Sunday, December 11, 2011

Amazing huge cloaked UFO next to Mercury!!! pt. 2

"When Venus will be covered by the Sun, Under the splendor will be a hidden form: Mercury will have exposed them to the fire, By a rumor of war will be affronted. During a time when the sun is between the Earth and Venus (Venus will be hidden from our view on Earth). There will be a visitation from the aliens, they will approach from behind Venus so they will be temporarily hidden from us by the Sun. Astronomers will notice this UFO, as the UFO comes closer it gives the scientists chance to study it, concluding that there indeed are other intelligence's in the Universe. This 'proof' of alien beings will cause much unrest in the world, especially between the fundamentalist groups who cannot except the reality of other life forms without seriously reevaluating their own religious beliefs."

Here is an awesome channel for radiation updates concerning Fukushima, check her out:
ichicax4 on you tube

Know your rights. We may not have them any longer...Here is the s. 1867 military authorization bill:

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