Thursday, June 14, 2012

Terrorists Aim Wrong Rockets Towards Damascus Residential Area Promising To Fire Them- June 12th 2012

Terrorists claiming to be from 'Free Syrian Army' aiming rockets towards residential areas of Damascus. They start by showing a radar, then in the distance rockets mounted on vehicles, then members of a captured army unit who were responsible for the rockets, then more fixed rockets. They say that these SAMs are aimed towards the President's palace in Damascus. The missiles are not designed for that purpose and the palace is located in a residential city, and if launched this will cause carnage and death of civilians. They promise to launch them, and say that this is the final warning.

It is interesting that the speaker says they are aiming 'towards' اتجاه the palace. They cannot strike with accuracy the palace itself. It is also interesting that several videos have appeared by the 'Free Syrian Army' claiming the government is on the brink of firing SAMs, which would appear to be misinformation prior to an anticipated attack on civilian areas.

The terrorists justify the inevitable killing of civilians by saying this is in response to the Houla and Al-Qubair massacres. It is unclear who conducted these massacres. False testimonies and fabrications abound, but they are worth their weight in propaganda to cause more death: Graphic- Dead Children Laid Out After Terrorist Rampage Of Al-Qubair, Syria- June 6th 2012 Graphic- Children Of Houla Massacre- Shot And Throats Cut Wearing Syrian National Flags

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