Sunday, July 15, 2012

Free Syrian Army' Takes Out Brain Of Victim Of Terrorist IED- Before And After **Warning Graphic

Only in 'Free Syria', what happened next when one of the 'Free Syrian Army' IEDs explodes in obscure circumstances killing at least three people. It is believed they were carrying the explosive when it exploded prematurely. The area is in Hama, Kiramah district, which is a 'Free Syrian Army' stronghold without a presence of Syrian government security. July 14th 2012.

Video 1: the man in blue is moving his arm, the cameraman states that he is taking his last breathes before dying (literally saying, his last breathes as his soul departs). This is the BEFORE video.

Video 2: the same man wearing blue, with the same water bottle beside him, and same bike, this time he is dead, being manhandled, and with his brain on the ground. This is the AFTER video. People are not chickens, when the brain comes out, they don't move their arms, so in video 1 his brain must have been in his head.

Video 3: the general scene, showing a third dead/dying person in addition to the two in the previous videos. The cameraman states that an IED exploded انفجار عبوة ناسفة. 

By: C-A-T-000p

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