Monday, October 22, 2012

Ghost Caught On Video At High School

by above science

Surveillance video taken early in the morning at Asheville High School shows something strange.
School officials aren't sure what it is, but some are saying it's some type of ghost or apparition, caught on tape.
The video clearly shows something moving about in the school's rotunda.
"Basically we've had a lot of people look at it," said City Schools spokesman, Charlie Glazener. "Word spread and the term ghost has been thrown around but that's really not what we think it is, but it's not explainable. Bottom line is, it's not explainable. We think it's interesting; we don't think Asheville High school is haunted and we don't want parents or students to be alarmed.
But a local expert in the paranormal says she's not ruling out anything.
"That definitely is paranormal activity," said Beth Strickland. "You can definitely rule out lighting there because you can see the movement and the shadow and the mist and it definitely came to form."
It's just the latest ghost story in a town know for its apparitions.

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