Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Solar UFO Collects Plasma Then Engage's Warp 2012 HD

 Some have suggested that this object is a plasma ball or natural phenomena that is quite common during solar storms etc. In this video you can see the object is in rotation with the suns orbit, as the object comes into view you can quite easily see that it is not a natural plasma sphere or solar gas, it is a solid and defined object. We can also see a flash, possibly a sun flare then the object is seen to detach itself from orbit, and seems to accelerate at warp speed considering its size, away from the sun. We can also see a smaller object come into view just after the sphere speeds away, is it an image artefact, glitch, or is it another UFO, if it is then its bigger than planet Earth. What's going on guys, any info, insight would be appreciated.

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