Thursday, June 30, 2011

The X-Conference: UFOs Inside the Shadow Government - Daniel Sheehan, JD

Daniel Sheehan, JD is a graduate of Harvard Law School, and a Professor of World Politics at the University of California.  Mr. Sheehan has a long and distinguished history in public service. He co-founded of the Christic Institute which was directly responsible for investigating the unconstitutional conduct of George Bush, along with senior and numerous members of his administration in the Iran/Contra scandal during the 1980s. 

In 1994 Dan defended Dr. John Mack before a review panel of the Harvard Medical School in the wake of Mack's book Abduction: Human Encounters With Aliens.  This was not his first, nor his last, encounter with the important issue of extraterrestrial-related phenomena.  In 1977, while general counsel to the United States Jesuit Office of Social Ministry in Washington, DC., he served as a special consultant to the United States Library of Congress Congressional Research Office Project on Extraterrestrial Intelligence ordered by President Jimmy Carter. In this capacity, he was given access not only to the classified portions of the United States Air Force's infamous "Project Blue Book" files but to the confidential report prepared for the Science & Technology Committee of the United States Congress by the Library of Congress Congressional Research Office pursuant to this Presidential assignment.  What he saw changed his life.

"During my thirty years in the field of public interest law and public policy, I have supervised professional investigations into the illegal smuggling of weapons-grade plutonium, the illegal supply of arms to terrorist organizations by covert operations and government agents, and into ultra-"black" weapons programs unknown even to the most trusted congressional officials.  I have come to believe that keeping weapons out of interplanetary space is the most important contribution we can make to the future of this planet.  The time to begin this task is now."

The X-Conference is pleased to welcome Legal Activist and Professor of World Politics - Daniel Sheehan, JD

The X-Conference is produced by X-PPAC (Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee) and The Paradigm Research Group, who's mission is to educate Congress, the Press and the Public about the Government imposed "Truth Embargo" and to bring about formal acknowledgment by the U. S. Government of an Extraterrestrial presence engaging the Human Race - Full Disclosure. UFOTV is pleased to present all of the presentations that were given by all the invited speakers at each of the X-Conference events over the years.

We apologize for the commercials during this online presentation. As stated on our main channel page, the advertising revenue from this program helps to cover the heavy production costs of putting on the yearly X-Conference event.

DVDs from this historic and ongoing X-Conference event are available from UFOTV: Go to Keyword - "X-Conference"

The X-Conference: UFOs Inside the Shadow Government - Daniel Sheehan, JD

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