in what is known as a coronal mass ejection (CME) - the launch of a huge bubble of charged particles hurtling toward the Earth at speeds up to millions of kilometres per hour.

As the Sun's activity has risen in recent months, more such CMEs have occurred."
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