Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Execution Of 2 Prisoners Hands Bound Eyes Blindfolded By 'Free Syrian Army'- Aftermath

In yesterday's session of the UK parliament, William Hague the Foreign Secretary confirmed that the UK is coordinating and teaching so called 'activists' the techniques of how to document 'crimes' of the Syrian government. This explanation goes a long way to explaining the surge of online videos often with 'activists' randomly walking into storage facitilites for dead bodies and randomly accusing the government for every dead body without a clue about the facts.

It has long been obvious that the wave of terrorist activity has a base through online incitement coordinated by foreign powers, but today the foreign powers are moving to the unsanctioned intervention phase after sowing the seeds of instability and have to sell their story, which is presumably the reason for them making these facts now known openly.

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